
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
adacHow can I find out which process is using how much buff/cache memory?15:10
frickleradac: buffer cache isn't directly tied to processes, it is managed by the kernel and shared between all processes15:30
adacfrickler, ok I see thanks!16:25
evitAnyone have a clear idea of which versions of Ubuntu support ondrej/php repos?19:43
ravageevit: jammy, focal, bionic19:47
evitLooks like there were some security updates from php.net that may have not made it into ondrej/php repos yet. Where should one watch for the status of those things? 19:49
evitLooks like 8.0.25 and 8.1.12 are out19:50
evitYes, I did see that but I'm wondering about these more recent releases of 8.0 and 8.1 that are security releated19:52
evitMaybe this repo just lags a bit?19:52
ravagemaybe he just has a dayjob so he can pay his bills19:52
evitCuz I have a supported Ubuntu release and am on a supported version of PHP in version 8.x and 8.119:53
evitYes, I fully understand that and thats why he gets donations from people like me. I understand how free software works. That wasn't my question19:53
ravageand what is your question?19:54
evitRead above19:54
ravageif you have a question about a PPA i suggest https://github.com/oerdnj/deb.sury.org/issues19:55
ravagenobody here has control over it19:55
evitAcknowledged, again. Not. my. question.19:56
evitI'll ask on github19:57
sdezielevit: the PPA has php8.1 version 8.1.12 and php8.0 version 8.0.25, both for all 3 Ubuntu LTSes20:11
evitUgh, so it is already patched. Right?20:14
bG9sshould be patched20:14
bG9sBrowse code for the tags etc20:15
sdezielevit: looks like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOOzKdYHkus20:16
sdezieloups, wrong paste https://launchpad.net/%7Eondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/+index?batch=75&memo=225&start=22520:17
evitThanks to you all I see it now. Cleaning off my glasses as we speak. LMAO =)20:18
rbasaklvoytek: sorry I screwed that up.20:51
rbasakI guess I'll force push what I did upload to mysql-8.0/debian/latest on salsa since the upload is the authority20:51
rbasakAnd apologies for getting you to update the changelog that I then dropped20:52
lvoytekrbasak: It's all good, thanks for the help!21:18
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