
kisakI had some mesa builds disappear into a black hole on ingress a couple hours ago. Give it more time, try again, or completely give up for today?00:27
sarnoldI'm not on the launchpad team but it seems like unless it gave you an error message somewhere (check email?) it will probably try to complete the actions once unblocked; it'll take a while, it's been down for a bit00:30
kisakyeah, that's sensible and fair00:30
=== holman is now known as holmanb
RikMillsuploads to PPAs are still vanishing into a black hole, and the publisher is awol06:47
ricotzautopkgtests are basically on halt as well07:08
RikMillsjust as well Mark said at the summit they would be investing more on infra ;)07:48
guruprasadRikMills, this is a known issue and we are looking into it. 09:38
guruprasadRikMills, it looks like the issue is fixed. Can you retry and let us know if it worked?10:08
RikMillsguruprasad: well, I just got acceptance emails for 3 I uploaded many hrs ago :)10:10
guruprasadRikMills, \o/10:10
guruprasadThanks for letting us know10:10
RikMillsguruprasad: publisher working? I guess that will take time to clear the backlog if it is10:12
RikMillsppa publisher still seems missing in action12:27
ahasenackI just pinged someone about that12:28
ahasenackthey said they are going through the systems looking for stuck cron jobs12:28
ahasenackhttps://launchpad.net/~ahasenack/+archive/ubuntu/samba-22h2/+packages published 21h ago (source), no binaries published yet (but they are built at least)12:28

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