
arraybolt3ice1, ice__: #test00:10
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efernengHey guys, I just started using Ubuntu moving from Windows and I liked so far. However there is one issue, unlike windows the CAPS LOCK button doesn't affect the numbers row so if I want to type a number I have to press shift. Is there anyway I can change this behavior. My keboard is AZERTY and the layout is French by the way.00:38
ice2#include <stdio.h>00:41
ice2int impar(int x)00:41
ice2    int i;00:41
ice2    for(i=0;i<=x;i++){00:41
ice2        00:41
ravageeferneng, my guess it that you want one of these options in "Tweaks" https://i.imgur.com/zCdmxP2.png00:47
ravagerelated to shift lock00:47
efernengravage This might be exactly what I am looking for! How can I install this "Tweaks"?00:51
ravageit comes with Ubuntu 22.0400:51
ravagei may be wrong. in that case do "sudo apt install gnome-tweaks"00:52
efernengravage Yeah, I had to install it. And dude, thank you so much it worked!00:56
ravagegreat. you are welcome :)00:56
jhutchinsravage: Wow, good shot.01:53
jhutchinsI blew a job interview because they asked me to use a computer that was set to have a Hungarian keyboard.01:53
johnneehungray rox02:13
johnneehopefully brazil gets it right02:13
johnneegood nite folks, pray people get it right and god prevails. thanks.02:14
rogstrixI can't create a .desktop file for a shell script02:16
rogstrixit launches a gui window02:16
rogstrixwell it doesn't, but it's supposed to02:17
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tomreynrogstrix: please don't cross-post (#linux), or when you do, state so.02:30
vipminskeWhat command sshows which IP you're on?03:02
vipminske 03:03
vipminskeWhat command sshows which IP you're on?03:03
vipminskeiiiiipconfig doesn't work.03:04
vipminskeipconfig doewsn't work.03:04
Bashing-omvipminske: One such ' ip a ' .03:08
vipminskeBashing-on, I didn't understand.03:13
Bashing-omvipminske: Terminal command ' ip a ' to show some of the aspects of the link, What do you need to find out ?03:16
vipminskeI need to find out what ping will show me byes of data.03:19
vipminskeI noticed it depends on which WiFi network I'm on.03:19
Bashing-omvipminske: like ' ip -s link ' ?03:19
vipminskeWith my cat 5 connection ping shows it.03:21
vipminskeI noticed that with the  .ricket Wifi, I got it with ping
Bashing-omvipminske: is your router.03:22
rogstrixHow do I install Node v16.14.2 on Ubuntu (crossposted to #ubuntu and #linux)03:22
vipminskeMy TV cable moden is .03:24
vipminskeWith my Cricket Mobile Wifi (MIFI) it seems to be
vipminskeThat is, ping gives me the bytes of data.03:27
caiofelipessantowth is this??03:31
vipminskeI guess it's the IP that the system seeks.03:33
vipminskeHello diamondbond03:40
diamondbondhey vipminske :)03:42
diamondbondhow are you doing?03:42
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Macwinnerhi, what's the proper way to get postfix 3.6.x installed on Ubuntu 20.04?  Focal has postfix 3.4 by default.  Jammy has 3.6.  We can't upgrade to jammy because mongodb doesn't support it yet.06:01
Macwinnerwe are a little new to ubuntu.. just wanted to see if there is a official/semi-official way of doing this with pre-built packages rather than compiling from source06:01
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gebbionehi folks, i just tried updating terraform on my ubuntu. I had an older version at /usr/local/bin/terraform . I installed the latest version with APT and it sits at /usr/bin/terraform but now if i type terraform i get `bash: /usr/local/bin/terraform: No such file or directory` . Creating a symlink does not sound right06:39
gebbioneany idea where this error might be coming from?06:39
gebbionemy bashrc files does not seem to have anything specific for terraform06:39
WoodenIdol1does the file actually exist in file explorer06:41
gebbionei removed it06:42
matsamangebbione: there was a file at /usr/local/bin/ and you removed it?06:50
gebbioneyes, when installing terraform manually it is downloaded and placed under that location06:54
gebbionenot there is an APT so i just wanted to removed the one installed manually06:54
gebbionesed /not/now/06:58
gebbioneany ideas?07:08
murmelgebbione: do you maybe happen to have an alias or the likes07:11
gebbionei checked bashrc07:11
gebbionei m going to double check around07:12
dob1when you have more than one monitor and you boot the system you have the login window on all the monitors or just one?  I was sure on all the monitor but when I boot today the system it is just on one monitor, maybe I am wrong07:22
murmeldob1: which flavor?07:23
dob1murmel: what you mean?07:24
dob1what I prefer?07:24
murmeldob1: are you on ubuntu proper or some kind of "spin"07:24
murmelas in kubuntu for example07:24
murmelthen it should only ever be on 1 screen07:24
dob1ah just one, ok then so I was wrong07:24
oerhekson the primairy screen only, indeed07:25
dob1ok thanks07:25
gebbioneand it might not be on the one you expect it :)07:28
murmelgebbione: oO?07:31
gebbionemurmel, i have other weird problems with double screen setup, one of them is where the log in is shown, sometimes goes to the other screen07:31
oerheksit might track focus of your mouse07:32
oerheksnot weird at all07:32
murmelgebbione: it really depends on which dm you are using, sddm (used by kde for example) tracks where the mouse is07:33
murmelbut it can also show on all at the same time07:33
gebbioneit is definitely weird when i tries to recover from screen sleep07:34
gebbioneie it is a broken view where the login field is on the top left of the screen in a broken UI07:34
WoodenIdol2i need to access an article behind a paywall, seeking advice, its a doi.org article07:36
WoodenIdol2ive tried sci hub, libgen and zlib07:36
oerheksWoodenIdol2, we do not help with that.07:38
oerhekspay for it.07:38
WoodenIdol2someone here might now\07:38
WoodenIdol2how to access the article07:38
murmelvery wrong channel07:38
WoodenIdol2im using ubuntu so its relevant07:39
oerheks!ot | WoodenIdol207:39
ubottuWoodenIdol2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:39
gebbioneyou need to try kali for that07:39
WoodenIdol2omg just, try to help me instead of being rule nazis07:39
murmellol, hey, I am using ubuntu, so tell me where to get this thing for free. _sure_07:39
oerhekstime to go, WoodenIdol207:40
gebbionewhy having him go, sounds like fun07:40
WoodenIdol2I'm using Ubuntu so send me free things!07:44
oerhekslets get back to ubuntu support, thanks.07:46
matsamangebbione: oh you used some horrible binary upstream installer? First mistake08:01
matsamanyou know it's wrong because it's using /usr/local/08:01
matsamanhorrible binary upstream trash belongs in /opt/, but only if you're foolish enough to run it in the first place08:01
gebbioneno it was just a manual installation, anything i install manually goes there08:02
gebbioneelse terraform installs correctly08:02
gebbionethe problem was that some cache/config files are centralised and i think they still point to the old installation until the new binary is run08:02
gebbionenow the error is gone08:02
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murmelmatsaman: idk, but a single binary is perfectly fine in /usr/local, and not /opt08:04
matsamananything is perfectly fine in /usr/local/, if _you put it there personally_08:06
matsamanalthough with most single user systems, somewhere in ~/ is more sensible08:06
slvnjoin #SDL08:40
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kerfluffyi'm having issues installing python3-pip09:54
kerfluffyi keep getting the error: python3-pip : Depends: python-pip-whl (= 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.5) but 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.6 is to be installed09:54
kerfluffyi'm on 20.0409:55
kerfluffyanyone know how to make it depend on 1.6 instead of 1.5?09:55
geirhayou have refereshed the package lists by running   sudo apt update   ?09:56
geirhaapt policy python3-pip python3-pip-whl   shows them coming from the same repo?09:57
kerfluffypython-pip-whl and python3-pip yes09:59
kerfluffy  Installed: 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.609:59
kerfluffy  Candidate: 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.609:59
kerfluffyboth coming from http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal/universe amd64 Packages09:59
geirhaok, in 22.04 it's named python3-pip-whl, but I checked a 20.04 box now and I see 1.5 and 1.6 entries for both python3-pip and python-pip-whl. Are trying to explicitly install the older 1.5 ones?10:02
kerfluffyi'm just trying to install python3-pip10:02
kerfluffyit seems to depend on 1.510:03
kerfluffybut i've got 1.6 installed. not sure if it's a good idea to downgrade python-pip-whl10:03
geirhaHm. Weird.  apt depends python3-pip   says it depends on the 1.6 version of python-pip-whl here10:03
kerfluffyhmm mine says 'Depends: python-pip-whl (= 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.5)'10:04
geirhathe apt policy from before. Does it inlcude the 1.6 version of python3-pip too?10:06
kerfluffygeirha this is what i get: https://dpaste.org/jfrxA10:07
geirhaso it looks like the au mirror is lagging behind. It has the newest version of python-pip-whl, but not of python3-pip10:08
kerfluffylooks like it10:09
geirhayou could try downgrading python-pip-whl with   apt install python-pip-whl=20.0.2-5ubuntu1.510:10
geirhaand then once the au mirror gets the 1.6 versions of both, an apt upgrade should upgrade both10:12
geirhaor wait ... the 1.6 should be coming from security.ubuntu.com which is not a mirror. So that's really odd10:14
ravageworks on a fresh 20.04 container: https://p.haxxors.com/yymjcyua.txt10:23
ravagesources.list : https://p.haxxors.com/7fkncxyw.txt10:25
kerfluffyshould i remove the au mirrors?10:28
ravageyou can try to backup your sources file and try mine10:28
ravagemaybe you are just missing something10:29
ravagelike focal-updates for example10:29
alkisgEeeh did I understand correctly that snap forces apps to save files in ~/snap/xx? So if I want to use normal firefox I use ~/.mozilla, if I switch to snap I use ~/snap/firefox, and if I use flatpak or next-years-store I'll use ~/next-years-store?!?!10:30
ravageall user data for snaps are in ~/snap10:30
alkisgBut then our data and paths are specific to the packaging...!10:32
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alkisgWe'd need to redo everything by just changing to a different packaging system or distribution or whatever :/10:33
Guest60    SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd)  SyntaxError: invalid syntax10:43
Guest60any multiplayer 3d game engine that comes with easy installation and easy configuration?10:45
clarkkI'm on ubuntu 20.04. After installing the latest updates, that I had put off for a week or two, video in my browsers stops working after a short time. If it stops in firefox, I try it in chrome and it also won't load videos. I can just see a spinner in the video window but it never starts. Can someone advise, please?10:45
zaggynlGuest60: no direct experience but uh, unity?10:46
clarkkNow firefox will load the first frame, but won't play the video. If I jump to another point in the video, it shows that frame but doesn't play10:46
lotuspsychjeGuest60: are you trying that on xorg or wayland?10:46
Guest60I am running ubuntu 22.04 with openbox on xord10:46
clarkkOne remedy that I've seen online is to install ffmpeg, but I've always had that installed.10:47
sarnoldGuest60: why do the cd `..` and so on? just use dirname directly10:48
Guest60it's written in o3de script10:49
clarkkI already have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed10:49
lotuspsychjeclarkk: check your /var/log/dpkg logs to see wich updates could have borked it10:53
alkisgUsing snap firefox, trying to save a web page in /tmp; sometimes it works sometimes it fails; then trying to open the same page gets me to file:///run/user/1001/doc/29348793/test.html. So I guess enforced sandboxing will destroy many development workflows that need to ping-pong some files and dirs between many applications.10:56
alkisgIs there a way to use snaps without sandboxing?10:56
sarnoldalkisg: some 'classic' snaps can bypass sandboxing, but they have to sign up for it10:56
alkisgNot a user choice then... thank you sarnold , I guess I'll stick to my existing workflows for as long as I can then :)10:57
Piratyalkisg: grab the upstream mozilla release , drop in $HOME/app/firefox , put that into PATH . done . no more snap pain10:57
alkisgPiraty: I'm using the mozilla ppa, I don't have snap installed; I was testing if it would be possible to "go with the flow", but I really can't10:58
Piratyi mean https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/download/10:58
Piratyppa suck10:58
oerheksthat ppa would give updates, Piraty, just that download does not.10:59
oerheksso, https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/download/ is not helpfull11:00
Piratyoerheks: firefox has self-update feature11:00
Piratythat runs more often than you do `apt upgrade` i bet11:00
alkisgFortunately https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa is maintained by ubuntu devs, as long as they keep it around I'll prefer it, although I did switch my main browser to google-chrome in the summer...11:00
oerheksalkisg, for the snap, in settings>applications > firefox it gives ' systemfiles: allow access.."11:03
sarnoldPiraty: unattended-upgrade runs daily11:05
alkisgoerheks: it's already enabled by default, but it's still not using the files directly, it's moving them around in temp dirs, making them useless for development11:05
sarnoldalkisg: you can do some bind mount games .. it's not great11:05
alkisgSo a web developer would have to move all their ~/development/html tree under ~/snap/firefox to work with firefox, and then move it to ~/snap/chromium-browser the test there...11:06
* alkisg stops the subject to avoid spamming the channel and goes to his corner to cry in silence :/11:06
sarnoldor if you connect the right snap interfaces you should be able to do anything anywhere, try connecting the home interface or something like that11:08
sarnoldcheck the settings page? this is kind of old but hopefully still relevant https://ubuntu.com/blog/a-guide-to-snap-permissions-and-interfaces11:08
alkisgThank you sarnold , will give that a go11:09
lacrymologyafter the latest kernel upgrade, my computer doesn't seem to recognize the video card or network adapters. I have to boot on the previous kernel for things to work.11:09
Lynx-Can I install xfce on Ubuntu but not make it default? I just want to install it to use via X2GO.11:10
lacrymologywhen it boots, it's stuck in very low resolution11:10
lacrymologyand there's no network, of course11:11
clarkkI found a workaround for my video stopping working in all browsers. I switched my bluetooth headset off and on again11:12
clarkkthanks for the reply lotuspsychje11:12
Guest60is linux generally stuck in random video/office/calculator software stage?11:23
Guest60I don't find solution to modify any multiplayer 3d game11:24
Guest60not even the ones that would suck11:24
Guest60is 3d sp11:24
Guest60sphere is copyrighted by microsoft and somebody sold rights to stuff like that11:25
Lartzamodify? What are you talking about11:27
Guest60i think You can't read or You generally think toys11:42
LartzaNo I just think your english is a bit broken11:44
LartzaNothing wrong with that I just don't really understand what you mean11:44
Guest60Your mind is broken11:45
Guest60You modify program code11:46
ravage!ot | Guest6011:46
ubottuGuest60: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:46
Guest60ravage I'm asking for support for ubuntu, what else is there in my questions11:48
LartzaWell that's the issue, kind of nothing11:49
LartzaAre you trying to cheat in multiplayer games? Or what do you mean by modify11:49
LartzaWhat does sphere have to do with anything11:49
LartzaWhat do you mean stuck in "random video/office/calculator software stage"?11:50
ravageprogramming multiplayer 3d game is not an ubuntu support issue. and copyright issues are no support issue11:50
Guest60why do You need to program a basic 3d game in 202211:50
Guest60ask Yourself11:50
ravageso if you have an actual ubuntu support question ask. if not: see above11:50
Guest60that is actual question as I guess ubuntu supposed to be opensource platform with all capabilities11:51
LartzaAnd it is11:51
Guest60it is clearly not if I and nobody else can do this thing I11:51
Guest60'm searching for11:51
LartzaMake games?11:51
ravageLartza, dont feed the troll11:52
Guest60that is very wide term but technically11:52
Guest60there is only one way of 3d game11:52
Guest60so far none of the things I tried to make a legit multiplayer template11:53
Guest60godot, javascript nothing11:53
Guest60lugar c++11:53
Guest60it's cracked out not open11:53
LartzaUnity and Unreal both work on Ubuntu11:54
LartzaBut I got places to be now so good luck11:55
Guest60unity is c# and no it does not prolly , unreal too11:55
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BluesKajHi all12:28
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
ograalkisg, both browsers connect the home interface by default, so sharing html pages should be possible through ~/my-project or some such ... /tmp is indeed a per-snap thing, but you should in any cas always be able to save something to it, if you can not, there is a bug12:43
alkisgThank you ogra, I'll give ~/my-project a go as well12:45
ograthe tmp issue you describe is worrying though ... looks like an incompatibility between portals (who operate in /run/user/<uid>/doc) and /tmp12:47
ograi.e. some kind of race condition12:47
alkisgWe also need a /home/shared folder for students, I guess the interfaces thing is the way to do that13:03
stevenm_What exactly /is/ the system fixed width font?13:06
sarnoldstevenm_: in what context?13:11
stevenm_e.g. your on a terminal program (for example MATE Terminal) and tick a box that says "Use the system fixed width font"13:12
stevenm_if it's reading the name of a font from the system... how might someone actually know what font that is?13:12
stevenm_because whatever it is on ubuntu isn't properly fixed width at all13:12
sarnoldhrmph. I expected to find something like a fixed.pcf somewhere around here, I wonder what I'm missing13:17
stevenm_ah it's Ubuntu Mono Regular13:23
stevenm_which apparently thinks ♥ should be wider than H13:24
sarnoldhah, that isn't what I expected :)13:24
stevenm_so much for monospace13:24
* jsbach .13:25
stevenm_NEW QUESTION :)13:32
stevenm_How does someone *change* the system fixed width font ? :D13:32
stevenm_As "Ubuntu Mono" in size 13 is crap (and not fixed width after all anyway)... and it seems "DejaVu Sans Mono Book" in size 11 is virtually identical in lettering (mostly) and the same size... but actually /IS/ fixed width :P13:33
stevenm_maybe it's a GTK+ thing?  /desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name perhaps13:34
rubickIs there a good resource for documentation on creating pam profiles in /usr/share/pam-configs?13:44
sarnoldrubick: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PAMConfigFrameworkSpec13:48
yrdsbWhy is interim ubuntu release unstable13:48
sarnoldbecause the bulk of the 'new development' happens in those releases; with the bug reports from users, the LTS releases can be more predictable and mor ereliable13:49
yrdsbAlso why did 21.10 end support so early13:49
yrdsbIt ended support less then a year ago13:50
yrdsbI mean why only 9 monthes13:50
yrdsbThat way too short13:50
leftyfbyrdsb: that is how it's always been13:50
yrdsbLeftydn but 9 monthes is too short13:50
leftyfbthis is why we have LTS releases. Stick with those if you need longer support13:50
yrdsbWhat the difference between lts and interim13:51
leftyfblonger support13:51
yrdsbAlso I tried ubuntu 21.10 but it had stability issues13:51
leftyfbalso, pretty sure it's just "LTS" and not "LTS". I don't think it's ever been referred to as "interim"13:51
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yrdsbWhy people say don't use interim releases13:52
leftyfbI'm pretty sure this was all just explained to you13:52
sarnoldyrdsb: the interim releases used to get 18 months of support, but it was a lot of extra work to fix bugs and security problems for releases that very few people used13:52
yrdsbWhat do most peoppe use lts or interim13:52
sarnoldyrdsb: LTS releases are vastly more popular13:52
leftyfbyrdsb: stick with LTS13:53
yrdsbWhat happen if I attemt to upgrade to a interim release13:53
leftyfbthen it will only get support for 9 months13:53
yrdsbWhen will interim stop being unstable13:53
yrdsbI need stability not new features13:54
leftyfbthen stick with LTS13:54
useregiosince when did ubunto got its own chat service14:11
Piratywhy does `apt dist-upgrade` show multiple packages 'are held back'? isn't dist-upgrade's purpose to install/uninstall automatic dependencies14:14
lotuspsychjecan you pastebin whats happening exactly Piraty so volunteers can think along with you?14:16
Piratyanother odd find: `apt purge --no-install-recommends gnome-shell`  is going to install a few new ones oO14:16
Piratydo-release upgrade refuses to do its thing , i suspect due to the 'hold back' packages14:19
Piratyhttps://ttm.sh/0WE.txt  ( in this case i'm in fact fine with uninstalling this gnome package as i don't use gnome)14:21
pickanickPardon me.  How to get the info pages for mmap and other commands? when I say info mmap it appears that info is presenting man pages14:22
WaVman nmap?14:23
PiratyWaV: `man info`14:23
jhutchinsThe interface can be frustrating for a modern user.14:27
yrdsbWhich one is better if I want faster expeeumde duel boot or vm14:29
yrdsbI using vm rightnnow14:29
yrdsbIf dual boot faster I will delete my vm and try to duel boot14:29
yrdsbWhich one is better if I want faster experience14:31
yrdsbSince my vm is a bit slow14:31
yrdsbMy PC main os is windows 1114:33
hggdhPiraty: you probably want the package glibc-doc-reference14:34
Piratywill check14:35
hggdhsorry, why what?14:35
Piratywhy would i want glibc-doc-reference14:39
yrdsb,can you give me a 1 hour +q14:39
Piratymaybe that was meant for pickanick14:39
yrdsb #ubuntu-ops14:40
hggdhPiraty: I apologise, it is indeed for pickanick14:40
Piratyno harm inflicted ;)14:41
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pickanickno, I mean, how to make sure various info pages are installed?14:57
pickanickIf they are installed, info X will not display the man pages for X14:58
jhutchinspickanick: Most packages do not have info pages.14:58
jhutchins(Some barely have man pages.)14:58
jhutchinspickanick: Graphical programs also tend to avoid text manuals in favor of either help files or more often on-line documentation (web pages).14:59
jhutchinspickanick: Some packages have separate documentaion modules that are not installed by default.15:00
pickanickmmap is a linux programmer's function with GNU extensions and so I imagine it would come with GNU info pages15:02
pickanickbut it's possible it simply does not15:03
pickanickhmm more info at https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/15:03
pickanickno mention of info. ah well15:04
jhutchinsMany early man pages were auto-converted from info pages.  Some projects never bothered to update them.15:04
hggdhGNU offerings all use 'info' and usually have a summarised 'man' page as well. In general the corresponding package has both of them, together with the binaries15:07
jhutchinshggdh: Sometimes.15:09
hggdhthat's why I said "in general"15:10
hggdhthe GLIBC doc is (1) a large package; (2) not needed for *most* Linux users. IIRC there was of old some sort of encumbrance on it as well (but I may as well be confusing things)15:15
hggdhby default the manpages-dev (at least) will carry the GLIBC-equivalent 'man' entries15:23
hggdhbut, once glibc-doc-reference is installed, then an 'info libc' will give one access to all15:25
yrdsbwhy is kubuntu installation possiblr on ubuntu15:49
yrdsbis both  ubuntu and linux mint linux15:50
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pycuriousI want to delete a file so that it is not recoverable. What is the right tool in Ubuntu to do this?16:59
omarti think its rm -rf16:59
omartbut that deletes the entire follder16:59
xxpycurious: there are no guarantees that a file is not recoverable16:59
pycuriousomart: that is no where close to secure deletion16:59
xxwipe the entire drive if you have to17:00
xxa single overwrite of entire drive with zeros is enough17:00
johnneeright click open as admin, delete contents.. to start17:00
ograpycurious, ook at "shred"17:01
ogra(it will overwrite the data on the filesystem with zeros while deleting the file)17:02
ograshred -uvz /path/t👋file17:02
ogra(sorry, rougue emoji plugin in my client 😛 )17:03
ograusing the -n option you can have it overwrite the data multiple times bw17:04
ograthere is also the "secure-delete" package that ships the "srm" tool doing something similar (but shred is pre-installed i think)17:04
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johnneeX- surely is broke.17:46
johnneeI dont know how we survived it.17:46
tomreyncan't be, it's maintained by redhat. do you have an ubuntu support question, though?17:46
johnneeno worries tomreyn , thank you for your response.17:47
johnneeI have a silly "ubuntu" question - Its been yrs since i ran Quassel - and - cant seem to find the command on how to eliinate previous text in the room. silly, i know, but I cant even find it in their own faq's.17:52
johnneeeliminate *17:54
tomreyni never used it, but https://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/quassel-irc/wiki/quassel_logging says it does not forget. there is #quassel17:54
johnneegod bless you tomreyn17:55
johnneebut: thats not what my silly complaint was: it is - how can i like Hexchat do = ?clear ??17:57
johnnee  /clear17:57
tomreynask in #quassel - they should know, if anyone.17:58
johnneeok. thanks man.17:58
johnneeI was trying to avoid the 72 hour waiting period.. but, thanks anyways.18:01
johnneegod bless you  tomreyn18:16
lotuspsychjedid you find your solution johnnee ?18:17
johnneeAND - Thank You for your services to the community.18:17
johnneelotuspsychje:  no, not at this time.18:17
johnneeIt seems like a hard find, being the community faq is completely vague18:18
johnneeMy apologies in taking too much space in the room over silly complaints.18:19
lotuspsychjewe try to focus on ubuntu issues in this channel johnnee18:20
johnneeIm 78 yrs old and might be a bit silly at times, thank you for your time and efforts.18:20
lotuspsychje!chat | johnnee but feel free to join18:20
ubottujohnnee but feel free to join: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:20
johnneeok lotuspsychje thank you for your concerns.18:21
johnneelotuspsychje: , on a personal level, could you help me ?  . thanks.18:24
lotuspsychjejohnnee: tomreyn already pointed you to quassel support18:27
johnneeOnly reason this attribute applys to me is this.. i cant see very well and want to make sure i am not reading old posts and repete silliness.18:27
johnneeThank you in advance.18:28
johnneegod bless you.18:28
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johnneeAND quassel gives me better colors that make it easy. sorry.18:31
johnneeJust to be clear, - I am a retired engineere, - I repaired tv / vcr/ 2way radio / ham radio / dvd / cd / police radio / commercial radio / anything electronic.. thank you.18:35
johnneelinux is my 5th adventure.. thank you for your patience.18:36
johnneegod bless you18:36
lotuspsychjejohnnee: please dont use this channel for chatting, have respect to the users needing real ubuntu help18:37
johnneethank you lotuspsychje, will do, thank you.18:38
johnneelotuspsychje:  can you help me. thank you sir.18:39
johnneeIm looking for a simple answer, why, is this a hard avenue within a critical structure that elevates itself as top dog, please review the question in venue. thanks.18:43
Guest77Heyy, my distro is not suspending after Nvidia driver update...18:44
johnneere-do your drivers .. pick another one.18:44
johnneerewboot 2wice and try again18:45
Guest77Nvidia drivers are hot garbage, I'm tired of this.. I'll never buy laptop with nvidia again..!!18:45
johnneeThink Smart18:45
johnneeIn linux - intel rules.18:46
Guest77johnnee I tried, but already screwed up my installation when a bunch of Nvidia drivers failed and ended up with black screen on boot18:47
pycuriousI've an external drive that I want to encrypt using a password. What is a good FS to use for this?18:47
tomreynGuest77: what's your distro?18:47
Guest77Pop OS 22.04 Nvidia18:47
tomreynGuest77: i'm afraid you won't find help with this here, we support ubuntu18:48
johnneeguest77  google.. how to delete nvidia..  and... re- install18:48
johnneegheeze  pop18:48
Guest77I want to permanently disable nvidia.. its causing more issues than its use18:49
johnneego some where else18:49
Guest77tomreyn Before Installing Pop OS I screwed up Ubuntu installation lol18:50
tomreynGuest77: if you want to try again and get help with it here, if needed, let us know18:50
tomreynGuest77: if you want to try again and get help with it here, if needed, let us know18:50
pycuriousGood encrypted FS suggestions? Is EXT4 good for this?18:51
tomreynpycurious: supposedly yes, but i have not read much about it, and it's still somewhat new.18:51
johnneelotuspsychje:  - still waiting. thank you for your time and efforts.18:51
tomreynpycurious: there is also cryptsetup / dmcrypt-luks (but that's not file system encryption)18:52
Guest77tomreyn I want to try Lubuntu next, I hope it is supported here18:53
tomreynpycurious: also zfs and btrfs support encryption, i think, maybe the xfs, too, not sure.18:53
tomreyn!flavors | Guest7718:53
ubottuGuest77: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours18:53
tomreyn(Lubuntu is one of them)18:53
Guest77Thanks, you guys are amazing!! I'm moving back to my ubuntu18:54
johnneegood answer18:55
johnneeusually, anything that re-writes itself as "ubuntu" is broke.18:56
tomreynpycurious: actually i seem to be wrong there, btrfs doesn't support file system encryption.18:56
Guest77johnnee I learnt that hard way, hehe18:57
johnneeme 2 16 yrs ago18:57
johnneeback when we installed 6.0618:57
johnnee7.04 was killer18:58
johnneelike kde 3.518:58
lotuspsychje!ot | johnnee18:58
ubottujohnnee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:59
Guest77Now, I had tried Ubuntu 20.04, which ran without any issues at all... except Bluetooth audio with PulseAudio... Should I go with that or I try the latest 22.04?18:59
tomreynjohnnee: we have a couple ubuntu channels. this one is really just for support Q & A. it's fine to share experiences when it adds to an answer someone asked an ubuntu question on.19:00
johnneeGuest77:  with each "point" release.. it gets better.19:00
ravageGuest77, the latest LTS is usually a good idea19:01
Guest77tomreyn do we have people from Canonical here or it is community driven support ?19:01
tomreynGuest77: community, which does not rule out people who also work for Canonical19:01
Guest77ravage thanks, I'll give it a try19:01
johnneelotuspsychje: , you have yet to respond to my cry for help, please respond, thank you for your time and efforts.19:03
Guest77Can I keep my home existing directory while installing Ubuntu ?19:03
Guest77I mean, is it possible to install Ubuntu without losing data?19:03
tomreynjohnnee: i'm not sure which ubuntu question you asked, but note that there is no guarantee that a specific person will respond to some question you asked, or anyone.19:04
ravageif you have /home on a seperate partition a manual partition setup is possible that keeps data19:04
johnneetomreyn:  they in person "did" respont, it was not an accurate response. thanks19:05
ravagei still would not recommend it. especially not coming from a foreign distro19:05
Guest77I do have it on a separate partition19:05
johnneeIs lotuspsychje a bot ?19:06
tomreynjohnnee: no. and i don't think you can insist on a response.19:07
johnneeI see whats coming.. i will leave for now.. thank you ubuntu for your efforts19:07
SeeBergDHello! Is it possible to encrypt the linux partition even after installation?19:07
Guest77Why is Ublock blocking Lubuntu's official website for badware risk?19:08
tomreynSeeBergD: this depends a bit on what / how you installed. but let's say it's not a common approach. you probably want to do the encryption during installation.19:09
ravageGuest77: you are not on the official website19:09
Guest77Yup got it, i was accessing lubuntu . net19:10
SeeBergDTomreyn: Okay thank you for your advice, will probably install it again!19:10
tomreynSeeBergD: yes, that's probably what you want. both desktop and server installer support it. it's a bit more complicated to setup with the server installer, but you get more flexibility there, too.19:12
SeeBergDThank you, tomreyn!19:14
tomreynyou're welcome19:16
matt3hello : dreaming an ubuntu solid ... i think xorg + display manager is double ... why not xorg and stop with inside gnome or cinnamonn or mate ...19:42
arraybolt3I think you're describing Wayland vs. X?19:42
arraybolt3Wayland has the display manager and display server all in one thing.19:42
arraybolt3It should be the default display manager mode on Ubuntu 22.04 and higher.19:43
oerheks+1 both sessions are installed standard19:43
arraybolt3(Might have been even before that but I don't remember.)19:43
matt3arraybolt3 : thanks very much : studing wayland ... :D19:45
matt3yes, reading, very fine i am happy ... thanks19:48
matt3cu tomorrow, thanks 4 Wayland ...19:51
jhutchinsMany of the functions of a display manager are surplus for a single-user workstation.20:04
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mjt0kHi! What's the kernel package name on Ubuntu? I can't seem to find linux-image-amd64 in main - the one which I usually install on Debian..  Is it linux-image-generic?20:34
mjt0k..looks like it is20:37
alkisgmjt0k: usually linux-generic-hwe-22.04, which includes the newer kernels and their headers20:45
mjt0kaha! thank you! :)20:46
pycurioustomreyn: have you ever encrypted an external drive from ubuntu? Perhaps with a password - so that it can only be mounted using a password used as a key for encryption.20:47
ravageDisks can do that21:06
jilocasinevening everyone21:37
jilocasincan anyone point me in the direction of some docs on how to upgrade ubuntu server 22.04.1 to 22.04.5? thanks.21:37
oerheksjust run sudo apt dist-upgrade # and reboot21:39
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.21:39
jilocasinoerheks: did, doesn't do anything21:40
oerheksreally? so what kernel do you have now?21:41
jilocasinoerheks: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:41
oerheksoh, 22.04.5 is not out .. we are all at 22.04.1 now.21:42
jilocasinoerheks: 5.15.0-52-generic21:43
jilocasinoerheks: k, no .2, or .3, etc.?21:43
oerheks22.04.2 will be ready in feb '2321:43
jilocasinoerheks: thanks, good to know.21:43
oerhekshave fun! you are up2date21:44
jilocasinoerheks: wanted to make sure this box is fully current *before* I start loading it up.21:44
jilocasinoerheks: :>21:44
jilocasinthanks for all you help.21:44
brkcore can i see the progress of moving files in terminal, if I started it with gui?22:12
brkcoremoving big files from vm to usb22:12
brkcorestuck on 6 hrs left22:12
oerheksone could see the size of the usb, repeatedly to check progress..22:15
oerheksmaybe even with your filemanager22:15
brkcoreI can see only the speed varies with +/- 0.01kbs (moving it with around 248kb/s22:16
brkcoremaybe something wrong with a file that is moving now22:16
brkcoreits been 3 hours already i forgot what im moving22:19
oerheksgood luck!22:22
brkcoreif I see which file is taking so long i can delete it so it can carry on moving the next files22:22
oerhekswell, crossposting is not helping ..22:23
brkcorei didnt expect someone will answer thats why , sorry22:24
jhutchinsbrkcore: rsync -av?22:31
jhutchinsbrkcore: rsync -av --progress?22:32
jhutchinsbrkcore: What command are you using to move?22:32
brkcorejhutchins, rsyng -av progress  error syntax22:33
brkcorejhutchins, i used gui22:33
jhutchinsbrkcore: man rsync to get the correct syntax, but I think it's what I suggested, --progress22:33
xxnever use gui for stuff that matters22:33
xxgui fails in unexpected ways and gives no helpful logging22:34
brkcorejhutchins, yes its correct, it works22:34
jhutchinsbrkcore: There's an old tradition that abreviated (single letter) options are - and full-word options are --22:34
jhutchinsbrkcore: The rsync command will also skip any portion of the file already copied.22:35
brkcoreI see now pdf file is moving with 8/37kb/s22:35
jhutchinsbrkcore: You _can_ tell rsync to delete after moving, but it's probably better to copy-then-clean.22:35
brkcorejhutchins, can rsync delete a file that is already moving?22:36
jhutchinsbrkcore: That requires a better knowledge of the processes involved and where they are in progress.22:36
brkcorein general all files are mobing very slow, i was thinking its because im moving very big file22:37
jhutchinsbrkcore: There is no actual "move" operation.  There are only copy and delete.22:37
brkcorebut now with rsync I see even small files are moving slow22:37
brkcorejhutchins, mhm, thats right good point22:38
jhutchins(Actually, there is no "copy", just "read" and "write".22:38
brkcoreyeah, its writing22:39
brkcoreand its writing with 240kb/s for almost 3 hours now. 6 hours left. That's not right22:40
brkcorebut what could be the reason for such a slow writing on the usb? the VM is set to use 3.0 controller , the speed is under 30kn/s23:02
brkcorethe port is 2.0 and the usb is v3.023:03
acidlisthi all23:35
acidlisthi monol23:40
MonoLIf I do "conda list" I see the anaconda-navigator 2.3.2.. great but how do I run it?23:42
MonoLanaconda-navigator: command not found23:44

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