
blahdeblahRepeating earlier question now that my IRC bouncer isn't bouncing up & down:03:16
blahdeblahAnyone able to comment on what's current best/easiest practice when setting up a VM host with VMs bridged onto multiple VLANs?03:16
blahdeblahI know the Linux kernel bridging code grew VLAN filtering in semi-recent kernels - is there an easy configuration method for it exposed in userland?03:16
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crohmanncoreycb: jamespage: May I kindly nag you about triggering a package update for UCA for neutron-vpnaas? - see https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/199586108:41
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 1995861 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "[SRU] neutron-vpnaas packages need updates as they are missing two critical patches" [Undecided, New]08:41
sdezielblahdeblah: apparently systemd-networkd supports it but netplan doesn't yet (it's be asked for via https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/1793128 though)14:19
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 1793128 in netplan "support vlan-aware bridges (vlan-filtering)" [Wishlist, Triaged]14:19
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footeward: when you say "i would NOT have things live in your home directory" (and sdeziel agrees) - you're referring to web code? Or socket only? 17:19
foosdeziel: thanks, didn't think about strace17:19
tdsblahdeblah: ifupdown2 has good support for it17:29
tdsah, though looks like ifupdown2 is missing from recent ubuntu releases :(17:34
Kehethi, is it possible to dump crashlog from ubuntu-server installer to usb stick I use for booting? 18:43
Kehetor some other way to transfer logs 18:43
tewardfoo: technically speaking *both* because if there's a leak in your code it can traverse into your home directory and steal information.  but your socket should probably sit in a runtime directory space like was suggested by me and sdeziel like we said yesterday/overnight18:48
sarnoldKehet: when I was troubleshooting some booting problems a few years ago, I did a fair amount of copying of those crash dumps onto a different USB stick18:48
sarnoldKehet: depending upon how far you made it into the installer, you could configure the networking up, and use nc to move things around that way18:49
Kehetohh I can drop to shell ofc, I'm dumb18:50
blahdeblahsdeziel, tds: thanks19:04
footeward: thank you, that makes sense. I didn't consider this.19:34
footeward: appreciate you sharing, thank you19:34
tewardfoo: you're welcome, but at the very least consider a runtimedirectory via systemd in /run/ for the socket at the least so www-data is guaranteed to access it proper19:35
tewardi never trust www-data to work with sub/alt groups proper in daemons for the reasons you ran into - sometimes being in a secondary group doesnt work ;)19:36
adaceffendy[m], I tried to remove the mount in the kubernetes env. That alone didn"t resolve the slow htop/iotop. However I also upgraded the packages on my machine and then docker got restarted. After that htop and iotop run fast again.19:38
adacSo i suspect it you probably were still right. It might about this mount that stuff was slow on the machine. For whatever reason19:39
effendy[m]adac: interesting, yeah. Maybe there was something hanging there, even on the remote share19:45
footeward: I like that. 20:03
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