
user|40I am trying to dual boot with win10. I have multiple drives windows is on sde, kubuntu will go on sdd, with a few storage drives in there. I tried using guided(entire disk) it failed at install grub. At first i looked at manual but it recommeded putting the bootloader on sda (a storage drive) assuming i need to do manual where do i put the boot00:17
user|40loader (the efi partition?). I cannot loose my windows drive due to work. Any help is appreciated.00:17
arraybolt3user|40: What was the exact error message from the install attempt?00:17
arraybolt3(It shouldn't matter what drive the bootloader goes on, so long as the firmware of the computer can find it.)00:18
user|40Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed this is a fatal error00:18
arraybolt3Hmm... well that isn't very descriptive, but I guess we can work with it.00:19
arraybolt3OK, are you at a desktop where you can run commands in Konsole?00:19
user|40I am in this chat on my phone with the live cd running on my desktop00:20
arraybolt3First I'll have you run some stuff so I can see some info about your computer, which may provide hints as to what's happening, then we'll try to fix the problem and hopefully be able to try the installation again.00:20
arraybolt3(If it's easier for you, you could also join the chat using Quassel on the live CD, but this is fine too.)00:20
arraybolt3Er, Konversation, not Quassel.00:20
arraybolt3OK, so firstly, can you open Konsole, and then run "ls /sys/firmware/efi | nc termbin.com 9999", then provide the link that is spit out from that? That will tell me whether you're using a BIOS or UEFI system.00:21
user|40No such file how would i join with konversation i have the app open00:23
arraybolt3Just press the Connect button, then run "/nick yourNickHere" to change your nickname (you can put whatever you want in "yourNickHere").00:24
arraybolt3Looks like you are successful, though you probably want to change the nick to something other than "kubuntu", since I think someone else uses that one already.00:25
=== kubuntu is now known as Fantom
arraybolt3I'm still here.00:25
arraybolt3(The part message was just me closing Konversation on my end since I use a different chat client.)00:25
arraybolt3OK, so you're using a BIOS system... and it says that the installation failed... hmm.00:25
Fantomok i have konversation running00:25
arraybolt3Alright, can you do "lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999" this time? That will help me see your drive layout, which may provide some hints. "sudo fdisk -l | nc termbin.com 9999" might also be helpful, that will give me more detailed disk info.00:26
arraybolt3(Please do NOT post the output of the commands directly in the chat, use termbin and send the link.)00:27
arraybolt3(Otherwise a flood prevention bot might mute you.)00:27
Fantomthe first one gave me a site termbin.com/xeyp00:28
arraybolt3Perfect, looking.00:28
Fantomthe second one gave me a site termbin.com/kae00:29
arraybolt3That second one looks like a typo, I just get a 404 Not Found page on it.00:29
Fantomyou are right termbin.com/kae00:29
Fantomyou are right termbin.com/5kae00:30
Fantomsorry numlock got me00:30
arraybolt3lol happens to me to00:30
arraybolt3Ah, problem solved. sda is using a GPT partition table, which won't work unless there's a bios-grub partition.00:30
Fantomso what do i do to fix this?00:31
arraybolt3Though... wait a minute here, your Windows installation seems to use EFI...00:31
arraybolt3I'm still troubleshooting, so give me a sec, we're not far from success.00:32
arraybolt3What is the exact manufacturer and model of your PC? Something like "HP Z220 SFF Workstation" is what I'm looking for.00:32
arraybolt3(I'm assuming this is a desktop since I've never seen a laptop with five drives in it :P)00:32
Fantomhome built but yes desktop00:32
arraybolt3Ah, OK. Motherboard info would be sufficient then.00:33
arraybolt3(I just am looking to see whether your system supports EFI or not - if it does, somehow the installer has booted in BIOS mode, and we should probably fix that. If not, then we can just install Kubuntu again using manual partitioning.)00:33
Fantommsi motar bx something give me a second ill find the model number00:34
Fantommsi z270m00:35
arraybolt3I don't see any way this thing could not support EFI. Can you run the "ls /sys/firmware/efi" one more time just to confirm that you didn't make a typo and that it really says "No such file or directory"?00:35
Fantomcopy and pasted this time no such file or directory00:36
arraybolt3OK. Did you do anything special to boot the installer?00:36
arraybolt3It should boot in EFI mode, not BIOS mode like it is currently booted into.00:37
Fantomno, i havent done any thing aside from windows on this machine so far00:37
arraybolt3K. What software did you use to flash the ISO to the USB drive?00:37
arraybolt3OK. Did you make sure to use DD mode to flash the ISO?00:38
arraybolt3If not, that may be the problem.00:38
Fantomi did not. so reflash and try again?00:38
arraybolt3That's what I would do.00:38
arraybolt3It should let you select DD mode at some point.00:38
arraybolt3If you aren't able to get it to do it right, try flashing the ISO with balenaEtcher.00:39
arraybolt3Also it would be worth doing the SHA256 verification on the ISO to make sure that it's not corrupted before flashing it again.00:39
Fantomi remeber it asking and i just went with what it recomended which wasnt dd. will try again.00:40
Fantomwill do thanks for the help00:40
arraybolt3Sounds good. Good luck!00:40
=== nate_ is now known as nate__
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Any help here? (re @Omar: )03:23
IrcsomeBot<Arthur> Kubuntu random freeze returns for 2204.03:28
IrcsomeBot<Arthur> Such freeze commences from release of KDE plasma 5.0, disappeared for a while in 20.04 and reappeared now in 2004.03:28
IrcsomeBot<Arthur> It is the same for Cinnamon Linux mint.03:28
IrcsomeBot<Arthur> Reappeared in 220403:29
IrcsomeBot<Arthur> I am using Intel  i5-3540, and displayed card Intel on board +nividia 65003:35
Guest62i cant sudo apt update i get and error saying The repository 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hirsute Release' no longer has a Release file.08:52
Guest62N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. can i fix this?08:52
Guest62i even have trouble downloading app from the discover store b/c something happen to my repositorys08:56
Guest62maybe everyone is asleep....09:01
Guest62i guess ill try again some other time09:02
ubottuUbuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) was the 34th release of Ubuntu, support ended on January 20, 2022. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2022-January/000276.html09:33
oerheksEOL, upgrade to a supported version please09:33
user|6Buenas por algún motivo que desconozco mi kubuntu al iniciar me abre sin interfaz gráfica solo en terminal y de esta manera no me deja ejecutar startx por qué no se encuentra ns que hacer10:08
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:09
BluesKajHi all13:37
=== peter_ is now known as Guest6422
keithzg[m]Hmm. So if I've got a session going under X11/Plasma and I leave it long enough on my 22.10 desktop, when I return it's unresponsive. That doesn't seem to happen if I use X11/Openbox, but I run into another problem I also saw under Plasma and also when using Wayland rather than X11: networking dies.23:58

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