
=== esv_ is now known as esv
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itjamie@meena / @minimal I've refactored https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1808/files. is that closer to what you'd like to see?10:45
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meenaitjamie: what happens if that replacement fails? it returns None, from what i can see. 15:23
meenayou need another if not seedfrom:15:25
* meena wonders if anyone has survived last week's in person meet and can now review my PRs16:06
meenafalcojr: ping16:20
falcojrlol, I'll get to it today16:21
falcojrthough...I may be the only one...others on the team came back with colds16:21
meenafalcojr: to reiterate from last week: 20:24 <meena> falcojr: might be good to rework my schedule next week with all of y'all's schedule in mind /cc jrm16:24
minimalBTW I just spend a couple of days debugging an issue where c-i fails on all 4 init.d services thinking it was "ubuntu" when it was running on Alpine - seems if the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg is not valid YAML this happens but it doesn't log that the file is invalid. Doh!16:25
falcojrminimal: ooph, I think part of it may be due to us using the cloud.cfg to setup logging. Feel free to file a bug though so we can look a little deeper16:27
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minimalfalcojr: it did create logs, I jsut ended up adding print statements to stages.py and some other files to try and understand what was going on and spotting the self config being used didn't match the cloud.cfg contents16:30
rjtIs there a built-in command to verify the configuration files?  Checks the Line ending format.  ByteOrderMark.  YAML syntax.  Checks that the architecture matches.16:46
minimalrjt: I just used yamllint16:55
meenawhich endianness does YAML have? 17:00
meena(that's a joke question, btw)17:05
waldiit can be both. yaml is supposed to support utf-1617:06
waldi(i would assume most parsers do not)17:06
minimalwhich version of yaml is being talked about? ;-)17:07
minimalc-i is YAML 1.1 from memory17:07
waldiminimal: https://yaml.org/spec/1.1/#id86874217:10
meenai need to sit down and review https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1756   before it gets merged17:18
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1756 in canonical/cloud-init "Feature: Kernel Modules" [Open]17:18
rjtThanks for the link.  "If a character stream does not begin with a byte order mark (#FEFF), the character encoding shall be UTF-8. "  17:56
rjtDid not know JSON cannot have a BOM at all.  Thinking it must always be network byte order or something like that.   Endianness confuses the heck out of me. 17:57
meenafalcojr: thank you so much20:17
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