
cris72yay it's back up01:52
mupPR snapd#12303 opened: configcore: add option to set `service.ssh.port` <Run nested> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/12303>14:26
x7upLimeI'm following the hacking.md of the snapd repo and trying to build a snapd snap using snapcraft17:27
x7upLimesnapcraft fails with the following:17:27
x7upLimelaunch failed: Unable to find an image matching "core". Please use `multipass find` for supported remotes and images.17:28
x7upLimeAn error occurred with the instance when trying to launch with 'multipass': returned exit code 2.17:28
x7upLimeEnsure that 'multipass' is setup correctly and try again.17:28
x7upLimejournalctl logs for snapd and 'snap.multipass*' are not useful17:28
x7upLime"multipass find" shows core as a link to core16. "multipass launch -n snapTest -m 2G -d 12G core" works. 17:30
x7upLimedoing a "snapcraft init" && "snapcraft" on a clean directory also fails me with exit code 1; that only after booting the newly created vm17:34
x7upLimewondering now if this is snapcraft related or multipass related..17:34
ograx7upLime, your chances to get an answer are probably better on the forum (see channel topic) 18:35
ogra(lts of developers are either at a canonical development sprint currently or are preparing for https://events.canonical.com/event/2/ )18:37
x7upLimethink I got something.. snapcraft doesn't try core.. it tries snapcraft:core, which is not present in the output of "multipass find"18:38
x7upLimeam I missing something? or is the doc outdated?18:40

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