
Brainstorm🏠 भूकंप! Earthquake! 5.3 Mb tremor, registered by KOERI, with 7 reports, occurred 6 minutes ago (05:01:12 UTC), during daytime, Bāsār, India (27.98, 94.24) ± 63 km likely felt 220 km away (in Dibrugarh…) by 140000 people (www.koeri.boun.edu.tr)  05:07
Brainstorm📈 Earthquake 5.6 Mwp tremor, registered by 7 agencies, with 8 reports, 1 early, occurred 51 minutes ago (05:01:09 UTC), during daytime, Along, India (28.43, 94.39) ± 2 km, ↓19 km likely felt 280 km away (webservices.ingv.it)  05:53
BrainstormUpdates for Bangladesh: +69 cases, +4528 tests since 23 hours ago15:02

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