
Guest8650Still down? its been down all day? Any updates?03:43
dob1firefox, using system handler to open pdf gives me permission denied14:15
dob1env: ‘/snap/bin/firefox’: Permission denied14:16
lissyxdob1, it should be using the portal no?14:54
dob1lissyx: what you mean?14:54
dob1I am not using gnome14:54
lissyxdob1, please file a bug with as much as STR as possible against https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?product=Firefox%20Build%20System&component=Third%20Party%20Packaging&list_id=1628294514:55
lissyxdob1, well I dont know the details outside of gnome, but running under snap, firefox wont be able to process things like that outside of portals14:55
lissyxit's possible there is already a bug open about that14:56
dob1if you said this there is no solutions14:56
lissyxyou dont need to use gnome for the portals to work I think14:57
lissyxbut it reminds me of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=179330314:57
dob1and it is installed on my system14:58
lissyxthere were some issues where people were missing some packages14:58
lissyxand the portal would not work14:58
lissyxruning "/usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal -rv" could grab some hints14:59
lissyxas well as journalctl -xe14:59
dob1I found a note of what I did14:59
lissyxbut please file a bug14:59
lissyxwith as much as details as possible15:01
lissyxand make sur your system is uptodate15:01
lissyxthere are so many bugs where we lack proper STR and we cannot do anything15:01
dob1they don't care about non-gnome de/wm15:01
lissyxwho dont care?15:01
dob1on ubuntu15:01
lissyxI care, that's enough.15:02
dob1well, there was a problem with file saving on firefox on ubuntu, impossible to not see if you test it15:02
dob1and it was not resolved15:02
dob1so it is not tested for other wm/de than gnome15:02
dob1but it's not a critic, I understand it, there are many de/wm, impossible to test all of them15:03
lissyxdob1, can you point to a bug for the file saving?15:03
lissyxI spent a lot of time trying to investigate many of them, often to no repro15:03
dob1it was this https://www.reddit.com/r/i3wm/comments/uogk8h/save_as_move_focus_from_name_to_search_while/15:03
lissyxsorry but if it's on reddit ...15:04
dob1it's not my report, it is what I found searching the time I found the problem15:04
lissyxthat's the current known list15:05
lissyxand when I tested under lxde portals were working15:05
lissyxso I dont know in your specific case, but it should be fixable15:06
dob1it's a focus problem related to i3 wm15:06
dob1it's how i3 works15:07
mupPR snapd#12306 closed: sandbox: fix `apparmorSuite.SetUpTest`  when home.d/snap file exists <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/12306>15:07
dob1so I changed it to use kde.portal15:07
lissyxdoes the kde portal works?15:08
dob1it gives me another save/open dialog that doesn't have the focus issue15:08
dob1but as I said, I a not arguing the work of other people, it's impossible to test everything and ubuntu care about gnome (and it's OK!)15:09
mupPR snapcraft#3976 closed: Hotfix/7.2 merge <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3976>15:11
dob1if I can do the same thing I do with file chooser with pdf viewer15:21
dob1I am ok15:21
dob1in kde.portal I used UseIn=KDE;i315:22
lissyxdob1, I'm not sure what is the status of your issue then16:04
lissyxI'm afraid you have to stick with the kde portal16:05
dob1to be honest is not bad :)16:05
dob1is the pdf the issue16:05
dob1but it's ok, I can use the firefox internal pdf viewer for them16:06
lissyx(I'm also not home so I can't use my test VM to verify the behavior)16:06
dob1lissyx: no problem!16:13
mupPR snapcraft#3964 closed: schema,tests: add support for new system usernames <Created by alexclewontin> <Merged by mr-cal> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3964>16:56
mupPR snapcraft#3958 closed: cli: set default verbosity level with environment variable <Created by mr-cal> <Merged by mr-cal> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3958>19:36

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