
jpmhwhen I perform the arp command it lists a load of devices that I have indeed connected to .  But many of them it was a long time ago.  How long is this cache maintained?00:24
jamcinnaminusrI'm on Ubuntu 22.04 with Cinnamon desktop00:31
=== paulo_ is now known as Guest8083
tomreynjpmh: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/kinetic/en/man7/arp.7.html see gc_thresh1 + gc_stale_time01:45
DoRoadHello everyone03:10
DoRoadIs anyone here?03:10
ravagehello DoRoad03:11
DoRoadravage: How can I save my public IP every time I connect to?03:11
DoRoadI could write a script but I think there are some automatic tools03:12
ravageDoRoad, connect to what?03:13
DoRoadravage: to the net of course03:13
ravageand how do you connect to "the net" ?03:14
DoRoadJesus man03:15
octav1a♫ goin surfin' on the inter'net ♫03:15
ravagenever heard of that connection method03:15
DoRoadI could write a script that saves to the log my public IP03:15
DoRoadBut I forgot bash03:15
ravagetime to restore a brain backup then i guess03:17
DoRoadOr use stack exchange03:17
DoRoadravage: to be honest in my situation the best I can do is getting lorry licence03:20
DoRoadI'm from a poor family I had to learn linux/unix myself and it sucks03:21
ravage!ot | DoRoad03:21
ubottuDoRoad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:21
ravagethere is also #bash03:22
DoRoadSo, talking on the topic... Ubuntu is not an alternative for non-tech users. I mean not even a computer technicians03:23
ravagethat is not a support topic. feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-discuss03:23
hiyaI have a question about firmware updates, my thinkpad T16 has a pending update for bios04:24
hiyaand yet it won't show in Gnome Software or anything in ubuntu04:24
hiyado I need to add it or do it manually only?04:24
hiyaAlso they allow it using fwupdate and fwupdmgr which tool is better?04:25
ravagebios updates nevers showed up in fwupd for me04:25
hiyaSo which tool is better? fwupdate of fwupdmgr?04:25
hiyaI have secureboot with password on04:25
Bashing-omhiya: Please see in  terminal ' man fwupdate ' where the debugging utility is depreciated.04:35
mister_mmhello; does anyone know how I can create a "toggle" for the shift key? To type a ``*'' for instance, I'd like to hit [shift] 8 [shift]. The first tap of [shift] would toggle shift to be "held" and the second would turn it off.04:48
mister_mmI'd like to do this for accessibility reasons04:49
ravagemister_mm: maybe one of the tweaks here can be useful to you: https://i.imgur.com/S3ega5N.png  ( sudo apt install gnome-tweaks )04:51
mister_mmI have caps lock bound as control already04:55
mister_mmI don't know that I can overload it04:55
mister_mmseems like maybe doing something with xmodmap whatever that is probably is the answer04:55
mister_mmI think that I can get the desired behavior through enabling "sticky keys" in the accessibility settings under ``Typing Assist (AccessX)'' under the typing section05:03
lotuspsychje!info input-remapper | mister_mm maybe?05:13
ubottumister_mm maybe?: input-remapper (1.4.2-1, kinetic): Input device button mapping tool (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Built by input-remapper. Size 2 kB / 9 kB05:13
lotuspsychjei recently mapped my tab to right ctrl with it05:13
UmeaboyWhat's the channel for questions related to Launchpad and the way it's working?05:45
UmeaboyFound it....05:46
=== dd3my is now known as Guest780
silv3r_m00nhi there, i am using chromium , with about 150 tabs ... the browser gets stuck for 2 seconds when i switch from one tab to another... i have 32gb ram no issues there, ssd (so fast disk), cpu is i5 7400 with decent igpu that is not bottlenecking .... google chrome works fine ... how to diagnose whats causing chromium to freeze every few seconds ?08:11
=== pong is now known as beaver
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=== lubuntu is now known as Schnoerbel
Schnoerbellook for Help10:51
EriC^^Schnoerbel: ask the question or explain the problem10:52
=== root is now known as Guest6882
Guest6882why i get no installation candidate on my ubuntu xfce11:31
=== olaf is now known as Guest5356
nedbatI'm running a pile of code (a bug reproducer) and it eventually fails in Python with `Could not run curl-config: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'curl-config'`.  I can't seem to find how to install this command.  What am I missing?12:37
tomreynan installation of apt-file, so that you cuold search for this command, to learn which package provides it12:39
tomreynor a search on https://packages.ubuntu.com where you can learn the same12:39
tomreynor someone here telling you that you need libcurl4-gnutls-dev12:39
tomreynor libcurl4-nss-dev, or libcurl4-openssl-dev12:41
nedbattomreyn: thanks, I found that package from the search, but my docker container is unable to install it.12:41
nedbattomreyn: do I need to add other sources for packages?12:41
nedbattomreyn: does this page https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/libcurl4-gnutls-dev tell me something I need to do? Sorry, this is new to me.12:42
tomreyndepends on which apt sources you have now, i guess12:42
tomreynbut it's in main, so, probably not12:42
tomreynnedbat: this page tells you about the libcurl4-gnutls-dev package in Ubuntu "jammy", so 22.0412:43
nedbattomreyn: right, i'm using jammy12:44
tomreyni might be able to provide more help if you would be more verbose about "my docker container is unable to install it"12:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:44
tomreynyou're basically saying "it does not work"12:44
nedbattomreyn: https://gist.github.com/nedbat/e78962e4e3768e156e494100ea2cff7b (btw, dpaste.com said i was rate-limited the first time I tried to make a paste)12:45
nedbattomreyn: i'm not sure what other information would be helpful12:45
tomreynapt policy libcurl4-gnutls-dev12:48
tomreynand  apt-policy12:48
tomreynand make sure you run  sudo apt update    first of all12:48
tomreynnedbat: ^12:49
tomreynyou can use another pastebin-like service (i like termbin.com) if it helps.12:49
nedbattomreyn: i guess `sudo apt update` was what I needed.  My dockerfile has `apt-get update`, I'm not sure how that is different.12:50
tomreynboth would update the apt cache (or fail to do so)12:51
nedbattomreyn: are those caches in /var/lib/apt/lists/* ?12:53
tomreyni think the only differece is in the tools' output formatting12:53
nedbattomreyn: ok, that was bad advice in the dockerfile then, to remove those.12:53
tomreynas far as i know part of the concept of docker is that you don't install software after the image was created12:54
nedbattomreyn: yes, usually. but i'm trying to create a sandbox in which to run untrusted code, so I will need to install more things sometimes.12:55
=== beaver_ is now known as beaver
tomreynmakes sense, if you consider docker to provide sufficient isolation to run untrusted code12:57
BluesKajHi all12:58
nedbattomreyn: it's defintely more isolation than not using docker, but i hear you12:58
=== olaf is now known as Dumbo
Dumbowhats new in russia?13:00
tomreyn!ot | Dumbo13:00
ubottuDumbo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:00
xatrixHi, can you advice. I'm trying to remove deprecated13:20
xatrix'apt-key' gpg key. But it doesn't want to. If i list keys again. 'apt-key list' it seems like appear again in the list13:21
xatrixplease, take a look at the screenshot https://imgur.com/jvZZ8If.png13:21
xatrixIs there any way to remove it ?13:21
tomreynxatrix: which key are you trying to remove?13:23
xatrixtomreyn: GitLab B.V. (package repository signing key) <packages@gitlab.com>13:23
tomreynxatrix: just delete the file then - its location is printed on your screen13:24
tomreynplease try to use a pastebin-like tool when sharing text in the future.13:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:25
xatrixtomreyn: ok. got it13:25
xatrixAny idea ?13:27
tomreynany idea on what?13:28
oerheksjust remove the .../gitlab_key.gpg ?13:28
oerheksas tom said13:28
xatrixAh... got it. Didn't see the message you posted me before. Yea, i deleted the key. And now, it's not on the list. Thanks!13:29
=== mariosdaskalas is now known as md10
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest1939
ylwghstHey, I have weird issue. Everything works fine on livecd boot. On my real system my wlan device rtl8821ae is always unavailable, can not scan network or use it in any way.14:05
nedbatwhat is it that changes my terminal title when logging in to ubuntu, and is there a way to make it stop?14:06
tomreynylwghst: which ubuntu versions and kernel versions are you comparing there?14:06
ravageylwghst: "sudo rfkill unblock all"14:06
ylwghstrfkill is not issue it's always unblocked everything seems just fine i have tried all basic things and i have tried several different kernels and it's pretty much same with any kernel14:07
ylwghsti suspect only thing might be wrong is wpa_supplicant?14:07
ylwghst$ iw dev wlp4s0 scan -> command failed: Network is down (-100)14:07
ylwghst@tomreyn 22.10 but it happens with any kernel at the moment14:08
ravageylwghst: did you try "ip link set wlp4s0 up"14:09
ylwghstyep has no effect14:10
ylwghst$ nmcli d => wlp4s0  wifi      unavailable  --14:10
ylwghstwhatever i do this state never changes14:11
tomreynwhat do your system logs say about when the device is initialized during boot?14:11
leftyfbylwghst: just qant to add in here, wpa_supplicant has nothing to do with any of this. It is not required to load drivers or bring up an interface.14:12
ylwghstdrivers are loaded14:12
ylwghstdo you want full dmesg or grep rtl8821ae is sufficient14:14
tomreynthe second is probably not enough, but even that would be a good start14:15
ylwghstit enables device 000 -> 0003, loads firmware and then 0000:04:00.0 wlp4s0: renamed from wlan014:15
ylwghstnothing strange at all14:15
leftyfbylwghst: ls -l /sys/class/net/wl*14:16
xatrixOne more question. I have 22.04 LTS, and i have Lenovo G50 laptop. It has hybrid graphics Intel/[AMD/ATI] Sun LE [Radeon HD 8550M / R5 M230]. And i can't make it work as it should. I tried to load my X.org with 'radeon' driver in xorg.conf, and 'amdgpu' but it doesn't see my screen output. https://pastebin.com/m9YHdZZw14:18
tomreynylwghst: please use ubuntu kernels.14:18
ylwghsthere is ls -l https://pastebin.com/7kiiMSm114:18
ylwghsti can use ubuntu kernel it's behaves same on any kernel14:19
ylwghstit's something weird14:19
ylwghstat this point i'm just really what is it14:21
ylwghstreally curious*14:21
Jeremy31sudo cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state14:21
tomreynxatrix: first of all, update your bios, if you haven't done that, yet14:26
nedbatdoes everyone just live with their terminal window title changing when they log in to an ubuntu box?14:26
oerheksnedbat, why does that bother you?14:28
ravagei dont even understad the problem14:29
lotuspsychj3maybe nedbat needs a dropdown terminal?14:29
nedbatoerheks: because I like to set the window title to the task I am working on, and if I start a docker container as part of that, it changes away from the title I chose.14:29
tomreynylwghst: while i haven't seen a dmesg with ubuntu kernel and default kernel options, i bet this issue would not occur on an unmodified, fully updated ubuntu installation14:35
=== Guest1939 is now known as EriC^^
SquareNot that its a problem for me, but resuming a suspended ubuntu 22.04 install will show whatever is on screen before actually showing the unlock prompt.14:55
xatrixtomreyn: yea, i have most recent. But it's a dated laptop a bit15:04
tomreynxatrix: those old AMD integrated graphics chipsets from the SI/CI generation are not fun to deal with, sadly.15:06
tomreynyour kernel cmdline suggests you already noticed this. ;)15:07
oerheksSiS does only Vesa mode?15:08
xatrixyea, i'm trying too much time to solve it. but, you think, there's no way to fix it ? is it ?15:08
lotuspsychj3maybe a lubuntu likes it more?15:09
lotuspsychj3!amd | xatrix see also15:09
ubottuxatrix see also: On Ubuntu, AMD's official Linux graphics driver "amdgpu" is automatically loaded for matching hardware. Very old cards use driver "radeon" (r300, r600) instead. See the !man pages for X options, "modinfo -p <graphics-driver>" for kernel parameters. Both drivers are open source and integrate with MESA and !DRI. Drivers "amdgpu-pro", "fglrx" and "ati" are not supported here.15:09
tomreynxatrix: i'm not sure what exactly isn't working, did you discuss this, yet?15:10
xatrixyea, i'm talking about radeon driver. it sounds as it detects my card. but it doesn't make it run15:11
xatrixalso, i have it PWRDyn down in vgaswitcheroo15:11
xatrixtomreyn: yea, maybe a half a year ago15:11
tomreynyour kernel command line would prevent radeon from using your hardware15:11
xatrixWhen i enable my AMD card in bios, i can't load my Xserver, because of AMD/Radeon driver says:15:12
xatrix(WW) AMDGPU(1): No outputs definitely connected, trying again...15:13
xatrix AMDGPU(1): Unable to find connected outputs - setting 1024x768 initial framebuffer15:13
xatrixRadeon drivers does the same15:13
xatrixi tried various combination of radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1, and vice versa15:13
xatrixby the way, intel driver can detect the outputs15:14
tomreynxatrix: sorry, i wouldn't know, never had this hardware, so all i have seen are others reports online, which seem to be mixed.15:23
lotuspsychj3xatrix: maybe share your dmesg and the output of lshw -C video volunteers might be able to see more of whats happening15:25
xatrixsure, it's all inside the https://pastebin.com/m9YHdZZw post, i sent here before15:25
lotuspsychj3that was not the full dmesg xatrix15:26
xatrixnothing changes if i switch to radeon driver. it will be the same picture15:26
xatrixlotuspsychj3: ok.. i'll do the full dmesg. give me some time to pls15:26
lotuspsychj3we also cant see the driver= part of lshw15:26
xatrixah. ok15:27
xatrixgive me a second, i'll switch back to my discreet graphics15:27
xatrixThis is my dmesg: https://paste.debian.net/1260456/ This is Xorg.0.log: https://paste.debian.net/1260457/ And this is the lshw: https://paste.debian.net/1260458/15:32
xatrixlotuspsychj3: maybe you can advice something ?15:34
xatrixi'm sorry15:34
lotuspsychj3xatrix: lshw shows both driver modules are loaded so that would be a good thing, but in dmesg you get some; kernel: radeon 0000:03:00.0: fence driver on ring 0 use gpu addr 0x0000000080000c00 wich would be not too good15:37
lotuspsychj3radeon: unknown parameter 'drm' ignored15:38
lotuspsychj3xatrix: a few ideas rising my mind would be, checking for bios/firmware updates, trying other ubuntu releases/kernels/flavours to compare15:39
lotuspsychj3xatrix: did you have earlier ubuntu releases working on this same box?15:40
lotuspsychj3Unknown kernel command line parameters "BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-52-generic biosdevname=0", will be passed to user space.15:41
xatrixUbuntu 18. was running good. but i can't stay forever on 18 :)15:41
lotuspsychj3yeah i ran radeon card for years till 18.04 myself properly15:42
xatrixbiosdevname it's for my network interfaces to be called as eth0... intead of enp0s1...15:42
bparkertryimg to boot the 22.04 server ISO gets stuck for me at "waiting for cloud-init..." forever15:42
bparkerI am not using any cloud15:42
bparkerany ideas?15:43
lotuspsychj3xatrix: i had great luck with lubuntu 20.04 on ancient boxes/hardware15:44
tomreynbparker: does it happen with 22.04.1? was the iso written properly to the installation media?15:44
xatrixyes, but i dont want to gowngrade to :)15:44
xatrixmaybe there's some forums or github isses, where i can post the debug info ?15:44
lotuspsychj3first play the compare game xatrix15:45
xatrixsuch as radeon driver or ubuntu stuff?15:45
xatrixcompare game ? sorry ?15:45
bparkerno idea about .1 but I'm booting the iso from grub from the internal storage (with "toram" option)15:45
bparkerbecause this thing currently runs 18.04 but I want to upgrade with a clean install and I have no external storage here15:45
tomreynbparker: hmm i'm guessing that's related to the problem you're experiencing.15:46
tomreyncan't boot it from nfs or a virtual cdrom?15:46
bparkerunless there is a way to do it over wifi15:47
lotuspsychj3xatrix: downgrading ubuntu isnt possible, so comparing with other ubuntu releases/kernels/flavours as suggested above15:48
xatrixyea, i know, that 18.04 will be running good. but i'd like to stay at recent verison15:48
tomreynxatrix: https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/lenovo-g-series-laptops/g50-70-notebook-lenovo/20351/downloads/ds100522-bios-update-for-windows-7-32-bit-64-bit-windows-81-32-bit-64-bit-lenovo-g40-70-g50-70?category=BIOS%2FUEFI is the latest bios for this computer, which is a slightly higher versionthan what you have. but at least this latest versions's changelog doesn't discuss anything related. there's no changelog for15:53
tomreynearlier versions, though.15:53
tomreyn9ACN32WW is the latest, 9ACN30WW is yours15:53
xatrixtomreyn: ok. i'll update it. but where did you find a bios version in my logs ?15:54
tomreyn[    0.000000] kernel: DMI: LENOVO 20351/Lancer 5A2, BIOS 9ACN30WW 01/27/201515:55
xatrixok, i'll update15:57
Telanorhello, I'm using a ubuntu liveusb and the screen res is super low.  I have an nvidia card.  Is there a way to update the drivers for a liveusb?16:16
striveTelanor: Can't you just go into display settings and adjust it there?16:21
TelanorThere are no options in the dropdown16:21
jhutchinsTelanor: You could build your own live image that included the drivers.16:24
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop ISO is a "Live" image, which can be run without altering existing files on your hard drive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.16:24
TelanorThat sounds useful, how would I do that?16:25
tomreynjhutchins: i think current live / installer images do include nvidia drivers16:26
Telanormaybe mine's too old, I'm using ubuntu 1816:26
tomreynUbuntu 18.04 LTS iso's probably don't16:27
tomreyni think nvidia drivers were added since around 20.04 LTS16:27
TelanorMaybe I can try that then, hopefully it fits on my USB, I tried kubuntu earlier and it was too big for my 4gb usb16:28
TelanorThere's no way to increase the resolution a bit without drivers?16:29
Telanorlooks like its 640x480 right now16:29
jhutchinsTelanor: You're probably running on the fall-back VESA drivers, and that's as high as they go.16:30
TelanorIm actually just trying to get into the network settings but the screen res is so low the window goes off screen and I can't hit the apply button...16:31
ograall iso include the nvidia drivers of their time ... 18.04 might be a bt old for your card16:32
ogratry a newer iso ... i.e. 22.0416:32
tomreynthe 22.04 LTS desktop ISO is 3.6G16:34
tomreynso this should work with your $G stick16:34
tomreyn* 4G16:34
alkisgTelanor: hold down Alt, then mouse-click at the inside of a window and move it around16:38
TelanorIt doesn't seem to be doing anything16:40
Telanoroooh, it worked with the windows key!16:41
Telanorfinally I can hit the save button! :)16:41
Telanorthank you!16:42
alkisgHmm, maybe gnome or wayland are different, the good old xorg way was with alt18:01
EagleOwlI'm getting "AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'". The notice is right: The folder/file is absent. Is there an obvious reason for that? Ubuntu in VMware on Windows, all current.18:32
EagleOwlMaybe that belongs in #httpd?18:34
murmelno you are in the right channel, we just need more info18:34
EagleOwlGlad to provide it.18:36
MockingMonikerHow do I install from a certain repo when it's installed? It has packages that would be newer than the ones that come with Ubuntu. I'm installing Kodi. When I do apt install kodi*, it downloads from kinetic/universe and not from team--xbmc/ppa.18:39
EagleOwlWell, I take it back. "/usr/bin/apache2" exists at 750kb+18:39
murmelMockingMoniker: there are different ways. you can pin those packages higher than the ubuntu packages, or just use -t <distro> <packages>18:40
MockingMonikerlike apt -t team-xbmc/ppa install kodi*?18:41
murmelMockingMoniker: like apt install -t kinetic kodi*18:41
MockingMonikerThis is a custom repo for Kodi, it's not a distro.18:42
MockingMonikerSo... then I don't understand what I'm doing.18:44
MockingMonikerBecause I'm thinking specifying the distro would have no affect.18:44
MockingMonikerIt's just the same distro.18:44
murmelMockingMoniker: can you please paste your apt policy18:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:45
MockingMonikerk, one moment.18:45
ForeverNoob[m]Hi, I'm trying to get Alacritty working on a Ubuntu Server 22.04 running inside KVM/Qemu. It's GPU accelerated and requires mesa and other stuff. What packages should I install in order to get try and get it working?18:47
murmelMockingMoniker: oh, you didn't even install the ppa?18:47
MockingMonikerThere's a reference to it.18:48
MockingMonikerIn /etc/apt/sources.list.d/team-xbmc-ubuntu-ppa-kinetic.list: deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/ kinetic main18:48
murmelMockingMoniker: ahh, apt update, apt upgrade should do it18:49
MockingMonikermurmel: I did that, did nothing.18:50
MockingMonikerMaybe the repo is just empty?18:50
murmelForeverNoob[m]: afaik it shoud work when you install it18:50
murmelMockingMoniker: it's not, what does apt policy kodi say?18:50
murmelat least the site says there is a package https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=kinetic18:50
MockingMonikermurmel: https://dpaste.com/FCNVHRNW318:51
murmelMockingMoniker: but for some reason your apt policy doesn't show that you have the repo "enabled"18:51
MockingMonikerYeah... did I do something wrong?18:53
MockingMonikerI'm using Ubuntu Server, does that change anything?18:53
murmelMockingMoniker: can you give me the output of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/team-xbmc-ubuntu-ppa-kinetic.list  it almost feels like it was commented out see if there is a # in front of the deb http...18:53
murmelMockingMoniker: it shouldn't18:53
MockingMonikerdeb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/ kinetic main <-- the sources line is commented out but this is the first line of the two line file.18:54
murmelahh, so remove the #18:54
murmelapt update after and upgrae18:55
MockingMonikerNo, it hasn't the #. The sources one does, this onedoesn't.18:55
murmelahh, sorry, misunderstood you18:56
murmelMockingMoniker: can you please paste the whole apt update (with command)18:56
MockingMonikerIt's right there... is it possible that Ubuntu is using the exact same version as the new repo?18:57
MockingMonikerI mean, the Ubuntu repo has the same packages as the added repo?18:58
murmelMockingMoniker: at least looking at the version numbers, it's definitely not the same version18:58
murmelespecially since the epoch version from ubuntu is 2: and from the ppa it's 6: (small difference ;) )18:58
MockingMonikerIs this a priority issue?18:58
murmeldoes apt policy now show you the ppa?18:59
murmelI am sitting on jammy, and it works perfectly fine :S19:01
murmelbut there is definitely something wrong when apt update shows you the ppa, but later it's not added to the "policy page"19:03
MockingMonikerYeah, and this is a fresh install, did it an hour ago.19:03
MockingMonikerMaybe I should remove it and add it again.19:04
murmeltry it19:04
MockingMonikermurmel: I did that, same effect.19:08
murmelMockingMoniker: what did you do to remove and add the ppa. just to make sure nothing went wrong there19:08
MockingMonikerI did some other commands to clean up stuff.19:11
MockingMonikerThen I did: add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa19:12
MockingMonikerIs the repo functioning correctly?19:12
murmelit should, give me a few mins, will try it out myself19:13
MockingMonikermurmel: any luck?19:22
murmelinstalling right now19:23
murmelMockingMoniker: ahh lol I should have looked at the ppa more closely, there are no packages available for kinetic, the build failed19:27
MockingMonikermurmel: so it's an empty repo?19:28
murmelMockingMoniker: on the other hand, why not use the LTS release with that ppa.19:28
MockingMonikerI just downloaded Ubuntu Server and slapt in on there, I did no work to verify anything.19:28
MockingMonikerShould I have used Ubuntu Desktop instead of Server for Kodi?19:29
murmelMockingMoniker: no, just that Kinetic doesn't have a release by team-kodi for now. and imo just my opinion, why not use a LTS release so you don't have to "constantly" upgrade (as the lts is supported for 5 years)19:30
murmelbut that depends on what you want to do with that server+kodi machine19:30
MockingMonikerI want to grab the latest Kodi* binaries published by Kodi. The rest of the system isn't important.19:31
MockingMonikerI didn't want to install a desktop environment, but rather just let Kodi run on its own.19:31
murmelMockingMoniker: so I would go LTS (22.04) + ppa19:32
MockingMonikermurmel: is there an easy way to switch or should I download the image all over again and install that way?19:33
murmelMockingMoniker: as there is no supported way to downgrade and you have no data (i assume) just download the image and reinstall19:34
MockingMonikerOK. Will do.19:35
MockingMonikerWill Ubuntu Server 22.04.1 LTS do or I should I get Ubuntu Server 22.10?19:36
murmel22.04.1 ;)19:37
murmel22.10 is the release you have right now19:37
MockingMonikerSilly me.19:37
rob0LTS means long term support.19:37
MockingMonikerI see.19:37
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MockingMonikerIt was even in my question. I didn't look at the number carefully.19:38
murmelit happens ;) especially depends on what time it is :319:38
MockingMoniker12:38 PM :/19:38
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MockingMonikermurmel: it's working now. I get candidates from the new PPA.20:00
murmelMockingMoniker: nice :)20:07
X7I'm getting worried about the state of debian with how the number of increasing packages that are orphaned (as in no maintainer anymore) and packages can become orphaned at any time. Does ubuntu have this problem also or does it avoid it thanks to canonical backing it?20:29
murmelX7: wrong channel, it fits better in #ubuntu-discuss20:32
X7Okay. Thanks.20:32
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LordDoskiashello i'm trying to boot ubuntu live usb on a thinkpad t14 that has secureboot turned on - it doesn't work, if i turn off secur eboot it works21:01
LordDoskiasis this expected?21:01
jhutchinsLordDoskias: The reason secure boot was developed was to keep people from loading Linux on OEM Windows systems.21:03
jhutchinsLordDoskias: You can make it work with Ubuntu these days, but why?21:03
LordDoskiaswell i thought ubuntu's shim was signed by mcft's cert which is loaded on the machine21:04
LordDoskiasthough i can see ubuntu's boot certificate in the revoke list in the bios21:04
tripp4hhi! i tried installing boot-repair ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair ) but it cannot be found from the repository!21:30
tripp4hi don't remember did i say it, but i cannot transfer (large) files to the samsung a22 phone in windows either, so it's not a mtp-bug! i wonder what's with that21:33
oerheksbootrepair for what ubuntu version?21:35
oerheksKinetic is not ready indeed.21:35
oerheksthen your only option is the bootrepair disk, see 1st option21:35
tripp4hoerheks: 22.1021:42
tripp4hi don't need boot-repair now, but if i need it in future it would be handy to have it installed21:42
oerheks= Kinetic21:42
tripp4hi wonder does it add itself to grub21:43
ForeverNoob[m]Hi, in 22.04 I'm having a bit of an issue with locales. Seemingly everything looks fine: https://0x0.st/o6JN.txt - And I even did `dpkg-reconfigure locales` but a lot of stuff is complaining about locales and I'm not sure why.22:30
murmelForeverNoob[m]: and what kind of issues do you have? I mean the link doesn't give any info on that22:34
ForeverNoob[m]@murmel: Various things, for example `perl: warning: Setting locale failed.` and rofi: `Rofi-WARNING **: ...: Failed to set locale.`22:35
ForeverNoob[m]Some stuff not starting up when they should (i3bar etc.)22:35
leftyfbForeverNoob[m]: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/failed-to-set-locale-defaulting-to-c-warning-message-on-centoslinux/22:36
jhutchinsForeverNoob[m]: Hate to suggest a Stupid Windows Trick, but have you rebooted?22:54
ForeverNoob[m]I think it might be the packages that I've installed using the Nix package manager. I uninstalled rofi and installed it via apt, and now it doesn't complain anymore. So I'm going to figure out how to smooth out the locale situation with nixpkgs.22:57

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