
znfI'm glad it lets me choose the size of the ESP partition03:04
znfafter all, why shouldn't it be 1GB?03:04
znffor the 5MB of files it needs to dump there?03:04
znfwhy in fucks' name does the installer do mkfs.ext4 -F03:42
znfwhy would it do a full format on SSDs03:42
znfjust so I have to fucking sit there and look at the screen for no reasons03:43
adaceffendy[m], hi. The problem was not the mount (if you remember our conversation) but a ruby kubernetes deployment had an issue and created 200k zombie processes12:52
effendy[m]adac: very interesting case :) thanks for letting me know!13:05
znfI'm doing some testing with some disks, and I purposedly failed 2 disks out of 6 on a RAID1 array (software raid)15:01
znfbut now systemd decides to suck a dick: https://i.imgur.com/j0aAa1q.png15:01
znfhow do I tell it to stop sucking?15:01
znfI nuked exactly the one that was getting mounted as /boot/efi 15:05
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effendy[m]I'm not sure that was systemd's fault though20:57
effendy[m]You'd better have a backup if you care about the data20:58

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