
PumaElBusta[m]<OvenWerks> "grub-install <device>... That..." <- thanks, my bad, it was set to boot Legacy only in BIOS (for an unknown reason), switching to Both  (Legacy&EFI) solved the issue. 06:42
entity[m]I am having issues, 2 screens but workspace switcher is the same on both displays14:49
entity[m]Switching at same time on both screens14:50
OvenWerksentity[m]: I think I need more information14:58
OvenWerksI take it you have two displays but I am not sure how work spaces mix in with that14:59
OvenWerksI have two displays14:59
OvenWerksI have the displays set up one beside the other and the desktop environment sees them as one big display.15:00
entity[m]Well I set virtual desktops and in sys tray if i do a virtual desktop 1 to 2 it is done on both monitors15:00
OvenWerkswhen I switch workspaces, both displays switch to the new workspace15:01
OvenWerksentity[m]: and what do you expect?15:01
OvenWerksAre your displays set to mirror? That is, do they both have the same thing on them?15:02
entity[m]Well to use virtual displays individualy on bith screens15:02
entity[m]No they are separated displays15:02
entity[m]And act as separated15:02
OvenWerksbut if you move you mouse it will move from one display to the other?15:03
entity[m]But when i do virtual desktop switch, then it happens on both screens at a same time15:03
OvenWerksyes, because your machine sees both displays as if they were one big display15:04
entity[m]Is there solution for virtual desktops15:04
OvenWerksAssuming you are using a recent ubuntustudio with the plasma (KDE) desktop15:05
OvenWerksThat question is poorly worded, I do not know what you are trying to ask15:05
entity[m]I am15:05
entity[m]Well virtual desktop switcher is doing switch on both display, it serves as same action on both displays15:06
entity[m]I cant switch display without switching on both screens15:07
OvenWerksYou may be better asking this question in #kubuntu which ubuntustudio is built on top of. however, be aware that there was conference this past week and many people may still be traveling15:07
OvenWerksyes because the two screens are seen as one very large display no two displays15:07
OvenWerksI do not know if there is a way of treating the two displays as separate15:08
OvenWerksI have not had a problem with the standard way of doing things. I use 4 workspaces. If I need the same window on more than one workspace I can pin it to show on all15:10

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