[03:46] good morning [03:47] Hello [03:48] hey DoRoad [08:27] lotuspsychje: I can't reconcile with my life's decissions === EriC^^ is now known as Guest1939 === Guest1939 is now known as EriC^^ [20:33] I asked in the regular ubuntu channel but was told here is better suitable. I'm getting worried about the state of debian with how the number of increasing packages that are orphaned (as in no maintainer anymore) and packages can become orphaned at any time. Does ubuntu have this problem also or does it avoid it thanks to canonical backing it? [20:49] X7: ubuntu imports many packages from debian. so far those were mostly "community maintained" which, i think, means they had a similar support level as in debian. now there's a commercial offering with a free tier ("ubuntu pro") where canonical plans to provide security support for those packages in the "universe" repository. [20:50] but this is really new, was just announced. [20:50] I was seriously considering paying for ubuntu pro because I heard that pro at the max level gives you security patches for all universe packages. [20:51] https://ubuntu.com/pro [20:52] secure E.T. [20:53] :P yeah it's not bad for professionals. server owners etc. [20:54] some packages in universe are in a really bad state, fail on the first run without options. so i'm wondering how much use it will be to provide security support (only) for those. but we shall see how well it works. [20:55] If I subscribe to ubuntu pro, does  that mean I *have* to use gnome? I can't use KDE or XFCE even if I'm paying for it? [20:55] for many of the packages, it's certainly nice to have security support for those [20:55] it doesn't mean that, i think. but you'll need to discuss the commercial offerings with canonical really [20:57] all ubuntu flavors have the same foundation, and while ubuntu server and desktop (gnome-shell/mutter) packages are mostly in the "main" repository section, the flavors' are mostly in universe. === B1773rm4n6 is now known as B1773rm4n [20:58] I found a phone number on canonicals website. I'll call monday with questions. Thanks for the help. [21:00] so far, the flavor maintainers certainly provided several (free) security patches for their flavors, it will be interesting to see what happens to those when there are also (?) the ubuntu pro ones. [21:01] The {k|l|x}ubuntu {MATE} teams only give you 3 years of support. I don't know if paying for pro switches who is providing support immediately or after the 3 years. But I'll find out monday. [21:07] tomreyn: ian-weisser has a ping to the Pro team in this respect: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-support-questions-in-community-support-venues/32184 . [21:09] Bashing-om: thanks