
imihi, is it safe to add a wrapper to gio to make it fail whenever launched as root?00:39
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arraybolt3oerheks: Wrong channel?03:15
ravageHe is just a very positive person.03:16
oerheksI do not take No for a burp.03:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:17
=== realivanjx3 is now known as realivanjx
Guest99why are viewers like okular and text editors like kate using CPU even when minimized or on another virtualdesktop?03:53
ravagebad programming03:55
oerhekswhy is that bad?03:56
ravagemy gnome pdf viewer does not use any recognizable amount of CPU cycles when minimized though03:56
ravageand i never saw that happenen with kate either03:57
jhutchinsPDF files can have active macros that run even when the viewer is not in the foreground.  Some of these are very bad things you do not want running on your computer.03:57
jhutchinsI'd want to make really sure why those vewiers are using CPU in the background.03:57
Guest99To be fair, it's only 0.1% - 0.2%, but I was expecting 0.0. The screen is locked and I am ssh'ing from outside, they are displaying unchanging content, so I would expect that there is no need to wake them up for updates.03:59
ravagea running process with never use 0%04:00
ravageyour TV uses power in standby too. it waits for you to interact with it04:01
Guest99I do not understand GUI concurrancy, I guess I was expecting that the process would tell the OS, "I'm going to sleep, wake me when I need to do something"04:04
Guest99Or, "I'm going to sleep, wake me in one of the following circumstances: data to port N, action on my window."  Is that not an option for a modern OS?04:30
ravage!ot | Guest9904:30
ubottuGuest99: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:30
Guest99um this is for a Ubuntu 22.04 system, I'm not asking about Windows.04:31
Guest99"I'm going to sleep, wake me in one of the following circumstances: data to port N, action on my window."  Is that not an option for Ubuntu 22.04 ?04:32
ravageit is not a support topic. if you want to discuss Ubuntu feel free to do so in #ubuntu-discuss04:32
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Guest97I just bought a TV-B-Gone, It's a tiny remote which turns06:57
Guest97TVs on or off, using a big list of TV Power codes. It's very fun to use to turn off TVs in sports bars during the "Big game" or in doctors offices to turn off the TV.06:57
Guest97Hotel lobby, Sports bars, you can turn the TVs off06:58
Guest97its very fun06:58
alkisgGuest97: great, now see what ravage said 2 lines above ^07:07
Guest97I dont see anything07:08
Guest97from him07:08
alkisgravageR 06:32 it is not a support topic. if you want to discuss Ubuntu feel free to do so in #ubuntu-discuss07:08
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FlorianHey, I just did an upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04. The upgrade window closed and I thought I needed to reboot. Now I always fall back to emergency mode and I am not able to recover from there. I can see that I have 1632 packages which need to be upgraded, but whenever I do so, after a minute I get the initial message that I am in emergency mode again08:21
Florianand nothing happend. What can I do, to finish my upgrade?08:21
alkisgBoot from a live cd, chroot and upgrade from there08:32
FlorianI will try it from there08:38
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* bittin is watching the Summit now had another meeting that collided this morning10:10
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stevenm_does "'string'" or "'string'" have some kind of special meaning to dconf and gsettings ?10:23
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stevenm_because it's odd you can't save a string of   \n   without using either of them10:30
stevenm_'\n' or "\n" results in \\n10:30
gebbione[25644] Error loading Python lib '/tmp/_MEIN4ttjL/libpython3.9.so.1.0': dlopen: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /tmp/_MEIN4ttjL/libpython3.9.so.1.0) .. is there a way to upgrade GLIBC to 2.28 on ubuntu 18?10:30
stevenm_but '"\n"' or "'\n'" results in \n10:30
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
Florian33I get an error when running "update-initramfs" saying that "target luks-ID not found in /etc/crypttab" in a chroot environment. I have an entry in my /etc/crypttab with exactly that UUID, but it is not starting with "luks-".11:10
Florian33When restarting the computer it also boots, but does not ask for the decryption of my devices.11:10
Florian33Do you have an idea, how to resolve that warning and let my system ask for the decryption password again?11:10
EriC^^Florian33: can you pastebin /etc/crypttab11:14
Florian33EriC^^ https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/XwwsCJFB22/11:21
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Guest4024Im from UB 7.1011:43
EriC^^Florian33: the problem is that you mounted the encrypted rootos from the file manager and it set it to luks-uuid, you need to unmount, close it then use the cryptsetup command to decrypt it with the name nvme0n1p3_crypt and then it should work out11:52
EriC^^Florian33: unmount the root partition then sudo cryptsetup luksClose luks-51ff6f39-e06c-4162-8177-50a9a279e08f11:53
EriC^^then do sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 nvme0n1p3_crypt    (you might need to use another /dev/nvme...) depending on what it's called in "sudo parted -ls" output11:54
Florian33EriC^^ thanks, that worked out. Can boot again and it decrypts the drives; with a black X-Server though. I will have a look into that now12:39
EriC^^Florian33: no problem, sounds good12:40
Kartagis-why am I getting this? the file exists as you can see. http://paste.debian.net/1259840/12:53
alkisgKartagis-: apt install ./file.deb, put ./ in front12:54
Kartagis-alkisg: what about http://paste.debian.net/1259840/?12:56
alkisgKartagis-: yes I saw it, and I answered about it12:57
Kartagis-alkisg: did you? when?12:57
alkisgapt install ./file.deb, put ./ in front12:57
Kartagis-oh, mispaste. one sec12:58
alkisgI guess it'll be faster if I put it for you: LANG=en_US sudo apt install ./stremio_4.4.137-1_amd64.deb -y12:58
Kartagis-alkisg: http://paste.debian.net/1259841/12:58
alkisgKartagis-: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libfdk-aac112:59
alkisgThis package is available for 18.04 and 20.04, not 22.0412:59
alkisgWhich means that the .deb you're trying to install doesn't properly support 22.0412:59
alkisgKartagis-: try this one instead: https://dl.strem.io/shell-linux/v4.4.159/stremio_4.4.159-1_amd64.deb13:01
alkisgIt's newer, it might have updated dependencies13:01
Kartagis-alkisg: nope, still is dependent on that13:04
alkisgTry the flatpak version then. If that doesn't work either, then you can start getting tricky :)13:05
alkisg(tricky = something like this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1403911/stremio-doesnt-launch-on-ubuntu-22-04)13:06
brkkk_I will install back ubuntu 18.04 and will try to update the uefi. That way maybe afterwards with the updated uefi, the new windows installation will see the nvme drive.13:30
brkkk_oh, I wont be able to update the uefi, since the only update file is .exe from the official manufacture13:30
BluesKajHi all13:35
=== realivanjx2 is now known as realivanjx
TazyHi all, is there a way to trace what keeps trying to do an ssh login locally ?13:47
fauxprideWhen doing backup, is there any reason to include anything other than /etc and $HOME?13:47
TazyI keep seeing "Connection closed by port 44546 [preauth]" ?13:47
lotuspsychjefauxpride: the users choice, we used to have aptoncd backing up programs too13:49
fauxpridelotuspsych - Thanks. I'll back up under the assumption that I'll have a working internet connection to the machine I restore to, so that's probably not needed.13:50
lotuspsychje!backup | fauxpride see also13:50
ubottufauxpride see also: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup, !borg, and !cloning13:50
fauxpridethis is for my VPS to which I have to GUI access, btw.13:51
fauxprideanyway, thanks for the links.13:51
BrassPin88fauxpride can you send a screenshot of the GUI, censoring any personal information if any13:57
BrassPin88I'm not currently running ubuntu.13:58
BrassPin88I miss how it looks13:58
leftyfbBrassPin88: you're asking for a screenshot of the ubuntu desktop?13:59
BrassPin88just the VPS GUI14:00
BrassPin88It's okay, I just remembered I can look it up myself.14:00
BrassPin88Unless the user I contacted was a ricer.14:00
fauxprideBrassPin88: https://www.deviantart.com/adrelynx/art/Ubuntu-7-04-xGl-Anime-7263610914:00
fauxpridenot mine, but it works if you just want to remember how it looks.14:00
naxiliam using lubuntu14:25
naxilstrange nm works on start... but if connection lost (wifi) not reconnect anymore to the same AP....14:25
naxilthis chat works or is abandoned?14:28
Habbiethis chat is not abandoned, but sometimes it takes a while for somebody to respond with something useful14:29
naxilok habbie thank you14:29
mcjGood day all. I understand this question is rather broad. I have a NAS I would like to view/play files off of that I connect via an SMB share. It seems that no audio player supports file linking from an smb:// prefixed filesystem. Is there a way to connect to the SMB share without mounting via fstab? I feel like if for some reason connection cannot be established, it will kill boot if I do so via14:36
leftyfbmcj: vlc works just fine over smb14:39
naxilleftyfb you know the command for reset nm and wifi0 ?14:40
mcjleftyfb: I get a "Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'smb://fileserv.local/xxx.flac'. Check the log for details." error when attempting to open. If it helps, I am using Kubuntu 22.04 LTS.14:40
leftyfbmcj: check the log for details. It's more than likely not due to it being a smb URI14:40
mcjVLC doesn't specify where the log is that it's writing to14:41
leftyfbmcj: https://askubuntu.com/a/910038  # first result on google for "vlc log ubuntu"14:41
mcjHeh, log is disabled by default... that would be a good start. Thanks14:42
brkkk_i have installed ubuntu 18.04 with lots of errors showed. Now I am continuing using it before restarting. How can I pastebin the logs from the installation?14:43
brkkk_wich logs to look for?14:43
mcj"smb error: open failed for 'fileserv.local/xxx.flac' (Invalid argument)" Hmm. Would this indicate that Dolphin is not prefixing the argument with the smb:// prefix?14:44
leftyfbbrkkk_: why are you installing 18.04 over 20.04 or 22.04?14:44
leftyfbmcj: I have zero experience with Dolphin. Sorry14:45
mcjIt's all good. Thanks for pointing me in a direction, leftyfb !14:45
brkkk_leftyfb, can you please let me know which logs to to look for and pastebin to see what errors there was with the installation14:46
cartdrigenaxil, there is #lubuntu also14:46
leftyfbbrkkk_: why are you installing 18.04 over 20.04 or 22.04?14:46
brkkk_leftyfb, because 20.04 and 22.04 doesn't have drivers for the drive and sound card.14:47
leftyfbbrkkk_: uh. I am very doubtful that is true. Especially with a mass storage device14:47
brkkk_the laptop was running fine with the 18.04 for few years. Yesterday installed 22.04 and since then its not even loading properly. leftyfb14:47
leftyfbbrkkk_: was it an upgrade or fresh install of 22.04?14:48
brkkk_fresh install leftyfb14:48
brkkk_earsing everything and installoing it14:48
brkkk_now after the installation, I can't boot with UEFI. It boots only with legacy boot.14:48
leftyfbbrkkk_: I would highly suggest installing 22.04 and troubleshooting with this channel from there. Not from 18.04. You're trading problems with a very old release with problems with a modern release14:49
leftyfbbrkkk_: why do you need UEFI over legacy?14:49
brkkk_leftyfb, im daeling with this since yesterday and all night. its a mess. I need to see the errors that have recorded while installing it.14:50
brkkk_can you please let me know where to look for these logs?14:50
brkkk_then I will look online for solutions.14:50
peacefulmanyou need to boot with the installer in efi mode. You can still use efibootmgr and grub2-mkconfig. You will need to install some of the kernel efi packages if I recall right14:51
leftyfbbrkkk_: /var/log/installer14:51
leftyfbbrkkk_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/758089/ubuntu-installation-takes-an-hour-is-there-any-way-to-see-logs   # first result on google for "ubuntu installer logs"14:51
peacefulmanif you boot with the installer from usb in legacy mode it will install in legacy mode, mistake I've made on accident myself14:52
peacefulmanefibootmgr is a bit of pain to use, but it's very helpful to get to know it14:54
brkkk_peacefulman, you are roght. Thats how I boot the installer in legacy mode an hour ago. Now I booted and installed with UEFI ...and should be fine, but first I wanted to check the errors, in case it still doesnt load the os14:54
peacefulmanbrkkk_: maybe your media or hard drive is bad?14:57
peacefulmanbrkkk_: I use to test the media on booting up with that boot menu option but sometimes it seems to complain even when there's nothing really wrong due to various bugs in the installer14:58
brkkk_peacefulman, it is the hard drive that is not configured properly. Now I boot  and I am with Perform MOK Mamagement14:58
brkkk_should I enroll the keys from disk, or hash from disk ... whats the difference15:00
brkkk_I don't have a key to install15:00
peacefulmanbrkkk_: I'm not sure what you are referring to. I don't remember seeing that when I install ubuntu 20.04 or 22 in EFI mode.15:01
leftyfbbrkkk_: you should disable secure boot15:01
brkkk_ok will disable it on the next boot15:02
peacefulmanoh yeah, that. The bios should have an option to disable that15:02
brkkk_ok it loads fine now.15:02
leftyfbbrkkk_: you should disable secure boot and THEN install ubuntu (22.04)15:02
brkkk_peacefulman, the problem was as you said - booting the installation media while in legacy mode15:03
leftyfbbrkkk_: there's nothing wrong with legacy mode15:03
peacefulmanefi mode can be helpful though if you have multiple os on the machine15:04
leftyfbalso not a requirement for that use case15:04
brkkk_sigh, i forgot the passowrd now15:05
leftyfbbrkkk_: disable secure boot and install ubuntu (22.04) from scratch. I can almost guarantee you it will work without issue15:05
peacefulmanDr. Pizza?15:09
peacefulmanopps wrong chat, sorry15:09
arraybolt3OK, this may sound silly, but here it is. Warning, it's long. I have a desktop with four drives plugged in (one NVMe, one USB for holding the boot files, long story, irrelevant to the rest of this, and two 6 TB HDDs). I installed Lubuntu onto it last night (boot files on USB, root on NVMe), and then set up a ZFS mirrored array on the two 6 TB drives, with compression enabled. I then copied a bunch15:12
arraybolt3of critical data onto the array in order to back it up. After a good long while, the backups finished, and I then just left the desktop sitting there idle.15:12
arraybolt3I then had a brief power outage which improperly turned off the desktop.15:12
arraybolt3I have it back on and all of the files seem to be there, but I'm worried that maybe some data might have been left in RAM and not been written to disk or something. How likely is it that some of the data is lost?15:13
arraybolt3(I'm currently SHA256SUM'ing everything on both the source and backup drives so I can compare and make sure that everything's right, but if this is a giant waste of time I'd rather not do it in the future, and maybe even stop it now.)15:13
mickeypashHello friends!15:32
mickeypashI wanted to ask how to go about patching a CVE in Ubuntu15:32
lotuspsychjeyou got a bug ID of your case mickeypash ?15:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Python 3.9.x and 3.10.x through 3.10.8 on Linux allows local privilege escalation in a non-default configuration. The Python multiprocessing library, when used with the forkserver start method on Linux, allows pickles to be deserialized from any user in the same machine local network namespace, which in many system configurations means any user on the same machine. Pickles ... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-42919>15:33
mickeypash^ wow cool15:34
mickeypashSo basically for python 3.9~20.04 there is a patch on the Python-side: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/9850415:35
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Pull 98504 in python/cpython "[3.9] gh-97514: Don't use Linux abstract sockets for multiprocessing (GH-98501)" [Merged]15:35
lotuspsychjemickeypash: In general, a standard system update will make all the necessary changes., https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-5713-115:36
mickeypashYou mean upgrading to 22.04?15:36
leftyfbmickeypash: what version of ubuntu are you running?15:37
mickeypashThing is I'm running this on a server with many other dependencies all pinned to specific version15:37
mickeypashI'm surprised that it hasn't been patched in other versions?15:43
=== realivanjx7 is now known as realivanjx
leftyfbmickeypash: https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-4291915:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Python 3.9.x and 3.10.x through 3.10.8 on Linux allows local privilege escalation in a non-default configuration. The Python multiprocessing library, when used with the forkserver start method on Linux, allows pickles to be deserialized from any user in the same machine local network namespace, which in many system configurations means any user on the same machine. Pickles ... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-42919>15:45
leftyfbmickeypash: python 3.9 isn't used/installed on ubuntu 20.04 by default15:47
leftyfb3.8.10 is the default which isn't vulnerable to the issue15:47
mickeypashThanks! But what I don't understand is why 3.9~focal is mentioned as Needed in the list?15:49
mickeypashIf it's not installed by default would it no say "Does not exist"?15:49
leftyfbbecause it does exist and is available to install, it just isn't installed by default15:50
mickeypashOkay. What about 3.9~jammy = Does not exist? This implies that it cannot be installed?15:52
leftyfbmickeypash: as per the link and if you check using apt, python 3.9 does not exist in Ubuntu 22.0415:55
pavlushkaI put some icon shortcuts on mate-panel, where those info stores?15:56
pavlushkagets stored?15:57
jhutchinsIt's pretty lame of developers to require the latest release of a run-time environment for languages that are widely distributed as older versions, particularly in stable applications.15:57
leftyfbpavlushka: that's very Ubuntu Mate specific, maybe try #ubuntu-mate ?15:57
=== trogloditas_ is now known as sinvet
jhutchinsWhat does it say about the stability of your project if it won't even run on most stable distributions?15:58
leftyfbjhutchins: you know python has it's own LTS and supported releases of python right?15:59
leftyfbjhutchins: it might not make sense for 22.04 to add python 3.9 when python 3.9 will be out of support halfway through Ubuntu 22.04's lifecycle16:00
leftyfbbrkkk_: please do not PM. Post here if you need help16:10
brkkk_ah sorry16:11
mickeypashleftyfb thanks for this! apologies if the weird questions. just trying to make sense of it all.16:11
mickeypasheven if 3.9~focal is not installed by default. What is the process for people to apply a patch to it?16:11
leftyfbmickeypash: you'll want to get it into python3.9 in general. Not just Ubuntu.16:12
mickeypashIt's already in python3.9:)16:12
brkkk_if I copy the files from the timeshift backup to a usb, I can then restore the os on a new install, right?16:12
leftyfbbrkkk_: no. You'll need to reinstall timeshift and then restore16:12
brkkk_yes, on the new install will install timeshift and will use these files from the usb?16:13
leftyfbbrkkk_: if that's how timeshift works, then yes. I don't have any experience with timeshift16:14
brkkk_me neither16:14
jhutchinsleftyfb: My point is that it's a lot smarter to release python software that's supported by an LTS release than to rely on the bleeding edge of python development.16:15
lorn1975i have no sound again16:20
brkkk_22.04 with kernel 5.15.0-52?16:22
mickeypashleftyfb so given that there is a patch in 3.9 and it's available for install on 20.04. What is the process for creating the Ubuntu patch?16:22
mickeypashSimilar to how there is one for 3.10~22.04 - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.10/3.10.6-1~22.04.116:22
mickeypashHowever 3.10~22.04 is managed by the Ubuntu Security team16:23
leftyfbmickeypash: maybe try asking in #ubuntu-security to see what the hold-up is16:23
peacefulmanug, windows vista16:23
mickeypashleftyfb  > All binary packages in main and restricted are supported by the Ubuntu Security team for the life of an Ubuntu release, while binary packages in universe and multiverse are supported by the Ubuntu community.16:23
leftyfbpeacefulman: wrong channel16:24
peacefulmanleftyfb: sorry just commenting on his nick :)16:24
mickeypashBecause 3.9 is part of the universe repo it has to be done by the Ubuntu community?16:24
leftyfbmickeypash: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal-updates/python3.916:26
leftyfb"Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers (Mail Archive)"16:26
leftyfbmickeypash: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com16:26
=== djhankb3 is now known as djhankb
mickeypashleftyfb thanks this is super useful context. I actually contacted the person from the 22.04 patch and he referred me to this page:16:28
mickeypashIt states that universe packages are handled by the Ubuntu comminuty?16:28
mickeypash> All binary packages in main and restricted are supported by the Ubuntu Security team for the life of an Ubuntu release, while binary packages in universe and multiverse are supported by the Ubuntu community.16:28
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
tonisaromI have a Thinkpad x280 which I installed ubuntu-20.04 on, I didn't update since September and just updated today and now my Keyboard is acting weird. the keys [a, s, d, f, j, k, l, and ; ] are not working. and the fn key acts all strange. Any ideas on how to fix this? I tried a reinstall but that didn't work16:58
TazyHi all, is there a way to trace what keeps trying to do an ssh login locally ? I keep seeing "Connection closed by port 44546 [preauth]" ?17:02
pavlos@Tazy: can you run a tcpdump on that port?17:10
TazyI can17:15
Tazypavlos, but the port keeps changing in the logs17:16
pavlos@Tazy: how do you get that line? from syslog?17:16
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Tazypavlos, journalctl17:20
pavlos@Tazy: usually this msg indicates a process tried to ssh but timed out. Could be ansible, nfs, or other processes.17:22
TazyI don't have any of that installed or running17:22
Tazyunless it's samba or smb17:22
Tazyokay so I see with tcpdump 'n  IP localhost.38890 > localhost.ssh: Flags [R], seq 3525891528, win 0, length 0'17:23
Tazyso it is locally17:23
jhutchinsI have a drive that is consistently reporting a stable number of bad sectors.  Is there a way to acknowledge this message and mark the sectors as unusable so that the message doesn't repeat?17:25
leftyfbjhutchins: replace the drive17:25
jhutchinsleftyfb: The errors are not progressing.17:25
leftyfbjhutchins: replace the drive17:25
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leftyfbjhutchins: if you don't care about the data on the drive ... continue on using it17:26
jhutchinsThanks.  Maybe I should turn it off and turn it back on again, or reinstall Windows.17:27
pavlos@Tazy: is your .ssh/ 60017:28
jhutchinsIt's been reporting the same number of sectors for a LONG time.  In my experience, as long as the bad blocks/sectors don't increase the drive is stable and reliable.17:29
Tazypavlos, heh no, 70017:29
leftyfbjhutchins: and what about the sectors and issues with the drive that it isn't reporting on?17:30
Tazypavlos, so this might help "pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root"17:31
Tazythat is from the auth.log17:31
jhutchinsTazy: Just a WAG: It's probably cron.17:32
Tazyjhutchins, I see that, just before I see another connection closed [preauth]17:32
Tazyoh wait yeah I see17:33
Tazyjhutchins, but I have a cron job that makes a remote ssh connection, not locally and not this frequent either17:38
pavlos@Tazy: I get them as well, https://termbin.com/72nk17:40
pavlos@Tazy: seems to run every 5 min but I dont have such a cron17:41
=== realivanjx5 is now known as realivanjx
Sven_vBhi :) I'm looking for very light-weight X11 remote control. when VLC on my Ubuntu focal netbook is playing a live stream, the saturation meters in my task bar show about 90% for RAM and 70% for CPU. That's not enough left for VNC in Remmina, but I still want to control my browser and text editor on one of my strong machines (also Ubuntu focal). I don't need realtime, and I only need to see small portions of the remote display. Do we have some very17:52
Sven_vBlazy remote control software that I can tell which screen regions to capture and when?17:52
jhutchinsTazy: I think there are regular system maintenance tasks that make root connections.17:54
cartdrigetalking about remote control, anyone of you using your phone as a remote control over bluetooth to start one thing or another on your PC? or raise/lower the volume etc?17:57
Sven_vBcartdrige, while we're waiting for someone to confess, you may already ask your real question.17:58
Tazyjhutchins, but that is still odd, since it doesn't complete the connection17:59
cartdrigewhat software is good to act as a bluetooth receiver on ubuntu to start app from my phone with a remote control bt android app, maybe. bind system shortcuts.18:00
TazyI wonder if it's an sshd health check18:00
Sven_vBcartdrige, if your phone can act as a keyboard or remote control (usually implemented as a keyboard), you can use it like any generic additional keyboard. my method to turn any keyboard into 105 "extra"/"special"/"macro" buttons is to use xinput to make the keyboard "floating" (so it doesn't do traditional key events), use xinput again to listen for events on that specific keyboard, pipe that to sed to transform the event reports into commands, and18:03
Sven_vBpipe those commands to a shell.18:03
cartdrigei see.18:04
Sven_vBanother easy way is to setup a simple static webserver like the one that comes with python, and monitor either the access logs or the webserver's disk access (using inotifywait) to trigger shell commands whenever you visit one of some user-defined special URLs on that web server.18:06
Sven_vBwhen monitoring the access logs, you may even be able to capture form data if the HTML form uses the HTTP GET method.18:07
tonisaromI have a Thinkpad x280 which I installed ubuntu-20.04 on, I didn't update since September and just updated today and now my Keyboard is acting weird. the keys [a, s, d, f, j, k, l, and ; ] are not working. and the fn key acts all strange. Any ideas on how to fix this? I tried a reinstall but that didn't work18:20
Guest420Hello fellas. I'm coming back to ubuntu after a while, still a beginner. I need to adjust the scroll speed of my mouse, but on google I found multiple solutions, some from as late as 2015. What is the standard way to do that? (usb mouse)18:26
Sven_vBtonisarom, first, check with booting from a live CD whether it works there. if your BIOS or UEFI setup has a text field where you can type freely, test there as well.18:47
coconutGuest420, Show all applications > settings > mouse speed18:48
Guest420coconut: on focal fossa there is no such option19:06
tonisaromSven_vB unfortunately it is not working in the BIOS either, I had the same issue before and when I reverted to an old ubuntu server 20.04 installation it worked fine. This time that is not working either.19:08
Sven_vBtonisarom, if it doesn't work in the BIOS, it might be a hardware problem. maybe re-plug all cables?19:13
tonisaromSven_vB the main issue is that the "fn" button is acting weirdly. When I click it acts like a macro clicking lots of keys (alt, B, space ...etc)19:15
tonisarombut I guess I can try to open up the laptop and reconnect the keyboard, even though I have not opened this laptop before19:15
coconutGuest420, and "Show all applications > settings > Mouse & Touchpad" ?19:24
Guest420coconut: I'm sorry. that exists. what doesn't is the scroll speed ajusting option19:24
Guest420coconut: need to reboot brb19:27
Peter420coconut: I'm back19:30
coconutPeter420, i cannot find scroll speed eather19:31
mzamenskidevAre cv25519 keys supported on launchpad yet?19:41
mzamenskidev(I guess not because launchpad keeps erroring when I try to add it to my PGP keys)19:43
JanCIIRC there is a bug report about that19:43
mzamenskidevI read that. Now I need to delete that key19:44
mzamenskidev(Revoke for now, at least)19:44
JanCyou can also ask in #launchpad for help with launchpad19:45
mzamenskidevAlright thank you!19:45
wadQuestion for you guys: I have a 1TB disk on my box, with 1 partition, formatted ext4. It contains a subdirectory for my home directory. Using Windows 11 WSL 2.0, my linux user should use this directory, but I need some way to mount it before that user logs in. The issue is that there are two commands that much be run BEFORE EACH OTHER:19:46
wadIn admin powershell, I have to run this command to mount the device on WSL, and it uses the currently-running WSL: wsl --mount \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE119:47
wadBut the WSL has to be currently running, which means that my user is logged in, but my user's home directory is on that mounted disk.19:47
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wadDoes that make any sense? Anyone have an idea how to solve this? It seems like I want to run the WSL process, _without logging in_, and then mount via powershell, and then mount the disk under Ubuntu, and THEN have my user log in.19:49
JanCcan't WSL run things before you log in?19:51
wadUgh, sorry, my chat client fell over some some reason. Where there any answers to my question while I was away?19:54
ThatGuy208Good afternoon, folks.  I can't be the only person having enormous problems with kinetic (22.10) crashing.  Is there any generalized discussion of this in any particular channel?19:57
mzamenskidevThatGuy208, Have you checked dmesg and journalctl to scope out any possible info? Not sure on the other hand.19:58
ThatGuy208not sure where to look in dmesg since it seems to reset itself during boot and the system is unresponsive before I reboot...20:00
mzamenskidevThatGuy208, try "dmesg | less" (without the quotes ofc) or did you do this already?20:01
ThatGuy208I did- it's only data from the most recent boot20:01
mzamenskidevDid you check /var/log ? ( Basically to check if there's any log files of interest that might be related)20:02
ThatGuy208I have before, not this time.  Nothing popped out at me.  Looking at journalctl now.  Seeing "watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#2 stuck for 585s!"20:03
guitargirl15nvidia card or smth? I remember seeing something about a bug with soft lockups and some driver?20:06
mzamenskidevI was about to say it could be something to do with hardware20:06
ThatGuy208Looks like maybe.  Thanks for the tip.  I was having trouble finding anything that even approximated an error message anywhere.20:07
ThatGuy208Thanks, guitargirl1520:08
ThatGuy208Looks like it didn't fix the problem for this other person tho.20:09
jhutchinsThatGuy208: To answer your initial question, no, we haven't seen a rash of 22.10 crashes here.20:10
ThatGuy208OK- thanks, jhutchins20:10
mzamenskidevThatGuy208, I use Kubuntu so I couldn't say anything about crashes for Ubuntu/20:11
InteloHow can i use my vps's internet on local machine via vpn? so I first make vpn connection to the vps via my local internet. And once connection is made, I use the internet of vps machine?20:11
jhutchinsThatGuy208: A few people have had problems with some of the subsystems after upgrading from 22.04, but nothing really consistent.20:11
jhutchinsthib_alt: Hasn't really been out long enough to spot trends.20:11
ThatGuy208Yeah, here I'm running ubuntu and installed kplasma on it.  It was doing it under the regular interface too.20:11
guitargirl15Intelo as they told you over in #linux, you *can* but that likely won't solve your problem20:12
Intelolet me try20:12
jhutchinsmzamenskidev: current dmsg includes a pager20:12
jhutchinsmzamenskidev: Try dmesg -T20:12
Inteloguitargirl15 what are my options?20:13
jhutchinsIntelo: What hypervisor host are you using?20:13
mzamenskidevAh thanks for the info jhutchins20:13
Intelojhutchins how can I check? The vps is vultr20:13
jhutchinsIntelo: If it's a commercial VPS, normal network configurations should work.  Failing that, you'll need to contact your provider for compatible settings.20:14
Intelojhutchins ok but how can I do this? ie use its internet route at home20:15
jhutchinsIntelo: Really depends on what the provider has configured, you should be able to do split forwarding, the routing table of the remote VPN should be configured to forward traffic to the internet, but that's up to whoever set up the remote VPN.20:16
Intelojhutchins what techniques I can use? proxy, masquerade, some other?20:17
jhutchinsThatGuy208: One diagnostic step would be to either run without the GUI and see if it's stable, and/or switch to another desktop like lxde or xfce and see if they crash.20:17
jhutchinsThatGuy208: Can you tell if it's a specific application that it crashes with??20:18
jhutchinsIntelo: VPNs usually just use split forwarding.  Find the simplest solution.  Again, check with your provider.20:18
Intelojhutchins provider has no objections20:19
Intelojhutchins what would be the simplest solution in your opinion?20:19
jhutchinsIntelo: Who set up the remote VPN host?20:20
Intelojhutchins I did20:21
guitargirl15Intelo, what *exactly* are you trying to do? the VPN won't make things faster, only slower20:21
jhutchinsIntelo: Figure out how to enable forwarding on that host then.20:21
aurolacmy soundcore life 2 mini wont connect to bluetooth properly in ubuntu 22.1020:21
aurolac(wireless earplugs)20:21
aurolacthey worked fine in 22.0420:22
Inteloguitargirl15 true. but there is a a difference between surfing 1000s of sites directly via poor modem and home dsl infrastructure totalling a 1g traffic VS doing the same thing via encyrpted streamed packets through vpn through vps's internet and still totalling 1g of same traffic.20:22
leftyfbIntelo: are you able to VPN to your VPS right now?20:22
Inteloleftyfb yes20:22
Intelowireguard is setup fine20:23
leftyfbIntelo: when you are connected to the VPN, go to http://ipchicken.com20:23
Intelowell i connect by ssh..20:23
Inteloipchecken is not relevant. is it?20:23
leftyfbIntelo: are you connected to the VPN to your VPS right now?20:23
leftyfbIntelo: when you are connected to the VPN, go to http://ipchicken.com20:24
Intelobut my ip and its ip are different20:24
leftyfbIntelo: is that ip you see your home internet or from your VPS?20:24
leftyfbIntelo: then you didn't setup the VPN properly20:24
Intelothats what I want to change ^20:24
Inteloleftyfb ... I have set it up fine. I can connect to it by using ssh
leftyfbIntelo: ok, then there's no problem. Congrats20:25
Inteloya theres no problem. Thanks20:25
InteloAnyway, so I was saying people, my internet and vps's interent is different. We just both connect with each other. How can I use vps's internet and not mine?20:26
leftyfbIntelo: setup your VPN properly20:26
Inteloleftyfb am.. can you be more specific?20:27
leftyfbIntelo: if it was setup properly, then you would achieve the results you expect20:27
Intelowhich part to set it up like that?20:27
InteloIts just "connected"20:27
leftyfbIntelo: https://www.wireguard.com/netns/20:28
Intelonot routing raffic20:28
olleGod, why did they remove avconv. It was good.20:28
Inteloleftyfb I see. I should read this.  So no need for masquerade, or proxy or something else?20:29
Inteloleftyfb lastly, would you agree on this: but there is a a difference between surfing 1000s of sites directly via poor modem and home dsl infrastructure totalling a 1g traffic VS doing the same thing via encyrpted streamed packets through vpn through vps's internet and still totalling 1g of same traffic.20:30
Inteloso what i am doing might help?20:30
leftyfbIntelo: I don't understand the question or your end goal20:30
Inteloleftyfb my real question: I have a vps, I connect to it from home via wireguard vpn. At home I have dsl. The dsl / model etc is not so satisfactory for professional work and apparently I do not have much options. I have good internet at the remote vps. And good hardware at home. How can I use the internet of vps server via vpn while I am at my20:30
Intelohome? I have no clue on this except once I did `ssh ip -D port` and made it socks in firefox. But this is different. I think I need this for console apps mostly. Any ideas?20:30
jhutchinsIntelo: Adding complexity and additional layers will only slow down whatever connection you have.20:30
leftyfbIntelo: a VPN will not improve your connection in any way20:31
InteloI know but I think my own connection cannot handle multiple internet requests at a single time. jhutchins leftyfb20:31
leftyfbIntelo: a VPN will not improve your connection in any way20:32
leftyfbIntelo: in fact, it will hinder it20:32
InteloI "thought" requests to vpn would make it lesser requests AND vps would be hitting the sites. So getting better respones20:32
leftyfbIntelo: a VPN will not improve your connection in any way20:32
Inteloleftyfb jhutchins I see. So how can i find out if its the modem/router that is poor or the interent itself at my home?20:33
leftyfbIntelo: that is offtopic here20:33
Intelowhere can we talk?20:33
leftyfbIntelo: try #hardware maybe20:33
Inteloare you there?20:33
InteloLooks like I am banned there20:34
Inteloleftyfb ##networking?20:34
Inteloleftyfb ##networking *20:34
leftyfbIntelo: good luck20:34
InteloThats interesting20:34
aurolacanyone else having bluetooth issues?20:43
nickgawHi, I am totally blind and so tried to use the orca screen reader to install ubuntu both the 22.04 normal system and the canary installer and when pressing windows and alt and s to start orca after hearing the boot up sound which I think should have a message in it about how to enable speech for those of us who can not see the screen once the installer launches no keyboard controls work in it and I could not locate anyone to write to about this?20:44
nickgawThe canary installer had no boot up sound and no speech could be enabled using the keyboard so I have no clue if sound cards were detected and on the wiki for the accessibility team no irc server information is listed as to when the accessibility meetings are and what irc server they are on which I think should be listed along with good accessible irc clients.20:45
jhutchinsnickgaw: Have you used linux installers that had speech enabled before?20:48
nickgawYes the debian one has the speakup console screen reader and older ubuntu installers worked ok it is not that orca does not launch for the normal installer it is once it is on no keyboard navigation like tabbing work to get to different options and the console installer of ubuntu does not have speakup in it as an option or I would install that way.20:49
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jhutchinsWow.  I would have thought that speech synthesis was a very complex, high-level application.21:00
jhutchinsFirst you have to have a working sound system - something many installs don't have even when completed.21:00
wadA while ago I posted a question in here, and I just thought I'd mention that I solved it. I am now able to launch Ubuntu from Windows 11 via wsl, on a home directory mounted to a different ext4-formatted partition. YAAS!21:02
nickgawYes orca runs in the normal 22.04 installer but no keyboard navigation does after speech starts.21:11
TuxBlackEdoI am trying to pxe preseed an unattended ubuntu 20.04 installation and I am getting the installer to ask me to confirm my partitioning... https://i.imgur.com/KXZOK09.png i already put "d-i partman/choose_partition select finish" and "d-i partman/confirm boolean true" in my preseed file but the installer seems to not care. has anyone seen this?21:37
TuxBlackEdoit just stops at that screen waiting for me to press enter21:38
jhutchinsTuxBlackEdo: Without re-educating myself on preseed syntax, I would say that "confirm = true" means "yes, please check for confirmation".21:39
TuxBlackEdothat's supposed to be set to true21:44
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nickgaw[[BOne thing i could never understand is why root is not setup with a password on ubuntu and why sudo is used to get root access?22:25
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Jeremy31nickgaw: That would take forever to explain, but if you set a user sudo password and a root password and forget both, you have to reinstall, without setting a root password leaves a path through recovery mode to reset a user password22:27
nickgawIs there anything wrong with setting a root password?22:28
Jeremy31No, but some think setting a root password may be a security issue22:29
regedithello, what was the command i could run which shows me all the details of mounted drives which i can pretty much copy/paste to /etc/something to make that drive automatically mount as read-only instead of read+write22:36
EriC^^regedit: 'disks' program? /etc/fstab ?22:37
regeditright /etc/fstab is the file where i need to paste it22:37
regediti think22:37
leftyfbregedit: /etc/mtab22:37
regeditthere was another command which pretty much shows all the drive details, UUID, label, mode / flags etc22:37
leftyfbregedit: cat /etc/mtab22:38
regeditah lemme try that thanks22:38
regedityess looks right 👌 thanks!22:38
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dsc_I cannot seem to install `wine32` on a mostly new Jammy system: https://paste.centos.org/view/raw/60a6111c22:45
dsc_I tried `sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386`22:45
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