
=== jcea1 is now known as jcea
user_anonymThe Holy Spirit IS a Spiritual Flame01:36
user_anonym For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.01:36
user_anonym —Romans 7:1901:36
user_anonymThe Holy Spirit is also a spiritual flame. He alone can raise our worship to true spiritual levels. For we might as well know once for all that morality and ethics, however lofty, are still not Christianity.01:36
user_anonymThe faith of Christ undertakes to raise the soul to actual communion with God, to introduce into our religious experiences a supra-rational element as far above mere goodness as the heavens are above the earth.…01:36
user_anonymThe joy of the first Christians was not the joy of logic working on facts. They did not reason, “Christ is risen from the dead; therefore we ought to be glad.” Their gladness was as great a miracle as the resurrection itself; indeed these were and are organically related. The moral happiness of the Creator had taken residence in the breasts of redeemed creatures and they could not but be glad. POM103–10401:36
Metamorphosisnoob question: how can one understand if their laptop has two graphic cards (one Intel and one AMD Radeon), when it is not advertised on laptop box etc04:41
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Sduo lshw -C display to get what the computer is recognizing, and search the model number online to get what it actually has05:06
IrcsomeBot<paculino> 'sudo lshw -C display' to get what the computer is recognizing, and search the model number online to get what it actually has05:06
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
alkisgpaculino, did you manage to modify grub.cfg and boot it?07:04
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I managed to corrupt the shared partition, but I did get grub.cfg edited and it did not help07:13
alkisgThe one under <efi partition>/BOOT/popos/grub.cfg ?07:15
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Not that one; I will try that now07:16
IrcsomeBot<paculino> The errors seem to go back to kernelstub.Drive Could not find a block device for the a partition and no such file or directory (failed to flushbinfmt_misc rules) and llvm13/14 failed to add binary (no such file or directory)07:16
alkisgThe main problem is that you're booting a 5.19 kernel that you deleted from /lib/modules, so it cannot access anything, not even the efi partition07:18
alkisgBy modifying the efi>grub.cfg to point to the sda4>grub.cfg you should boot with the 5.15 kernel07:19
IrcsomeBot<paculino> There is no /boot/efi/popos/grub.cfg07:19
alkisgAre you on windows now, and have you mounted the efi partition?07:19
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/5692660d/file_61419.jpg07:20
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Mount as mnt or root?07:20
alkisgYou cannot access the efi partition because your 5.19 kernel doesn't have the modules07:20
alkisgYou can only access it from the windows operating system07:21
alkisgI guess you didn't understand what I suggested yesterday :)07:21
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I misunderstood07:21
alkisgIrcsomeBot: what's the output of this? ls /boot07:22
alkisg(before you reboot to windows...)07:22
alkisgpaculino, ^07:23
IrcsomeBot<paculino> How do I go to B:\ from windows?07:24
IrcsomeBot<paculino> ls boot is in that screenshot07:24
alkisgOK so popos has put the kernel elsewhere, maybe in efi07:25
alkisgDid you run mountvol first?07:25
alkisgDo you want to anydesk so that we do this quicker?07:25
IrcsomeBot<paculino> In windows CMD, I did mountvol b: s07:25
alkisgDid it mention an error?07:26
alkisgBecause this is the wrong command, you didn't put /s07:26
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Autocorrect changed it; I did in terminal. It left a blank line and then went to system3207:26
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Is anydesk just a remote desktop connection?07:27
alkisgTo go to B:, type: B:07:28
alkisgIt should change the drive07:28
alkisgThen: cd \07:28
alkisgThen: dir /s07:28
alkisgIt should show all files and folders; copy them to a file and pastebin it07:29
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://pastebin.com/qtAXqaLh07:30
alkisgOuch no that's the wrong EFI partitions. You have two, one in your internal disk and one in your external disk, we want the one from your external disk07:32
alkisgCheck if you can see it in your file manager, as drive E: or F: or whatever07:32
IrcsomeBot<paculino> It is drive B and not formatted for windows07:33
IrcsomeBot<paculino> D07:33
IrcsomeBot<paculino> "The volume does not contain a recognized file system"07:34
alkisgDo not format anything07:35
IrcsomeBot<paculino> May I change letter?07:35
alkisgB: is the efi partition of your internal drive07:35
alkisgWe want the efi partition of your external drive07:35
IrcsomeBot<paculino> *: is the efi for ext according to partition tool07:35
alkisgRun `diskmgmt.msc`, maximize it, and upload a photo07:35
IrcsomeBot<paculino> May I assign it a letter, or will that cause issue?07:36
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/60fd5736/file_61420.jpg07:38
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/e255ab7b/file_61421.jpg07:40
IrcsomeBot<paculino> It is quite late here; I will go to bed once this step is done if that is alright07:42
alkisgpaculino, you mounted the 100 mb partition, while you should mount the 15 gb partition of the second disk07:44
alkisgThat's where you grub.cfg is, in the 15 gb partition07:44
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Will it hurt to assign it a letter so I can do that?07:45
alkisgNo, it won't hurt07:45
alkisgThe weird thing is that I do not see your ext4 partition07:46
IrcsomeBot<paculino> The directory is not empty07:46
alkisgWhich directory?07:47
IrcsomeBot<paculino> K07:47
IrcsomeBot<paculino> The efi one07:47
alkisgYes, it should have files there07:47
alkisgIn the cmd prompt, type:07:47
alkisgcd \07:47
alkisgdir /s > \list.txt07:47
alkisgIt will create a file K:\list.txt07:48
alkisgUpload it to pastebin07:48
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://pastebin.com/tRJcRBT707:49
alkisgSo popos is using systemd-boot instead of grub07:50
alkisgThat's why you couldn't see the grub menu07:50
alkisgMake a copy of Pop_OS-current.conf to keep its contents07:51
IrcsomeBot<paculino> From windows?07:51
alkisgThen upload Pop_OS-current.conf and Ubuntu-current.conf to pastebin07:51
alkisgYes, in the same folder, ctrl+c and ctrl+v07:51
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://pastebin.com/2giREU6V07:54
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Okay, when I edited grub.cfg I just used the UUID, but it appears the UUID is the same for each07:55
alkisgpaculino did you install kernel 5.19 in ubuntu, or was it only in popos?07:56
alkisgpopos has kernel 5.19, ubuntu has 5.1507:57
alkisgIf you installed kernel 5.19 in ubuntu then you'll need to use the shared partition to get the 5.15 one07:57
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I'm not sure07:58
alkisgOK then do this. In both of these files, replace the word "quiet" with "break=bottom"07:59
alkisgAnd save them07:59
alkisgWhen you reboot, you'll get a different shell than usual, the "initramfs" shell07:59
alkisgThere you should be able to load the nls module to access the efi partition from linux, to copy the 5.15 kernel etc08:00
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Okay, is that all to do before rebooting?08:00
alkisgThese are 2 different boot managers08:00
alkisgThe problem happened because popos was using systemd-boot and ubuntu was using grub, and things got messy08:00
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Okay, it says it is in busybox 1.35.008:02
alkisgOK, type: ls /lib/modules; ls /root08:02
alkisgAnd upload a photo08:02
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/3fc67944/file_61422.jpg08:03
alkisgnow type: cp -a /lib/modules/5* /root/lib/modules/08:04
alkisgDid it succeed?08:04
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Is there a space before the five?08:04
alkisgWith this, you copied some of the 5.19 modules that are available in the initramfs, to the real file system.08:04
alkisgWith this, you should be now able to mount the efi partition later on08:04
alkisgNo space08:05
alkisgcp    -a     /lib/modules/5*    /root/lib/modules/08:05
alkisgI added more spaces so that it's more visible ^08:05
IrcsomeBot<paculino> It is read only and did not work.08:05
alkisgmount -o remount,rw /root08:05
alkisgThen again the cp command08:05
IrcsomeBot<paculino> It works now08:06
alkisgOK now type: exit 008:06
alkisgThis will continue to the old shell prompt you had previously08:06
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Do I reboot?08:07
alkisgDid you get the normal shell prompt that you had yesterday?08:07
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I have the normal login menu08:08
alkisgText or graphics?08:08
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Gui08:08
alkisgOK, login there and open a GUI terminal08:08
alkisgDo you have internet there now?08:09
IrcsomeBot<paculino> It takes a bit to load08:09
IrcsomeBot<paculino> It does not, but since it is really late here and it is mostly fixed, I will go to bed now. Thank you so much for patiently helping me; I never would have gotten it fixed.08:13
alkisgCheers; remember that now you need to type "exit 0" to continue booting08:14
alkisgWe can fix that tomorrow, good night08:14
alkisgSo the things left to do are to remove systemd-boot and remove grub and delete all boot entries and reinstall grub08:15
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I assume getting more packages will require downloading them into a spare partition like before (unless networking can be repaired without that)?08:16
alkisgnetworking can be repaired08:16
alkisgBy booting with the 5.15 kernel08:16
alkisgMore on that tomorrow, go to bed08:16
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Alright, thank you so much!08:17
Guest4435give me a hiya11:15
=== Guest4435 is now known as tobyp_
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BluesKajHi all12:58
lsd|2BluesKaj: actually IRC its not used for badoo or datezone14:13
BluesKajlsd|2, ?14:14
=== john is now known as Guest2321
LuzifferIst deutsch schreiben okay? falls deutsche hier sind.16:38
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:39
LuzifferOkay. da weiß ich bescheid. danke!16:41
IrcsomeBot<paculino> alkisg, sorry to continue bothering you, but is it safe to purge systemd-boot and then reboot, or do I need to copy a kernel or mount anything first?17:48
alkisgpaculino, first we need to get you network; I'll be online in 10 minutes, wait17:53
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Okay, thank you17:54
alkisgpaculino, upload a screenshot of `sudo lsblk --fs` please17:59
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Sorry, I wasted time trying to use kdeconnect : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/53420e0c/file_61431.jpg18:05
alkisgOK, now: find /boot/efi -name 'vmlinuz' -ls18:06
alkisg(and screenshot)18:06
IrcsomeBot<paculino> It output nothing18:07
alkisgHmm I think matrix trimmed my asterisks, retrying...18:08
alkisgfind /boot/efi -name '*vmlinuz*' -ls18:08
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Asterisks vanishing are annoying. My normal client shows them faintly : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/fa6264af/file_61432.jpg18:10
alkisgpaculino, also this: ls -l /boot18:11
alkisgThen backup your efi dir: sudo cp -a /boot/efi /boot/efi.bak18:11
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/a713f771/file_61433.jpg18:13
alkisgNow we want to copy your 5.15 kernel and initrd over the other 3 ones that are in the efi partition18:14
alkisgThat way after rebooting you'll get the 5.15 kernel which will have the wifi module and you'll have networking18:15
IrcsomeBot<paculino> 43.46 or 52.52?18:15
alkisgsudo cp -a /boot/vmlinuz-5.15-0-52-generic /boot/efi/EFI/Ubuntu-*/vmlinuz.efi18:16
alkisgIt's better to use tab for autocomplete instead of my asterisk there18:16
alkisgTo copy the initrd, first run: find /boot/efi -name '*initrd*'18:17
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Cannot stat, no such file or directory. Should I remount?18:17
alkisgTo copy the initrd, first run: find /boot/efi -name '*initrd*' -ls18:17
alkisgNo, do not remount anything, you probably gave a wrong filename18:17
alkisgRun the find initrd command above, then screenshot18:18
alkisgIt'll also show the error18:18
IrcsomeBot<paculino> 15.0 not 15-0, but now it has the same error for the second directory18:19
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/552039d9/file_61434.jpg18:20
alkisgRun sudo -i18:21
alkisgThis way you'll be root and you won't need sudo anymore and you'll be able to use tab18:21
alkisgThen type: cp -a /boot/vmlinuz-5.15-0-52-generic /boot/efi/EFI/Ubuntu18:22
alkisgAnd at that point press <tab> on the keyboard to autocomplete the filename. Do not use asterisks at all18:22
alkisgSo the final command should be: cp -a /boot/vmlinuz-5.15-0-52-generic /boot/efi/EFI/Ubuntu-the-long-number-here/vmlinuz.efi18:22
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Okay18:22
alkisgAnd: cp -a /boot/vmlinuz-5.15-0-52-generic /boot/efi/EFI/Pop_OS-the-long-number-here/vmlinuz.efi18:23
alkisgAnd: cp -a /boot/initrd.img-5.15.0-52-generic /boot/efi/EFI/Ubuntu-the-long-number-here/initrd.img18:23
alkisgAnd: cp -a /boot/initrd.img-5.15.0-52-generic /boot/efi/EFI/Pop_OS-the-long-number-here/initrd.img18:24
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Okay18:24
alkisgWhen you've done all four of them without errors, upload a screenshot for me to verify it, and then we'd be able to reboot18:24
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/5d699735/file_61435.jpg18:25
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I did 15.0 instead of 15-0 since the latter had errors18:25
alkisgThe last two are wrong18:26
alkisgYou copied vmlinuz instead of initrd.img18:26
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Remove and redo?18:26
alkisgNo, just redo18:26
alkisgIt'll overwrite the bad one18:26
alkisgcp -a /boot/initrd.img-5.15.0-52-generic /boot/efi/EFI/Ubuntu-the-long-number-here/initrd.img18:26
alkisgcp -a /boot/initrd.img-5.15.0-52-generic /boot/efi/EFI/Pop_OS-the-long-number-here/initrd.img18:26
alkisgThen run this to verify: ls -l /boot/efi/EFI/*/*initrd.img* /boot/efi/EFI/*/*vmlinuz*18:27
alkisgThen screenshot18:27
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/f81b827e/file_61436.jpg18:28
alkisgIt looks good, but let's verify it with the last ls command above ^, and screenshot. Then we'll be able to reboot18:28
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Sorry, I was uploading that before you told the last one : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/c2ca0cef/file_61437.jpg18:29
alkisgYou put an extra / before the initrd.img, but anyway it should be fine18:30
alkisgGo ahead and reboot, remember to type exit 0 when needed18:30
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Okay, it is loading18:31
alkisgCheck if you have WiFi now18:32
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I will once it finishes in about five minutes18:33
alkisgHaha, it takes a lot of time!18:33
alkisgI guess you have something in /etc/fstab that's missing18:33
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Probably, I've had issues with fstab before18:34
IrcsomeBot<paculino> The first few times I booted this it took way longer, and each time it got better, then it went back to five minutes after a few boots taking three.18:35
IrcsomeBot<paculino> HDD problems18:35
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I can do the systemd and grub parts myself; I've done that before18:36
IrcsomeBot<paculino> (Assuming networking is fixed)18:36
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Networking works; thank you for all the help. It is better than all prior tech support I've had combined.18:38
alkisgA UTP cable would be so much easier :D18:38
alkisgNow the idea is to remove the systemd-boot bits and grub-efi and reinstall grub-efi and run grub-update and grub-install18:38
alkisgYou're sure you know how to do all this?18:38
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I've done it before18:39
alkisgOK, good luck then!18:39
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Purge systemd, search for remnants and RM rf them if they exist, then use apt on grub, install/update grub18:40
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Right?18:40
alkisgHopefully not `apt purge systemd` as that will remove most of ubuntu18:41
alkisgJust remove the efi bits that the popos systemd-boot created, like the directories, entries, grub.cfg etc18:42
alkisgAnd use efibootmgr to adjust the nvram entries18:42
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Alright18:42
alkisgWhat's the output of this? sudo ls -l /boot/efi |  nc termbin.com 999918:42
alkisgSorry, this one: sudo ls -lR /boot/efi |  nc termbin.com 999918:44
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://termbin.com/0eflb first and https://termbin.com/n0qj18:44
alkisgGreat, so, if you're sure you can properly reinstall grub, just remove everything under efi18:45
alkisgsudo find /boot/efi/ -delete18:45
alkisgBut before rebooting, make sure everything is back in place, that grub-install did put a grub.cfg there18:46
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Device or resource busy18:46
alkisgI guess it tried to remove the mount point, ok my bad but you can ignore that18:46
alkisgNow ls -l /boot/efi ==> is empty?18:46
alkisgsudo ls -l /boot/efi18:47
alkisg(just run a sudo -i so that we don't need to type sudo all the time)18:47
IrcsomeBot<paculino> It is, and now I will reinstall grub, install grub, update grub, and check grub.cfg18:47
alkisgWhat's the output of this: dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 999918:47
alkisgAnd this: dpkg -l | grep shim | nc termbin.com 999918:47
IrcsomeBot<paculino> https://termbin.com/oc7nu and https://termbin.com/eudo18:48
IrcsomeBot<paculino> What did you use to learn all of this so well?18:49
alkisg14 years of post high school studies :D18:50
alkisgAnd 30 years of practise :D18:50
alkisgOK remove all these packages but make sure nothing more is removed. Then reinstall shim-signed, it will automatically reinstall grub-efi18:50
IrcsomeBot<paculino> Alright, I don't need any more help now18:53
alkisgPing me before rebooting18:53
alkisg(to check the output of efibootmgr)18:54
IrcsomeBot<paculino> That may not be for several hours; I have to take a relative somewhere in half an hour, and then have to finish harvesting sweet potatoes before the frost/storm tomorrow18:55
IrcsomeBot<paculino> I'm sorry18:55
alkisgNo need to be sorry, my own PC is fine! :)18:58
alkisgJust make sure you don't reboot before fixing all the efi stuff otherwise it won't boot anymore...18:58

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