
aritaI'm new to cloud-init and am looking at adding the repo for docker to my base installs. I don't quite see how I add the baseurl for docker. it says to specify where the repodata directory is, and I don't get any errors when I do so in /var/log/cloud-init.log, but it's not adding the repository.17:27
aritaI'm using yum_add_repo, baseurl: https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/9/x86_64/stable/ so unsure if it's because my url is wrong or other reasons.17:28
holmanbarita: could you share a paste of the userdata you're using?20:43
aritait's simple and just sitting in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d as one of the first loading configs20:51
aritathis is using alma-linux's cloud image.20:51
waldiarita: where did you find this example? esp with the missing space after "baseurl:"21:04
aritaerr, that's my own. I fixed the missing space earlier, but must have went into an old image.21:05
holmanbarita: did you check whether /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo was installed and what the contents are?22:57
holmanbarita: I assume you'll need to install the docker key, unless your distro/base image already provides it?22:59
holmanbarita: did you try checking whether dnf is aware of the new repo after cloud-init ran?23:00
holmanbarita: `dnf repolist` or similar?23:01
aritaholmanb: dnf repolist doesn't show the docker-ce repo. I'll see if throwing the key into the cfg helps.23:06
holmanbwhat about the file?23:06
holmanbdoes it exist?23:06
holmanbif a .repo isn't getting installed, then I don't the key is your only problem23:12
holmanbcc_yum_add_repo runs once per instance. Are you launching a new instance each test? or running cloud-init clean?23:13
holmanbA paste of the log would help.23:14
aritaI had been running cloud-init clean mostly, but have tried it on fresh as well. https://dpaste.com/HSYWXWY6423:27

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