
IrcsomeBot<lazy_raccoon> Taxe09:57
=== peter_ is now known as Guest5558
BluesKajHi all13:12
user|58i am using kubuntu 18.04 and want to install anydesk.13:13
user|58i could use help on this mater13:14
RikMills18.4 is end of life and unsupported13:14
oerheksindeed, upgrade to 20.04 or do a fresh install, and check out https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-anydesk-on-ubuntu/13:15
oerheksthat tutor gives the updated key import command13:16
=== jcea1 is now known as jcea
Rezahello every one I got this error while booting on my Ideapad 5 15itl05 laptop, kubuntu running well but this error show before boot; I search a lot and understood it's because Kubuntu can't recognize my BIOS.  today I can't shutdown properly but never seen another problem that I think can't related to this error. any one can help I so glad for17:10
Rezayour help.17:10
Rezakernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_TZ.ETMD], AE_NOT_FOUND (20210730/psargs-330)17:12
Reza[    3.399429] kernel:17:12
Reza[    3.399430] kernel: No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_OSC]17:12
Reza[    3.399431] kernel:17:12
Reza[    3.399431] kernel: Initialized Arguments for Method [_OSC]:  (4 arguments defined for method invocation)17:12
Reza[    3.399432] kernel:   Arg0:   0000000072a829e8 <Obj>           Buffer(16) 5D A8 3B B2 B7 C8 42 3517:12
Reza[    3.399438] kernel:   Arg1:   00000000224aa162 <Obj>           Integer 000000000000000117:12
Reza[    3.399441] kernel:   Arg2:   000000001c64461f <Obj>           Integer 000000000000000217:12
Reza[    3.399443] kernel:   Arg3:   00000000142b1241 <Obj>           Buffer(8) 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 0017:12
Reza[    3.399447] kernel:17:12
Reza[    3.399449] kernel: ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.IETM._OSC due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20210730/psparse-529)17:12
Reza[    3.696047] kernel: loop13: detected capacity change from 0 to 8.                                                                                sorry for my bad english.17:12
IrcsomeBot<Hi_Reza_Dehghani> /about@join_captcha_bot17:24
IrcsomeBot<Hi_Reza_Dehghani> /names@IrcsomeBot17:25
IrcsomeBot<Hi_Reza_Dehghani> /commands@join_captcha_bot17:25
mmikowskiReza: Some messages are more of an issue than others. You can look up the ACPI symbol and determine what it appears the system is missing: https://community.frame.work/t/bios-bug-tz-etmd-missing-in-acpi-tables/17653/7 As long as your system performs as intended it is probably fine to ignore.20:03
arraybolt3mmikowski: It looks like Drone kicked and banned them for flooding already.21:21
=== rebecca is now known as rebecca_
keithzgOof, adding the network stack to my list of things that have become incredibly unstable for my desktop under 21.1023:12

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