
MonoLOh man I got it to run but I have no idea what I'm doing00:03
MonoLIt's like I have to start conda environments and then install things and run from within them00:04
MonoLDam it I wish I wasn't born dumb as a bag of hammers00:05
Guest70its working though, rite?00:05
MonoLbut I don't want to ruin any programs that might depend on python00:06
MonoLI don't really know what I'm talking about but I think people setup walled environments in python to stop you from messing around with other programs that might depend on the python base install00:08
Guest70maybe join #python00:10
MonoLI could be pulling this info from thin air.. It's just what I've kinda gathered from my limited cognitive ability00:11
MonoLIf I wasn't so dumb I'd probably have joined #python first lel00:12
MonoLSorry everyone00:12
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soreauHi, I'm on 22.04. How can I disable the notifications about snap upgrading firefox and chromium via cli?04:33
Bashing-omsoreau: So far as I am aware - ^ -- a works in progress: https://ubuntu.com//blog/snaps-better-refresh-notifications04:40
bougymansoreau: uninstall snap.04:42
lotuspsychjebougyman: plz dont advice users to uninstall snap, its a part of ubuntu now05:58
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luxhi guys08:31
murmelhi lux08:31
luxhow are you doing08:31
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murmel!support | lux08:34
ubottulux: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com08:34
murmel!offtopic | lux08:34
ubottulux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:34
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:31
lotuspsychjewhat can we do for you ksy09:31
ksylotuspsychje: thank you. I just tried the help command to see what the bot can do09:34
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elwisppending update on discord snap, every day i get this notification several times, how do i get rid of it?10:04
elwispit tells me to restart discord, and i have, i have even restarted the machine10:04
ograelwisp, the notification is buggy (being fixed atm) and should tell you to stop the app and run "sudo snap refresh" ...10:07
ogramake sure to refresh the app manually while it is not running and the notification will go away10:08
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alkisgUpgrading my 20.04 server to 22.04 removes the ldap-account-manager package. Upgrade logs: https://termbin.com/k00f10:19
alkisgI have a snapshot I can retry the upgrade if I can find a way to avoid it. Maybe installing php-json beforehand will help the apt resolver there?10:19
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elwispogra: what does refreshing the app manually mean?10:25
elwispbecause i have tried sudo snap refresh already10:25
elwispi shall try again, perhaps i left it running that time10:25
elwispI think that did it10:26
elwisptime iwll tell, thanks for the help ogra10:26
alkisgIndeed `apt install php-json` before `do-release-upgrade` worked around the issue10:49
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manwhowouldbekinHi all! I am wondering if someone can help me figure out what packages or settings I am missing here? I am trying to install dependencies for a Python project on Ubuntu 22.04. One package called uWGSI fails to install with the following stacktrace: https://pastebin.com/sm5eKqBu11:53
brkcoremanwhowouldbekin, have you tried first sudo apt update && sudo apt-get upgrade --fix-missing -y11:55
manwhowouldbekinbrkcore, I have not.11:55
brkcoremanwhowouldbekin, also try apt-cache depends package_name11:56
murmelmanwhowouldbekin: additionally, why are you trying to install a software which is probably not maintained anymore (as the copyright says 2016)11:57
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, It is used by a project I am using as template. I do not know much about it (uWSGI)11:57
manwhowouldbekinbrkcore, Those commands didn't help. What package name?12:00
murmelcan you give the whole output of command + log?12:01
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, Which command?12:01
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murmelmanwhowouldbekin: which you ran to get to this point12:02
murmelI assume that error didn't just appear out of nowhere ;)12:02
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, The command was 'pipenv install --sequential12:02
murmelmanwhowouldbekin: oh I just realized, it needs python2, which is not available on 22.0412:03
murmelholy moly, it's still in the repo :X12:04
murmeloh well12:04
murmeldid you install python2?12:04
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, This is the entire log of the command: https://pastebin.com/q1dZag9H12:07
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, I have not installed Python2 on my system, AFAIK.12:08
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, What is still in the repo?12:09
murmelmanwhowouldbekin: just a quick test in a vm, after installing all the python2 stuff, uwsgi is installable :S12:12
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, I see! What is the best way to install it? I typically use Conda for my Python needs.12:13
murmelcan you install python2 with conda? no idea on that part12:13
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, I doubt it. Does this seem reasonable? `sudo apt install python2`12:15
murmelmanwhowouldbekin: but honestly, I would isolate that stuff as much as possible in a vm or so. if you do, just follow the official instructions on how to install it12:15
murmelmanwhowouldbekin: yes, but I would definitely not install it on a system you actively use12:16
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, What stuff? The project? Or the Python 2?12:16
murmelpython2 was deprecated like 12 years ago?12:16
murmeland out of support for like 3 or so12:16
murmelwith uwsgi, at least their github repo still sees some work, but no idea how well it's maintained12:16
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, Right. Seems outdated.12:18
murmelmanwhowouldbekin: good luck ;) will be offline for a couple hours12:19
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, Thanks!12:19
BluesKajHi all12:28
* poisone loading zm...12:31
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BCBanyone familiar with composer in here?  My google fu is failing me.  I'm getting an unexpected 'use' syntax error and don't know why.  Thank you.12:36
ravageBCB try #php or the channel of the framework you use like #symfony12:37
Guest60any irc group for UT5 game engine?13:03
Y05hito__offtopic, if it's not open source, no.13:56
Y05hito__try ask on #libera or /list somewhere else13:57
ravage(the user left long ago)14:01
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larsluEvery once in a while, gnome-screensaver and it's relatives mate-screensaver/xfce4-screensaver/cinnamon-screensaver have a bug to where it's easy to get around a locked session either by crashing it or some other way. How quickly does ubuntu backport and patch their distros in such an incident? Because it's getting me a bit paranoid if I can trust14:18
larsluany desktop environment at all to not be easy to circumvent. jwz is very proud of his xscreensaver and always reminds everyone how the rest suck.14:18
ravagelarslu, if there is a security related problem it should be fixed pretty fast. also depends on i which repo your package is. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories14:21
larslugnome-screensaver is under universe, which means its community supported. Can I trust the community will fix it within a very short amount of time?14:22
larsluIf I was paying for ubuntu pro, would I be getting the security patch (even for universe) directly from canonical (and in a very short amount of time) rather than rely on the community?14:23
ravagefor Ubuntu Pro related questions you would have to contact Canonical14:24
ravageUbuntu Pro is not a community project14:24
larsluOkay. Thank you.14:24
bancroftcan you enlarge a raid0 array with mdadm?14:27
mfoolb_lame question of the day: don't know how messing around with AMD driver did it but I don't have 'terminal'14:57
mfoolb_listed in the gnome context menu14:57
mfoolb_how can I add it back to it?14:57
mfoolb_22.04 LTS14:57
murmelyeah waiting ~1m helps to get support xD15:00
jhutchinsmurmel: Sometimes all you have to do is post the question to the internet and the answer becomes so obvious you're embarassed to stick around.15:03
murmeljhutchins: but not even 1 min? idk15:05
InteloWhat do I need to use double shock usb 2 game controller on ubuntu in steam?15:06
Inteloand driers?15:07
Inteloand dri ers?15:07
Inteloand drivers?15:07
murmelare we talking about official dual shock 2 controllers?15:07
respawndid you check in steam settings15:07
jfsimon1981_bHi seen this one :15:09
Intelomurmel this one https://youtu.be/9QX1shkfPUM?t=11415:17
murmelIntelo: oh now it gets definitely way harder, as those third party controllers most of the time have very bad drivers (even on windows)15:22
Intelomurmel ok15:24
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fenrirjkhi there15:48
fenrirjkI recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.10 from 22.0415:48
fenrirjkI have trouble loading my signed modules: "modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxdrv': Key was rejected by service"15:48
fenrirjkMy MOK key is enrolled, I can see it in dmesg or with `mokutil --list-enrolled`15:48
fenrirjkmokutil --sb-state returns `SecureBoot enabled`15:48
fenrirjksudo mokutil --test-key MOK.der returns: `MOK.der is already enrolled`15:48
fenrirjkI have this behavior since I am using the kernel v5.19.x, I am currently using kernel v6.0.615:49
fenrirjkWith kernel v5.15.x I was able to load my signed modules without any problem15:49
fenrirjkCan someone help be debugging this issue ?15:49
tomreynfenrirjk: hmm, there is no kernel v6.0.6 for 22.10, from what i can tell15:51
tomreynare you building this yourself, or obtaining it from a third party, or using the unsupported test kernels?15:52
fenrirjktomreyn: I installed it with mainline (Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer)15:53
fenrirjkBut I have the same behavior with the 5.19.17 (installed during the release upgrade)15:53
tomreynso it's an unsupported test kernel, i see15:53
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tomreyndoes it also happen with kinetics current default kernel, 5.19.0-23 ?15:54
fenrirjkHow can I install this one ?15:55
tomreyninstall any pending updates15:55
ubottuTo ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.15:56
fenrirjkmy system is up to date (via `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`15:56
fenrirjkdoing `apt full-upgrade` right now15:57
fenrirjkthere is indeed: `128 upgraded, 12 newly installed, 5 to remove and 0 not upgraded.` ... I hope that will fix my issue.15:58
tomreynfenrirjk: you'd also need to boot into the default (5.19.0-23) kernel. such as by manually bringing up the grub menu and selecting this kernel from the "Advanced" submenu. Or by configuring grub to boot to this kernel by default. Or by removing any higher version kernels.16:00
tomreynor by choosing the respective menu entry once (which is not easy), using grub-reboot16:02
fenrirjkWell I only have two kernels installed: ls /boot/vmlinuz* gives `/boot/vmlinuz  /boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-52-generic  /boot/vmlinuz-5.19.17-051917-generic  /boot/vmlinuz-6.0.6-060006-generic  /boot/vmlinuz.old`16:02
fenrirjk(full-upgrade is completed)16:03
tomreynthis seems to list three kernel images16:03
fenrirjkok, but how can I be sure if there is a v5.19.0-23 ?16:04
tomreynhmm, i'm surprised that you have /boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-52-generic but not /boot/vmlinuz-5.19.0-23-generic on kinetic (22.10)16:05
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tomreynapt policy linux-image linux-image-generic     says what?16:06
tomreyn!paste | fenrirjk16:06
ubottufenrirjk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:06
tomreynthe easiest option to share this output is probably to run:    apt policy linux-image linux-image-generic |& nc termbin.com 999916:07
fenrirjkHow can I check if a kernel is correctly signed for my secure boot ?16:11
tomreynfenrirjk: oh, you just don't have linux-generic installed. you should have, though.16:11
fenrirjkYes, i just installed it, thanks tomreyn.16:11
tomreynso you now have the default Ubuntu 22.10 kernel image installed, and should boot into that (see above).16:13
fenrirjkBefore I used to sign my kernels manually with my MOK keys, I can now skip this step ?16:14
tomreynyou should also test whether the out-of-tree vboxdrv kernel module can be built and it can be loaded.16:14
tomreyni *think* that both the virtualbox packages probvided by oracle (which i would recommend using) as well as the ones provided by ubuntu in the (community maintained) "universe" repository build the kernel modules using DKMS16:15
tomreynso it should happen automatically.16:15
tomreyni assume that both are also secure boot compatible, but there i'm not really sure.16:16
tomreynyou may want to read up on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/DKMS16:16
murmeltomreyn: compatible yes, but they still need to be signed, otherwise sb will throw a fit16:16
tomreynout of tree modules always need to be signed with your own MOK key, and this key needs to be imported to the uefi firmware managed key store.16:17
murmelyes i know. I just hope that rh will get to a point to finally upstream the kernel drivers :S vbox is such a pain to "support" because of sb16:18
tomreynDKMS has provisions for signing those automatically, and there is also a mechanism to automatically generate and import a locally generated MOK during the Ubuntu installation process (and possibly later, not sure)16:18
fenrirjkafaik to sign modules automatically you just need to edit /etc/dkms/framework.conf to give your own keys.16:19
* tomreyn would not know. good luck!16:20
fenrirjkok rebooting now, I'll try this 5.19.0-23 kernel. brb.16:21
jhutchinsI wonder if we're having a problem with less software testing because a greater proportion of users are using Linux systems to do work, rather than play with the software.16:27
murmeltomreyn: redhat works onto upstreaming the kernel modules16:39
fenrirjktomreyn: With kernel v5.19.0-23 I managed to load vboxdrv and run virtualbox. Thank you very much.16:42
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Sven_vBhi :) I'm using Ubuntu focal's apt to install winehq. is there an easy way to get a list of all the URLs apt had to download in order to install winehq?16:59
Sven_vBoh. I should have searched for URI, not URL. trying --print-uris.17:03
x7upLimeI'm trying to build a snapd snap using snapcraft..17:21
x7upLimeJust installed channel 4.x snapcraft and ran snapcraft on this https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/build-aux/snap/snapcraft.yaml17:22
x7upLimeThe output:17:22
x7upLimelaunch failed: Unable to find an image matching "core". Please use `multipass find` for supported remotes and images.17:22
x7upLimeAn error occurred with the instance when trying to launch with 'multipass': returned exit code 2.17:22
x7upLimeEnsure that 'multipass' is setup correctly and try again.17:22
x7upLime"multipass find" shows core and this works as well "multipass launch -n snapTest -m 2G -d 12G core". Also journalctl logs for snapd and snap.multipass are not useful..17:24
x7upLimeam I missing something?17:24
murmelx7upLime: pretty sure #snappy is the better channel for such things, as ogra is definitely in that channel. but not sure if he is available on the weekends17:25
x7upLimethanks murmel, I17:26
x7upLime'll try17:26
memsworthHello folks17:32
murmelhi memsworth17:34
memsworthGlad to be hre :)17:38
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jhutchinsmurmel: Just FYI (offtopic) since fairly early in the Red Hat project, certainly after they reorganized into RHEL and Fedora, they have provided proprietary drivers that are not true Open Source and are not shared with the community.  Only paying customers get access to those.18:05
jhutchinsThere's not a process where they "evolve" to open source and move upstream.18:05
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murmeljhutchins: yeah I know. but thanks for pointing out. but as rh themselves said, they talked to oracle to get to a point where the modules are stable enough to get them upstreamed18:09
tomreynfenrirjk: glad it worked out with the default kernel.18:11
tomreynmurmel: i see, i didn't know redhat cooperates with oracle on upstreaming vbox modules18:12
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Intelomurmel did I missed your last message?18:23
murmelIntelo: idk? but did you look into the link somebody posted?18:25
Inteloya its solved.18:26
x7upLimedoes multipass image snapcraft:core still exists? (core16)18:26
tomreynx7upLime: you may want to ask this in #multipass or #ubuntu-cloud (preferrably during business hours)18:30
x7upLimethanks ':)18:35
tommixHello there! My Ubuntu works so well that it is almost boring. No reasons to fix it, cos it ain't broken in any ways.19:04
ravagetommix, great. so stay around to help others or come back any time when you run into a problem. if you just want to chat about ubuntu there is #ubuntu-discuss19:05
tommixah, ok. I will return if there is some reason.19:05
raub`When I set the qterminal colours, where does it pick them up? Would that be in /usr/share/qtermwidget5/color-schemes/?19:05
ravageraub, google says yes19:07
raubravage: Are those colours GRB?19:08
rauber, RGB19:08
raubI can't see what I am typing right now, it is washed with a light blue background and white text19:08
raubhence m desire to change it. in LXterminal I can edit one thing but it seems qxterminal I have to create a new colorscheme file19:09
ravageColor=196,160,0 looks RGB19:12
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raubravage: thanks. I will run all the colours again in the colorscheme file to see if I can find the one that is annoying me19:14
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raubFound it: it was Color419:39
Useeri love irc19:43
Useerso clean19:43
Useerno junk ad's19:44
jpmhI installed screen - when I try an run it I get a permission issue with /run/screen - it seems that the directory is being created as owned by root with rwx------ permissions.  I have truied changing it, and it does then work.  However, if I leave screen then the problem comes back when I next boot19:56
tomreynjpmh: here, /run/screen is: drwxrwxrwt  2 root       utmp         40 Oct 19 22:44 screen20:06
tomreyn(of course, you may be running something completely different)20:07
jpmhtomreyn: I know that that is what it needs to be and if a change it to that then all works.  But next time it will be created incorrectly again20:07
jpmhas to what I am running - I am running what came from the repository20:08
tomreynsame here, som a specific ubuntu releases' "main" repository20:08
jpmhScreen version 4.08.00 (GNU) 05-Feb-2020:08
tomreynyou could compare the permissions on your system to that of another of the same release20:09
ravageand /run ist temp anyway.20:11
jpmhtomreyn: that is sort of what I did.  /run is 755 and it makes /run/screen as 700 - I change it and all is OK tell...20:11
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ravageso even if mess up the rights it fixes itself after a reboot20:12
jpmhravage: yes - I know and that is why screen is making /run/screen20:12
ravagethis is a newer version of screen though. so i guess you maybe use 20.04?20:12
jpmhravage: and infact it MESSES up after boot, making the /run/screen with the WRONG permissions20:12
tomreynbut, i suspect, only on your system20:13
EriC^^jpmh: what permissions does it create20:14
tomreynand what is "it"20:15
jpmhtomreyn: I'm not sure that I understand what you are saying, but also sort of agree - on the HUNDREDS (literally) of other systems that I access there is no issue.  It is just on this NEW laptop20:15
jpmhEriC^^: it creates 070020:15
jpmhEriC^^: owned by the root with group as root too20:15
tomreynso is this a fresh installation from an ubuntu installation iso? which version?20:15
EriC^^jpmh: please type "sudo rm -r /run/screen && sudo apt-get install --reinstall screen"20:16
jpmhtomreyn: installed maybe two weeks ago 22.04 (minimal)  - And I will NEVER do minimal again - I have wasted so much time adding back things I lost20:16
tomreynjpmh: great, that's the kind of basic information that's always good to provide when you have questions20:17
ravagebut then the screen version is irritating20:18
ravagei have 4.09.00 (GNU) 30-Jan-2220:18
kostkon!info screen20:19
ubottuscreen (4.9.0-2, kinetic): terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Built by screen. Size 640 kB / 1,013 kB20:19
ravage!info screen jammy20:19
ubottuscreen (4.9.0-1, jammy): terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Built by screen. Size 656 kB / 1,005 kB20:19
tomreyn"apt policy screen" may clear this up20:19
ravagehis output is what you get on 20.0420:22
ravagejust checked20:22
tomreynjpmh's screen from a yet unknown package reports it is --version "Screen version 4.08.00 (GNU) 05-Feb-20". jammy's 4.9.0-1 package version would report that it is --version "Screen version 4.08.00 (GNU) 05-Feb-20"20:22
Mentoslol had to share this discovery in no mans sky -- https://prnt.sc/C0dRSG6F6fXM20:23
tomreynjpmh: so what does    apt policy screen    say?20:23
tomreyn!ot | Mentos20:24
ubottuMentos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:24
jpmhEriC^^: sorry for the delay I lost internet for a few - tried the remove and re-install - no change - even did a reboot20:37
EriC^^jpmh: ls -ld /run/screen gives what?20:38
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EriC^^jpmh: which ubuntu version is this?20:39
tomreyn<tomreyn> jpmh: so what does    apt policy screen    say?20:41
Mentossorry tomreyn was meant for there20:42
EriC^^jpmh: what happens if you do 'sudo chown root:utmp /run/screen && sudo chmod 1777 /run/screen'20:42
jpmhEriC^^: as long as I manually FIX the permissions all works fine.  That's what is so annoying20:43
EriC^^jpmh: are you fixing it by running the command above?20:43
jpmhEriC^^: I am not doing the chown since it is already correct.  But I am setting the permissions20:44
EriC^^you're settingg 1777?20:45
tomreynEriC^^: jpmh is saying that they are running a GNU screen which reports it is version "4.08.00 (GNU) 05-Feb-20", on a freshly (2 weeks ago) installed ubuntu 22.04. but 22.04 provides 4.9.0. something's not adding up.20:47
EriC^^ah tomreyn20:48
jpmhtomreyn: remember that I did need to install screen - which I did with apt install screen20:48
tomreynjpmh: from where?20:49
jpmhand I did just reinstall20:49
EriC^^jpmh: run 'apt-cache policy screen | nc termbin.com 9999'20:49
jpmhtomreyn: no idea from where - wherever the system defaulted to20:49
EriC^^policy should clear it up i think20:50
tomreynjpmh: it would have installed version 4.9.0 then20:50
tomreynthat's why i asked for the policy output 3 times. ;)20:50
jpmhtomreyn: and EriC^^ thanks to your input I removed screen - rebooted, installed screen and now have the right version and more to the point IT WORKS!  TY20:51
jpmhI really appreciate you guys and it is help like this that makes me love Ubuntu20:51
tomreyngood that it works now20:52
morgan-u2yes now that I can work it the ubuntu 22.04 copy all or part of the screen does work better than before, ease.....21:29
jhutchinsraub: Yeah, it's a perpetual problem with vim, dark blue on black.21:30
jhutchinsAh yes, the scrollbuffer.21:30
brkcoreis it possible to change the gnome screencast saving the videos in mp4 instead of webm?21:54
olleAny tips for text to speech apps? That's not the "standard" robot voice, but actually something better.23:17
olleLots of paid websites with good voices, but23:17
olleHm, some google results23:19
ravagefestival sounds kind of ok https://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/onlinedemo.html23:19
ravagethe voices are all in extra packages23:21
olleravage: yeah, found a link here https://askubuntu.com/questions/53896/natural-sounding-text-to-speech23:26
olleJust have to make it read pdf somehow23:26
olleOr copy-paste in some easy way23:27
olleOr read from the x window buffer :d23:28
ollebash can fetch the copy buffer with a tool. then pipe it to festival perhaps23:30
olleecho "(SayText \"$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)\")" | festival  '(voice_cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts)' --pipe23:42
olleThat's the one23:42

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