
eelstrebortoddc, thanks for the reply00:14
blahdeblahHi all, on copying my old laptop HD over to a new machine and upgrading to 22.04 and linux-image-oem-22.04b (6.0.0), I ran into this bug: https://lkml.org/lkml/2022/9/27/1227  Anyone know how soon we'll be getting a 5.19.x or a fixed 6.x in the 22.04 hwe-edge train?00:14
blahdeblahAt the moment my machine is basically unusable because the wifi chip isn't supported by anything before 5.16, and isn't reliable until 5.19, apparently.00:15
eelstreborsarnold, on a laptop running 20.04, /proc/swaps shows zram0-zram3 (4 core cpu) while all my pcs running 22.04 only shows zram0 in /proc/swaps00:15
sarnoldeelstrebor: aha; does it work fine though?00:16
blahdeblahWhich is a bit disappointing really, given that it's a ThinkPad L14 AMD Gen3 - my experience withThinkPad up until now has been very good.  (I'm typing this on an E14 AMD Gen3.)00:16
eelstreborsarnold, actually no, i had to modify another file because my pcs kept locking up when getting to max memory or using swap (zramswap)00:17
sarnoldblahdeblah: i never really got the hang of this dashboard but it kinda looks like a linux-hwe-5.19 was supposed to land mid-september https://kernel.ubuntu.com/sru/dashboards/web/kernel-stable-board.html00:18
sarnoldeelstrebor: did you need to multiply the requested size by four or osmething? i'm curious..00:19
eelstrebori had to add a line to /etc/sysctl.conf to make sure i had ram for the cache00:19
eelstreborsarnold, some tutorials said to do that but i didn't and the zram was created with default settings00:20
eelstreborone pc has 6 cores but i just noticed that zramswap status shows zram0 that uses 6 streams00:23
eelstreborthat pc is running on 22.0400:24
eelstrebormy laptop has 8 cores running on 22.04 and it shows zram0 and 8 streams00:25
blahdeblahsarnold: "was supposed to land" ... but didn't?00:25
sarnoldblahdeblah: yeah, that's kind of what it looks like; at least I can't find linux-hwe-5.19 on my mirror, heh00:30
greenracerIs there a good Remote Desktop server for Ubuntu? I’m not seeing anything in the Ubuntu software searcher.00:31
heohstan buy me00:35
blahdeblahsarnold: OK, thanks.  That dashboard seems to imply there's a proposed pocket that might be usable?00:36
greenracerIs xfce4 the way to go?00:36
sarnoldblahdeblah: maaaaaaybe; I don' tknow how the kernel team manages their N ppas :(00:36
heohhell lo shell lo com pile R air R00:37
heohT cozy how cut the abs for variable have flow thru charts as aba cuss00:37
blahdeblahsarnold: I'll stop hassling you and go find a more appropriate place to ask. :-D00:38
sarnoldblahdeblah: happy hassling :D00:38
Bashing-omgreenracer: Have not used so can not commnent - but see: ' apt show guacd ' .00:38
blahdeblahsarnold: I see what you did there. :-)00:39
sarnoldblahdeblah: uhoh, what'd I do? heh00:40
massusepls help me setup ulimit -n 10000 auto on the to root00:41
pavlosmassuse: edit /etc/security/limits.conf (first read man limits.conf)00:47
tripp4hhi! i'm having problems copying files from my computer (ubuntu 21.10) to my phone, internal or sd card storage. i just get the error "libmtp error:  Could not send object." at some point when copying files. what could cause this and is there a cure for this problem?00:51
tripp4hi'm using a samsung phone01:02
tripp4h...doing some googling01:13
leftyfbtripp4h: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1074054/libmtp-error-could-not-send-object-info-on-attempting-to-access-transfer-fi01:17
leftyfbtripp4h: also, 21.10 is EOL01:17
tripp4hleftyfb: yes, i updated from 21.04.101:17
leftyfbtripp4h: neither 21.04(no such thing as 21.04.1) nor 21.10 are supported01:18
tripp4hoh, it was 22.04.1 i was using and this is 22.10 :)01:19
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tripp4hi'll reboot, brb01:30
greenracerDoh. I installed the nvidia 520 drivers and now my screen is blank on reboot.01:30
greenracerPhr33d0m: my boot loader doesn't allow me to edit01:51
greenracerThis is a system76 machine01:51
Bashing-om!nomideset | greenracer01:53
Phr33d0mI don't know any of these words. gl01:53
Bashing-om!nomodeset | greenracer01:53
ubottugreenracer: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.01:53
greenracerBashing-om: I looked up 'nomodeset' and it appeared I had to edit the boot string. I can't do that with my system76.01:54
greenracerI'll just reinstall ubuntu and set up sshd before I install the drivers.01:54
greenracerThen if it fails, I can just ssh in and remove the driver.01:55
Bashing-omgreenracer: nomodeset is a grub edit - not in the firmware.01:55
greenracerBashing-om: When I boot my system76, I hit escape to get into the boot options, and there's no way to edit them.01:55
yukiupisn't it "shift" to get into grub?01:56
greenracerWhen I boot it says I can hit esc or space. I'll try shift.01:57
Phr33d0mgreenracer in the grub window, hit 'e' to edit the entry01:57
greenracergreenracer: I tried. I selected Ubuntu then hit e but nothing happened.01:58
greenracerIt doesn’t seem like this is grub01:58
greenracerI just got some new error messages when I hit shift on boot. Looks like maybe apparmor is messing up the nvidia driver01:59
yukiupthere is the bios, and there is grub01:59
greenracerSo after the bios screen closes I hit shift. Black screen.02:00
greenracerI also tried shift I’m the bios screen.02:01
yukiuphold shift02:01
greenracerI got a lot of messages again and it ends with something about apparmor with a cupsd profile them goes to a blank screen.02:03
greenracerI’ll try reinstall02:03
greenracerWeird because apps said this driver was tested with my gpu02:04
lenswipehey folks02:28
lenswipeas per the ubuntu wiki - I've added the oem solutions PPA (ppa:oem-solutions-engineers/oem-projects-meta) to get my webcam working02:29
lenswipeI ran sudo apt update02:29
lenswipeand I get lots of W: Skipping acquire of configured file 'somerville-omastar/binary-amd64/Packages' as repository 'http://dell.archive.canonical.com jammy InRelease' doesn't have the component 'somerville-omastar' (component misspelt in sources.list?) warnings in my console02:30
lenswipeI'm not sure what exactly that's supposed to mean02:30
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jhutchinsPretty sure that message is in English.03:51
jhutchinsOne of the things about a ppa is there's no guarantee of consistency.  "Best effort" by a maintainer who isn't a professional maintainer, just a benign coder.03:52
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nshireis there any sort of autoconfig you can set up with an ubuntu installer?05:29
nshireI'd like to preset some ssh and dhcp details similar to what you can do with a raspi05:29
nshirehmm waiting for this cable is going to be annoying. I'll just borrow my rtx 3060 from another machine05:47
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tarel2can you get the pi python lib so  you can program on Ubuntu?06:48
matsamantarel2: python is easily most easily used on GNU/Linux systems,  yes06:51
tarel2The pi os has a lib called gpiozero ,  that lets you use the pi   with python.   I was wondering if Ubuntu had such06:56
Habbiei see python3-gpiozero installed on my pi4 with Ubuntu06:57
tarel2I coped  the python code from the pi site itself and did not work.  So what I'm I missing?07:00
Bashing-om!info python3-gpiozero jammy | tarel207:00
ubottutarel2: python3-gpiozero (1.6.1-0ubuntu1, jammy): Simple API for controlling devices attached to a Pi's GPIO pins.. In component universe, is optional. Built by gpiozero. Size 112 kB / 660 kB07:00
tarel2Thanks so much ubottu, Now I can write some code07:05
murmeltarel2: ubottu is a bot ;) thank Bashing-om07:06
tarel2Oh , Well, the code did not end up working so maybe thinking the bot was  a bit too soon haha07:10
matsamantarel2: what's the site you're copying from?07:11
matsamanfrequently following an upstream's instructions is not the best way to go07:11
matsamanthey have to cater to people on the worst systems out there07:11
matsamantarel2: so as Bashing-om mentinos, you could probably install the python3-gpiozero package07:13
tarel2I did07:13
matsamantarel2: or for more generalized python development, you can setup a venv and pip install gpiozero07:14
matsamanmore on that in #python07:14
matsamantarel2: which code didn't work and what error message did you get?07:15
matsamantarel2: okay is this running on a raspberry pi?07:19
tarel2Yes, I have a pi 40007:19
matsamantarel2: okay, well you might want to poke around on their issue tracker -- https://github.com/gpiozero/gpiozero/issues -- or find an rpi or SBC-related channel07:24
silv3r_m00nhi there, is there any command to monitor cpu power consumption (like windows has tools like open hardware monitor and hwinfo) ?07:27
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matsamansilv3r_m00n: https://askubuntu.com/questions/73904/how-do-i-monitor-power-consumption07:37
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imihi, which apt command removes old versions of deb files from local cache?09:27
Unit193Are you asking about `apt autoclean`?09:30
DunamisThere's no support for tiling in Gnome yet? :(09:42
DunamisI mean snapping windows to corners09:44
Unit193Dunno, I use Xfce that's had it for years.09:45
DunamisI believe most DEs have that by now, even bloody Windows 11. surprised and slightly disappointed that Gnome doesn't09:48
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asbachbHi I have a backup of an ext4 partition splitted in multiple files. Is there a way to mount it?12:35
tomreynasbachb: not until you rejoin those parts, i would think.12:41
tomreyndo you mean a dump, as in a raw copy of the underlying block device?12:42
asbachbtomreyn: Is there a chance to merge it somehow virtually. I don't have that amount of space to create a new file tbh.12:42
tomreynwhat format is the backup in?12:42
asbachbI'm not 100% sure. It's a backup from TWRP I assume it's just dd data.12:43
tomreyni guess you'll need space then.12:43
tomreynor write a user space file system handler for fuse12:44
asbachbDon't like either :D12:48
lotuspsychj3asbachb: or you could try the dirtier workaround, scan the whole partition(s) with photorec and recover your data, then format them after you got your files back12:51
asbachbJust realized it's a tar file.12:54
BluesKajHi all12:57
hiyaUbuntu 22.10 installation is asking me to enter a secure boot password?13:19
hiyaWhat is that?13:19
hiyaIs it full disk encryption or a layer above it?13:19
oerheksif you choose encrypted, yes, it is that password you set13:21
cartdrigeYou should disable secure boot in the BIOS before installing i think.13:21
oerheksno need to disable secureboot..13:21
oerheksubuntu can handle uefi fine, just not fastboot.13:21
cartdrigeoerheks, you need to enter the secure boot password of the BIOS in the Ubuntu install process then?13:22
oerheksi did not, AFAIK13:22
cartdrigeI'm not really sure what secure boot is usefull at anyway.13:23
cartdrigeIf you're bugged out with secure boot, just disable it. I think i had to diable it some times ago.13:24
tomreynhiya: the secure boot password the installer asks you for is not about full disk encryption. this password is required for ubuntu to be allowed to install a "machine owner key" (MOK) into your UEFI 'BIOS' certificate store. That's needed to make it trust (and boot) the Grub bootloader, Linux and Linux modules (drivers). You'll be prompted by the UEFI 'BIOS' whether or not you really want to install this certificate on next boot.13:26
tomreynhiya: don't forget the passphrase / password you entered, though, or you will have to reset the entire uefi 'bios' to be able to boot again.13:27
oerheksoops, during installation.. missed that13:27
murmelimi: depending on which release you are apt purge ~rc13:30
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hiyatomreyn: I didn't put anything there, is it less secure?14:04
hiyaShould I reinstall?14:04
hiyaI have full disk encryption already14:05
ograhiya, secure boot prevents people from installing another OS without your consent ... to i.e. install an OS to boot from a USB key and then brute-force crack your encrypted disk with it ...14:08
hiyaogra: secure boot password has a limit?14:09
hiyaI didn't let me type a long one14:09
ograi'd definitely use it on a laptop (along with full disk encryption) that can get stolen easily ... but personally wouldnt use it on a stationary workstation14:09
ogranot sure if there is any limit14:10
hiyaUbuntu installer did give me a limit14:10
hiyaI will try this feature then :P14:10
hiyaogra: instead I can use a bios lock with thinkpad right?14:11
hiyaThat should also work better?14:11
ograthat would be an additional lockdown  ... (diferent level)14:12
hiyaogra: so even with bios lock, secure boot is better?14:14
ograit is a different level of protection ... secure-boot protects your bootloader and your kernel/initrd ... BIKOS passwd protects ... well, BIOS access14:15
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hiyaogra: I see :)14:17
hiyaI need to reinstall the OS then14:17
ForeverNoob[m]Hi, I'm having an issue with an app that complains about locales. Can you please see if everything is ok with my locale settings on this Ubuntu 22.04 system? https://paste.debian.net/plain/1260363/14:27
oerheksForeverNoob[m], and what app is complaining? that paste looks alright to me14:28
ForeverNoob[m]@oerheks: rofi - https://github.com/davatorium/rofi14:29
oerheksnever seen that windowswitcher, contact the maintainer?14:30
ForeverNoob[m]Yeah I've asked their IRC chan (waiting for reply) but thought maybe there was something wrong in my locale settings.14:31
oerheksnope, and i found version 1,7.1 in our repos https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man1/rofi.1.html14:31
oerhekslooks like this issue https://github.com/davatorium/rofi/issues/130714:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 1307 in davatorium/rofi "[BUG] dependency to locale" [Closed]14:39
oerheksand a lot more, linux wide..14:40
oerheksexport LC_ALL="C"   seems to be a fix ?  https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/rofi-failed-to-set-locale-4175681004/14:42
ForeverNoob[m]Hmm, I'll try all that and report back. I'm running an older rofi version for now because the newer ones have a different config format, but hopefully once I adapt to that new config format I can run more recent rofi versions.14:45
oerheksthere is a snapversion too14:50
oerheksbut dated, 2021 https://snapcraft.io/install/rofi-snap/ubuntu14:51
bG9sForeverNoob[m]: I'd even try running the locale-gen15:14
* bG9s shrugs15:14
bG9sreboot the computer or run something to reload the DE/WM15:14
alkisgForeverNoob: your LANGUAGE is wrong, it should be a plain "en"15:20
alkisgIt's not the same as LANG15:20
FreeBDSMhi. Is it normal that htop shows that Xorg process is the top consumer of Virt memory at 25.0G?15:48
FreeBDSMor is it a bug?15:48
FreeBDSMresidential memory for that process looks quite sane at 208M15:49
ograwhy do you cre about virtual memory ... it is virtual after all 🙂15:49
GeoIs it possible to have stdout print to both console and a file, without using tee?15:50
FreeBDSMgenerally I don't but it's just that the value is quite big15:50
leftyfbGeo: https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/bash-redirections-using-exec15:55
FreeBDSMright, chromium asks for 1.1T of virt mem15:55
FreeBDSMwell, each of 40 processes asks for 1.1T15:56
Geoleftyfb, thanks. Maybe I'm missing something; but that seems to only do redirection, not "duplication"? I want it to go to both console and file, not just one16:04
Geoinstead of console, then file, then back to console16:04
leftyfbGeo: why this requirement and why without tee?16:04
leftyfbexec >> $log_file 2>&1 && tail -f $log_file16:05
Geob/c I want it both on console for user and log file for archive, and b/c I don't know if tee will be on the system it is running on16:05
leftyfbGeo: maybe try #bash16:06
Geocool, thanks for getting me started16:07
ravagetee is part of coreutils16:07
ravageso on ubuntu it will be there. always.16:07
tripp4hstill having this problem: hi! i'm having problems copying files from my computer (ubuntu 21.10) to my phone, internal or sd card storage. i just get the error "libmtp error:  Could not send object." at some point when copying files. what could cause this and is there a cure for this problem?16:07
tripp4hwould it help to change the driver to say, go-mtpfs, i don't know linux well, how do i change the fs/driver?16:08
leftyfbtripp4h: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1074054/libmtp-error-could-not-send-object-info-on-attempting-to-access-transfer-fi   # first result on google when I search for your error16:09
tripp4hleftyfb: i tried googling16:09
GeoI guess tee and tail are both in that same boat16:09
leftyfbtripp4h: create a text file called "sample.txt" and copy that. If you can do that, there's a very good chance the issue is with the name of one of the files or directories you are trying to copy16:10
ravageGeo, dpkg -S /usr/bin/tail16:10
tripp4hleftyfb: not too many pages about this issue lately, a few on beginning 2010s.16:10
tripp4hleftyfb: they're normal filenames.16:11
leftyfbtripp4h: try the test16:11
tripp4hleftyfb: i've succeeded in copying some files, yes.16:11
tripp4hit doesn't have to do with the filename16:12
leftyfbtripp4h: then the issue is with one or more of the original filenames16:12
tripp4hthe names are like "title01.mkv".16:12
leftyfbtripp4h: you CAN copy a file between your Android device and your Ubuntu machine. Your issue is with a particular file/directory or files/directories. Investigate those one at a time16:13
tripp4hthe issue isn't with a particular file or a directory, any file fails.16:14
leftyfbtripp4h: please run this on your machine and paste the URL here:  ( cat /etc/os-release ; apt-cache policy go-mtpfs ) | nc termbin.com 999916:14
Geook, thanks again16:16
tripp4hleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/th2t9M9f7P/16:30
leftyfbtripp4h: I'll wait for the output that I requested16:31
tripp4hleftyfb: https://termbin.com/qniay16:32
leftyfbtripp4h: pick 1 file to transfer alone. If it fails, post the filename here please16:33
Guest58hello there. i can not find any solution for this problem, maybe someone here can help me. if i delete the worldclock in the lxqt panel, how do i enable it? i can not find it anywhere...16:39
ravagetripp4h, all your filenames seem to be videos. so also make sure the option at the bottom is not enabled and try non-video files too. https://p.haxxors.com/vdkyxwcp.png16:39
tripp4hleftyfb: i tried copying file title01.mkv and now got this error: "libmtp error:  object type doesn't support RepresentativeSampleData."16:43
tripp4hfirst it got stuck for minutes, then got the error.16:43
leftyfbtripp4h: looks to me like an Android issue16:46
tripp4hfound this page earlier, it has many options for this problem but couldn't work it out: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Media_Transfer_Protocol16:46
tripp4hfuck, now i can't even access the phone after trying the filetransfer. i guess i need to reboot.16:48
ravageplease watch your language16:49
tripp4hahh, no cursing allowed, didn't know about that :-)16:49
leftyfb!guidelines | tripp4h16:49
ubottutripp4h: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:49
tripp4hi get this error when trying to access the phone: "Unhandled error message: The name:1.479 was not provided by any .service files"16:52
tripp4hi'll reboot...16:55
ForeverNoob[m]@oerheks: Setting `LC_ALL="C"` worked, but I'm wondering what its secondary effects would be on my system.16:56
ubottuPlease avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:57
jhutchinsHmm, that's not it.16:57
razor1101Are there issues with Ubuntu on Ryzen 6000 processors? My system freezes for a a min or two ever so often.16:58
oerheksrazor1101, check for a bios update ?16:59
jhutchinsrazor1101: Do the freezes have anything in common?  Which Ubuntu release?  Standard gnome desktop?  What graphics system?17:00
razor1101Ubuntu 22.04. Standard gnome desktop. Integrated graphics.17:02
razor1101The system has the latest bios update. Just wondering why it freezes sometimes.17:03
nteodosioForeverNoob[m], you shouldn't and don't need to have LC_ALL=C for your whole environment; Instead, just use it to launch the affected program, i.e. "LC_ALL=C rofi".17:08
Guest58how do i enable the worldclock after deleting it from the lxqt panel? there are no options to enable it again17:08
ForeverNoob[m]@nteodosio: Hmm, I'm not sure I can specify env vars inside the i3wm config but I'll try to check.17:09
nteodosioGuest58, LXDE? You'll have better luck at #lubuntu.17:09
nteodosioForeverNoob[m], if all else fail, you can always create an wrapper script that calls LC_ALL=C rofi.17:09
tripp4hravage: tried copying ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso, it got stuck at 2.3 gigabytes17:10
ForeverNoob[m]Hmm, I suppose. I'll take a look at all of the options, ty.17:11
greenracerIf I like to dev with visual studio code on my remote ubuntu instance, what's my best option? set up xrdp?17:16
silv3r_m00n2hi there17:19
silv3r_m00n2whats the best ubuntu like distro that does not have this snap thing ?17:19
leftyfbsilv3r_m00n2: no17:19
alkisgYou can uninstall snap in ubuntu if you don't like it17:20
silv3r_m00n2alkisg: and then installing chromium ,skype, opera becomes difficult17:21
silv3r_m00n2i need those extra browsers17:21
leftyfbsilv3r_m00n2: this is a support channel for official Ubuntu flavors. All of which have snap installed by default. Feel free to ask for opinions on other distro's in #linux17:22
greenracerOh wow, I'm using xrdp over ssh port forwarding and it is AWESOME17:25
tripp4hwhen trying jmftps it says "Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is a Samsung Galaxy models (MTP). libusb_claim_interface() reports device is busy, likely in use by GVFS or KDE MTP device handling alreadyLIBMTP PANIC: Unable to initialize device"17:30
leftyfbtripp4h: use this to transfer your files https://snapdrop.net17:32
tripp4hgot a little furter, unmounted the phone and got this error: "fuse: bad mount point `/home/joonas/mnt': No such file or directory". i wonder what's the mount point...17:32
alkisgsilv3r_m00n2: skype isn't a browser, and both skype and opera are .deb17:34
tripp4hleftyfb: interesting, how does that thing work?17:37
JoeBkI noticed vlc on 22.04.1 has a problem playing DVDs.  Anyone else have a prolem?17:38
frazuzairzainhow to connect my android phone with ubuntu17:38
JoeBkfrazuzairzain, USB cable17:39
bG9syes but what sort of usb cable precisely for the grand prize money of <insert-imaginary-units-of-currency>?17:39
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JoeBkfrazuzairzain, a window pops up asking to allow ubuntu to connect.17:40
frazuzairzainI want to make call from ubuntu17:40
JoeBkbG9s, whaever cable fits the phone.17:40
JoeBkfrazuzairzain, I don't think you can do that.17:40
bG9swhat if fits forcefully in the phone?17:40
bG9sgonna smash a usb-c into a micro usb17:41
leftyfbbG9s: can we help you with something?17:41
JoeBkbG9s, just use a big hammer if it doesn't fit.17:41
frazuzairzainPhonelink is a software in windows , though which you can your android phone on windows . I want its alternate in ubuntu.17:41
bG9sleftyfb: depends if you're capable of it I suppose17:41
JoeBkfrazuzairzain, I never heard of that.17:41
leftyfbfrazuzairzain: there isn't one. If you have a specific need, note that here and someone can try to help you17:42
leftyfbbG9s: this is a support channel. Please keep the commentary to yourself17:42
frazuzairzainPhonelink is now offered by windows 10 and windows 11. I want its alternative in unbutu17:42
leftyfbfrazuzairzain: there isn't one. If you have a specific need, note that here and someone can try to help you17:42
JoeBkis there an android support channel?17:43
bG9sleftyfb: as long as you and others don't make facetious comments in the guise of being "helpful" then sure, comments will be set aside17:43
bG9susb cable indeed17:43
frazuzairzainhow can we call from whatsapp in ubuntu17:47
JoeBkfrazuzairzain, you can use google voice to make phone calls.17:47
JoeBkgoogle it17:48
frazuzairzainwe cant use whatsapp to have calls?17:49
frazuzairzainwindows give this opportunity17:50
enigma9o7 I have a system with ubuntu 18.04.  If I try to login to firefox, it opens a white page with an animated blue circle, but never lets me login, even in 'troubleshooting mode'.  Any ideas?17:53
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alkisgPress F12 to open the developer tools and see the console, it's probably a javascript issue. Unrelated to this channel though.17:55
JoeBkI came here because I have a problem playing DVD with VLC on 22.04.1.  20.04.5 works fine.17:57
denisbrHi, can I export openvpn file config from windows for setup a connection in the Ubuntu?18:01
leftyfbJoeBk: install libdvdcss218:05
hiyaInstalling third-party drivers requires configuring Secure Boot. To do this, you need to choose a security key now, and enter it when the system restarts.18:06
hiyaWhy does the Ubuntu installation says so?18:06
JoeBkleftyfb, ubuntu 20.04.5 does not require any more than instaling vlc.18:06
JoeBkdid they change something in 22.04.1?18:07
hiyaWithout Secure boot password it won't work?18:07
alkisghiya: no, it can't work18:08
hiyaalkisg: Installing third party drivers itself won't work?18:10
alkisghiya: drivers need to be signed by a key that your computer recognizes. While dkms compiles drivers locally, so you need to create and enroll a local key18:10
alkisgSo if the "third party drivers" are signed by microsoft or canonical, sure they'd work, but not if you compile them locally18:11
hiyaalkisg: ok I get it, I will redo the setup then18:12
alkisghiya: Note that secure boot on linux isn't secure so don't worry to much about it: https://0pointer.net/blog/brave-new-trusted-boot-world.html18:12
leftyfbJoel: sudo apt install libdvdcss2 && sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg18:13
hiyaalkisg: so what to do then? Disable it?18:16
leftyfbJoeBK: sudo apt install libdvdcss2 && sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg18:17
leftyfbhiya: disabling secureboot is the first thing I do on machines when installing Ubuntu. It provide very little benefit and causes more issues than it's worth18:18
JoeBkleftyfb, I don't think that is required for newer versions of ubuntu.18:18
leftyfbJoeBk: except it is18:18
alkisghiya, either disable it or follow the dialogs to configure it18:19
JoeBkleftyfb, I just installed 20.04.5 with vlc.  It plays DVDs without problem.  I did not install any other software.18:20
leftyfbJoeBk: you asked about 22.04. On 22.04, without libdvdcss2 being installed and built, DVD's with protection won't play. If you install libdvdcss2 and build it, protected DVD's will play18:21
JoeBkleftyfb, I'm going to try it now.18:22
hiyaalkisg: so if I enter the password it is fine, right?18:24
hiyaor little better only?18:24
alkisgYou only need to enter the password one time after the first reboot. Then it is configured properly and you don't need to worry about it anymore.18:26
hiyaalkisg: alright then, but I don't forget that password, right?18:27
JoeBkleftyfb, I found the problem. you need to do: sudo apt install libdvdread818:27
JoeBksomething new in 22.04.118:27
hiyaI really like 22.1018:28
hiyaI am coming from Arch / Debian18:28
hiyaDebian stable mostly18:28
JoeBkhiya, 22.10 is not an LTS version.18:28
hiyayes I know18:28
leftyfbJoeBk: so you have libdvdread8 installed and not libdvdcss2 and you're able to play protected dvd's just fine now?18:28
hiyaI don't like LTS, I want latest stuf like Fedora :P18:28
hiyabut I wish there was a vanilla Gnome edition18:28
robertparkerxwhen upgrading to php 8 can you keep 7.4 as a fallback installed on ubuntu?18:29
JoeBkleftyfb, yes, it works now.18:29
robertparkerxhow do you switch what virtualhost uses what version of php18:29
leftyfbrobertparkerx: what version of ubuntu?18:30
robertparkerxI don't know yet leftyfb18:30
robertparkerxI think 20.0418:30
leftyfbrobertparkerx: Ubuntu 20.04 doesn't have php818:31
leftyfbrobertparkerx: and Ubuntu 22.04 doesn't have php718:31
leftyfbrobertparkerx: stick with 118:31
tripp4htried the samsung phone with windows, couldn't copy files with it either to internal memory or sdcard18:33
murmelrobertparkerx: there are packages available, in a ppa from the maintainer of php in debian (afair also ubuntu) so they should work fine (ppa:ondrej/php)18:41
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JoeBkleftyfb, still there?19:38
leftyfbJoeBk: ?19:39
JoeBkleftyfb, I did a clean install of 22.04.1 on an spare drive and VLC played the DVD without entering any commands. They must have fixed the problem with the latest update.19:40
leftyfbJoeBk: apt list --installed |grep libdvd19:42
leftyfbJoeBk: which packages are installed?19:42
JoeBkI'm not running on the new drive.  I'll look on this one.19:43
JoeBkleftyfb, it show 5 packages installed.19:43
leftyfbJoeBk: libdvdread and/or libdvdcss2?19:44
JoeBkyes both are there19:44
JoeBkI'll check on the new install19:44
jhutchinsalumno: We're not real chatty here, do you have an Ubuntu question or problem?19:51
JoeBkleftyfb, I did 'apt list --installed | grep -i dvd' and nothing came up.19:56
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JoeBkleftyfb, look: https://imgur.com/a/nG9vHNI20:04
JoeBkleftyfb, that makes no sense20:04
JoeBkleftyfb, still there?20:21
elwispDoes anyone have the issue that firefox as a snap is constantly hanging?22:22
xxelwisp: try firefox not as a snap then22:25
elwispxx: so snap is the problem?22:26
LartzaNot available in the repos though :/22:27
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Mozilla bug 1725009 in Core "Hangs in mozilla::gl::GLContextGLX::GetBufferAge() on Mesa Intel 21.1.6" [S3, New]22:28
LartzaPossibly this22:28
LartzaSomething something too old meta in the snap22:29
LartzaOr something like that, is what I found22:29
brkcorejust add the repo yoirself and download and install it22:29
LartzaWhat's funny is I thought snap was supposed to fix library incompatibilites not introduce them ;P22:29
elwispperhaps snap is still experimental22:30
brkcoreI don't use any snap, but I don't use much anyway22:33
tomreynLartza, elwisp: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1399383/how-to-install-firefox-as-a-traditional-deb-package-without-snap-in-ubuntu-2222:37
LartzaI know but that's not ideal22:37
brkcorewhy not Lartza22:37
LartzaSnap is the official release from Canonical and Mozilla22:37
LartzaAnd should be the working one22:37
LartzaSo a PPA is just a workaround22:37
brkcorethe package is not the problem, its the package manager that creates problems.22:38
elwispI like going all in when i go with a distro22:38
tomreynright, not ideal. however, you could use this PPA to test whether the issues you're running into are indeed specific to the snap packaged firefox.22:38
elwispcame from debian, this make me think i should have stayed22:39
brkcoredowloading fireforx from mozzilateam/ppa is the same package that you would get from snapd22:39
elwispStill enjoy debian22:39
elwispminor setback22:39
elwispcrashed again22:46
elwispplease save me devs!22:47
elwispi dont want to go back to chrome22:47
brkcorejust dont use snap for the apps that dont work well with it22:47
brkcoreuse alternatives from offical repos22:47
elwispor actually i want to because scrolling works fine there. Extensions, stability, speed, but i hate what google stands for22:47
elwispbrkcore: gonna have a look at that tomorrow22:48
brkcoreits three steps, well four. adding repo, creating and configuring a file, updating the apt and installing firefox.22:48
elwispyeah, its trivial22:49
elwispi guess i have to do snap remove also22:49
brkcoreyep if you dont want to be used for installing apps22:50
elwispSo if snap is useless, then what?22:50
elwispBack do ancient packages in debian? :)22:51
brkcoresnap is great, its just some apps dont work well with it22:51
xxelwisp: debian has backports to get the newest packages if you need them22:52
xxI don't know if ubuntu has backports too22:53
Unit193Ubuntu does, but it's not extensivly used.22:53
elwisp1 year in march i think with this ubuntu trial22:53
elwispbut i already had to install once22:53
elwisplifetime of th emachine is 5 years22:54
elwispso we shall see .)22:54
elwispill be back in 422:54
xxideally there would be a way for ubuntu/debian to have backports for every single package, so that the user installs a stable base version and then gets the newest version of any package they need22:56
xxlike a mix between ubuntu+archlinux22:56
brkcorebut am I not having the latest most updated firefox version right now?22:57
murmelxx: oO that wouldn't make too much sense and there are definitely packages which break stuff when you backport + install them (see libc6 or python)22:59
brkcoreah, 7 days ago its 106.0.5 and im still on ...0.222:59
xxmurmel: it makes sense when you want a stable distro, but then you also need a bugfix for one app22:59
brkcoreactually bit more than a week ago22:59
xxright now it's solved by virtual machines, containers, chroots, ... which is more complicated than just installing a backport23:00
murmelxx: so what are you doing when a python backport breaks your apt or dpkg then23:01
xxmurmel: why would it break when it could be versioned appropriately?23:02
xxapt will still use the stable python, and whatever you needed the backported python for will use the backported python23:02
Unit193murmel: I don't think a python backport is going to break dpkg, that's C and perl.23:03
xxthat's how it should work (and I know it doesn't work that way yet in any distro)23:03
murmelUnit193: ahh, never really looked into dpkg, but I thought it would also be python. oh well23:05
murmelxx: this gets way offtopic, but there are distros where you can install 2 python versions23:05
Unit193murmel: Debian favors perl in a lot of places, fwiw.23:05

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