
arraybolt3A bit ago in #kubuntu, someone accidentally flooded the channel trying to get help with an ACPI error (most likely a mistake), and the Drone bot kicked them. But it appears the only message it gave was "You are banned from this channel". Is there some way we could make that more descriptive, something like "You are banned for flooding, please review the rules at <link> and then ask to be21:27
arraybolt3unbanned in #ubuntu-ops" or something?21:27
arraybolt3It kinda feels bad to see someone come in asking for help and do everything right *except* for flooding the channel, and then get kicked and banned automatically for it.21:28
bG9sidk how the server is configured but sometimes thoes bans last only 24 or a few days depending21:30
bG9s24 hours*21:30
sarnolddepending upon the thing that did the ban, it's usually one to three minutes21:31
bG9soh hah that's not bad21:32
arraybolt3Hmm, didn't know that. It looks like it's been around two hours though in this case.21:32
arraybolt3Anyway, it just seems like if there was *something* we could do so that the user knew what they did wrong, that might be helpful.f21:32
krytenarraybolt3: Well, to be fair, they flooded so hard that they triggered multiple levels on antiflood measures..  And as to the kick message, the mechanism that causes a kick being issued after a ban (set by the bot or a human op) doesn't really allow for a specific reason, but a general reference to #ubuntu-ops and the channel guidelines could indeed be added.21:33
bG9ssure, descriptive errors are nice - I'd think it wouldn't do any harm in having the bot auto private message "hey no flooding - temporarily banning you in X minutes/hours/days/weeks/years/forever"21:34
bG9sI wouldn't be surprised if that ban is incremental? so if you keep triggering the flood it adds to the time21:34
sarnoldhttps://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23kubuntu.txt  .. bummer, no mode/join/part in the logs :(21:34
arraybolt3I have the logs, if you're interested.21:34
arraybolt3But it sounds like kryten does too.21:34
krytenbG9s: Is there any reason you've joined this channel earlier btw?  (See no-idling policy mentioned in the channel topic.)21:36
arraybolt3Anyway, if that's helpful, there it is. Thanks for keeping the channels running smoothly! See y'all later.21:36
bG9soh - yes there's a reason of course, considering the no-idling policy I'll see myself out I guess21:37
bG9sI'm new and thought I'd join #whatever21:37

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