
=== denis is now known as Guest4590
=== Guest4590 is now known as denisgordeev
lsd|2Polish King in Munchien https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIxlfNDwzBM00:35
MockingMonikerSo, I have a PPA I added and I get an unmet dependency when trying to install a pakcage from it... I found out that in order to fix it I need to refer to the exact package name with version info, and not let apt figure it out... how do I figure out the exact package name?01:04
MockingMonikerI know that apt-cache search finds a description (but I don't see anything else).01:04
Bashing-omMockingMoniker: ' dpkg -l <package_name> ' might be one way forward.01:15
MockingMonikerIs it possible to make sure apt/dpkg ignore all packages of a pattern for one repository and add only those of a perferred repo? I have a PPA with packages that I want to install but there are some packages with the same name on my system.01:21
Bashing-om!pin | MockingMoniker01:22
ubottuMockingMoniker: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:22
arraybolt3Maybe look into apt pinning?01:22
MockingMonikerbasically if I install kodi-* then all the Ubuntu repos are entirely eignored but all the onse for the Kodi team's PPA are only pulled.01:22
MockingMonikerOK, looking into it.01:22
arraybolt3Bashing-om: Heh, I missed by one second.01:22
ax562good evening.  Is there nvidia drivers support for ubuntu 22.04 lts with wayland/low-latency-kernel?01:23
Bashing-omMockingMoniker: Versoning control - apt will always look at the latest verson numbers.01:23
ax562or just Wayland?01:23
Bashing-omax562: So far as I know - nvidia/Wayland support is spotty at best.01:24
Bashing-omax562: If you recall - Nvidia required that we pull Wayland support from their proprietary driver :(01:25
ax562ah ok, I was getting conflicting info from my search.  What would be the way to go if one would try to take the plunge on trying to get it working? site or tutorial?01:26
ax562Bashing-om been on the Deb/Bullseye trains for a minute so I have not kept my ear too open on Ubuntu news.  I had not heard about Nvidia pulling Wayland support from drivers.01:27
ravageax562: install linux-image-lowlatency and install the nvidia driver via "additional drivers" in gnome or use "ubuntu-drivers" on the terminal01:28
ax562ravage thanks, I will try and report back.  I'm already using the low latency linux kernel.  I'll report findings shortly.01:29
ax562ravage the little gear on the login screen is not visible to change the option from gnome-X to gnome(wayland) after nvidia-driver install.01:42
ax562I did modify the gnome cofig file to "WAYLAND=true".01:42
ax562as Bashing-om mentioned, I do not think it's possible :(01:44
MockingMonikerSo, I'm trying to tell Ubuntu to not use a repo for a package glob (kodi*) and I added a file to /etc/apt/preferences.d with line 1: Package: kodi*; line 21: Pin: release n=jammy; Line 3: Pin_priority: -1; but apt policy kodi shows the default priority.01:45
ravageax562: WAYLAND=true sounds wrong: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-enable-disable-wayland-on-ubuntu-20-04-desktop01:47
ax562ravage that is the exact site I used.  Please excuse the syntax err, I'm using 2 different machines01:49
ravageMockingMoniker: dont clutter your system with PPAs. they offer a flatpak. just use that for kodi01:49
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ravageax562: thats the only place i know of that would disable that. but maybe there is another. but im almost certain you would not be very happy with wayland+nvidia01:51
ravagei tried switching a few times. never got everything working that i need01:51
MockingMonikerStill, how do I prevent my system from installing packages from the Ubuntu repos with pattern kodi*?01:52
lenswipeHey folks, I have a Dell laptop with an ipu6 camera and have followed the directions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Dell to get the camera up and working02:13
lenswipehowever, after a reboot that seems to no longer be the case02:13
lenswipethe camera _is_working (sort of) in that cheese can detect two ipu6 cameras. But they are no longer available to zoom or OBS etc.02:13
arraybolt3How do you have Zoom and OBS installed?02:14
lenswipefrom the snap store I think02:14
lenswipewait, no02:15
arraybolt3Hmm, do they have permission to access the camera? Check the Snap permissions.02:15
lenswipearraybolt3, i'll look into it but again..this _was_ working02:15
lenswipei was screwing around with v4l2loopback before it broke so that may be why02:15
lenswipebut I wasn't aware that changes to that persisted through reboots and...I wouldn't think that would break it, surely?02:15
arraybolt3v4l2loopback uses a kernel driver as part of its magic, so... yeah, that may persist through reboots.02:16
MockingMonikerravage: that does give me a lot more peace of mind. Now I know I'm keeping my packages sorted.02:16
lenswipeso, zoom was installed using the .deb from their website - OBS meanwhile did indeed come from the snap store02:16
ax562couldn't get Wayland working.  Decided to just stay on X.  Thanks for all the help ravage Bashing-om02:16
lenswipearraybolt3, right, i wonder if I've broken something with that - v4l-ctl --list-devices does show 4 devices -  /dev/video2, /dev/media0 which are apparently both "ipu6" and two v4l2lo0 and v4l2lo1 devices as /dev/video0 and /dev/video1 respectively02:17
arraybolt3I see this in that Wiki page you linked: "Ubuntu 22.04 includes gstreamer1.0-pipewire plugin to replace v4l2 gstreamer plugin." I wonder if having v4l2 stuff installed along with is making things get confused?02:18
lenswipearraybolt3, i don't know02:18
lenswipei didn't install v4l2 afaik02:18
arraybolt3But you did install v4l2loopback.02:18
lenswipeI did?02:18
arraybolt320:15:24         lenswipe | i was screwing around with v4l2loopback before it broke so that may be why02:19
lenswipei don't remember installing that though02:19
lenswipemaybe OBS brings it in?02:19
arraybolt3Doubtful, unless the OBS Snap is unconfined.02:19
lenswipeit's possible I installed it, i dont remember02:19
arraybolt3(If an unconfined Snap can install a kernel module, that would be a total defeat of the Snap security model.)02:19
lenswipeeither way - what's the best way to fix this?02:19
lenswipejust uninstall v4l2?02:20
lenswipeand/or v4l2loopback02:20
arraybolt3I don't know. What does "sudo apt remove v4l2loopback" say it's going to uninstall?02:20
lenswipeE: Unable to locate package v4l2loopback02:20
arraybolt3Er... ok one moment.02:20
arraybolt3sudo apt remove v4l2loopback-dkms02:21
arraybolt3(I don't really know how to fix this, this is just me taking shots in the dark based on the info I have, so I'm sorry in advance if this doesn't work.)02:21
lenswipePackage 'v4l2loopback-dkms' is not installed, so not removed02:21
arraybolt3Hmm. That's odd.02:22
lenswipeI mean, this _was_ working even with v4l2loopback installed (or not, as the case may be)02:22
arraybolt3Did you happen to change anything related to Secure Boot?02:23
lenswipeuhhh, not afaik - I mean - I'm using secure boot but otherwise no02:23
wrwhat would i use to install a deb file on ubuntu 22.10?02:24
arraybolt3OK that *might* be a clue, one moment...02:24
lenswipearraybolt3, my recollection of events was that i had a working clean ubuntu install, so I copied over my entire home dir from my old machine...after which my webcam no longer worked02:24
lenswipewhich makes absolutely no sense02:24
arraybolt3wr: "sudo apt install ./filename.deb" from within the folder containing the .deb file02:24
arraybolt3lenswipe: What does "ls /var/lib/shim-signed/mok" show? I only need to know if there are files in there or not, do **NOT** share the contents of the files in there.02:25
lenswipearraybolt3, yeah of course lol02:25
lenswipeyeah, there's files in there - MOK.der  MOK.priv02:25
arraybolt3Hmm. Well then it's not likely to be Secure Boot's fault...02:26
arraybolt3Is there anything related to Zoom or OBS in the hidden files within your home folder?02:26
lenswipeuh...i guess there _could_ be..02:26
lenswipeZoom sees no camera at all02:27
lenswipeOBS also sees no camera02:27
arraybolt3Also try making a new user account and see if anything can see the camera from there.02:27
lenswipeCheese sees two cameras both called ipu6. But I'm not setting a lot of store by that because cheese is broken in the latest release afaik02:27
lenswipeyeah, was thinking of doing that02:27
lenswipewill try it and get back to you02:27
arraybolt3If it works in a clean user account, then it is the fault of something you copied over.02:27
lenswipebut like - that'd be pretty nuts02:27
arraybolt3(Or at least it's very likely to be.)02:27
lenswipehome dir stuff shouldn't break hardware like that02:28
arraybolt3lenswipe: I wouldn't be surprised if something was cached that caused the problem.02:28
lenswipewebcamtests.com can't even see it02:28
arraybolt3lenswipe: Also is Webcamoid able to see it?02:31
arraybolt3That's the camera software I have.02:31
lenswipearraybolt3, okay, just swithced to a new user account - doesn't work there either02:32
lenswipelets' try webcamoid02:32
lenswipeI'm not hopeful02:32
lenswipeyeah, webcamoid is a bust too02:34
lenswipeit's trying to use /dev/video0 and failing02:34
MockingMonikerI installed Kodi from flatpak and it won't respond to keyboard or mouse.02:36
arraybolt3lenswipe: And you already did the "Workaround to make Cheese useable by disable v4l2 in pipewire" thing?02:36
lenswipearraybolt3, I think so, but honestly I don't care about cheese all that much02:37
arraybolt3Just check and make sure that line is still commented out, if things are trying to use v4l2 devices still that might be the problem.02:37
lenswipeoh this is interesting02:37
lenswipecheese is no longer finding _any_ device02:38
lenswipeeven ipu602:38
lenswipearraybolt3, looks like that was uncommentd02:40
lenswipewhat do i restart for that to take effect?02:40
arraybolt3I'd reboot entirely.02:40
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arraybolt3!root | Guest861702:41
ubottuGuest8617: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:41
arraybolt3Er.. ok that was the wrong factoid...02:41
arraybolt3What is the factoid for "don't use IRC on the root account?"02:41
arraybolt3!rootirc | Guest861702:42
ubottuGuest8617: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.02:42
lenswipearraybolt3, okay so now cheese still doesn't work, but zoom can see v4l2lo0 and v4l2l102:43
* arraybolt3 throws up my hands02:44
lenswipearraybolt3, it looks like v4l2l0 is the output of the OBS virtual camera02:44
arraybolt3lenswipe: You have the Frankencamera. Good luck, I have no clue what to do at this point.02:44
lenswipearraybolt3, quite.02:45
arraybolt3(If someone else has any ideas, please insert them, I'm stumped.)02:45
lenswipewell thanks anyway02:45
lenswipearraybolt3, current options on the table are "send this ****ing dell laptop back and get a thinkpad"02:45
lenswipeI've been at this for like a week now02:46
lenswipeI don't care about facial recogntion login, fingerprint scanenrs or all sorts of other bullshit dell built into this thing - i just want a decent laptop to get work done02:46
MockingMonikerFlatpak Kodi expects an X server, it seems, so without an X server, the mouse and keyboard won't work.02:49
ravageMockingMoniker: then check out the kodi kiosk snap. it comed with its own wayland server for headless/iot systems02:55
ravagecheck description for more information02:56
lenswipeokay, i figured out what i did yesterday02:59
lenswipearraybolt3, I followed this: https://www.scs.stanford.edu/%7Edm/blog/hide-webcam.html02:59
lenswipeI've gone through and undone those changes, now I'm going to reboot02:59
lenswipeI now have "Dummy video device" listed in zoom...03:02
lenswipecheese isn't much better03:02
lenswipearraybolt3, any ideas?03:20
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weeb11I used ubuntu many years ago does it still crash like it used to? I haven't used linux in a very very long time04:30
arraybolt3It's rock solid for me over here.04:31
weeb11now I use ghost spectre's custom mod of windows 11 and startall back for taskbar04:31
weeb11nice to hear04:31
arraybolt3I use various flavors of Ubuntu on all of my computers, and I have quite a few computers.04:31
weeb11how's the gpu support these days04:31
arraybolt3Quite good in my experience.04:31
weeb11does it sometimes still break or nah04:32
arraybolt3I'm using an NVIDIA 1050 Ti in one of my desktops, works perfectly.04:32
arraybolt3I've seen some people break it in the past, but it doesn't seem to just randomly break for me.04:32
weeb11hmm improved : D04:32
weeb11want's your favorite flavor?04:33
arraybolt3Depends on the power of the computer I'm using and the use case I have in mind.04:33
arraybolt3Right now I'm using Kubuntu on my primary laptop, and Lubuntu on my primary desktop.04:33
weeb11full or kde?04:34
arraybolt3I like Xubuntu too though, and have used Ubuntu Studio in the past and have it installed on one of my best friend's laptop.04:34
arraybolt3weeb11: Kubuntu uses KDE if that's what you mean.04:34
weeb11any fun with arch?04:34
arraybolt3...define fun. :P04:35
arraybolt3Let's just say Arch was a painful nightmare the first time. I still have an Arch installation in a VM, but it's definitely not something I'd want to use on my primary system.04:35
weeb11alot of custom mod on that os04:35
weeb11nice displays04:35
arraybolt3Quite customizable but you pay for that power hand over fist. At any rate, this is a fun discussion, but it would probably fit better in #ubuntu-discuss. I'd be happy to move there with you if you'd like.04:36
weeb11: D04:36
weeb11it's ok, it's 11 I'm just winding down for the night04:36
weeb11see you later it was fun /04:36
weeb11: D04:37
UmeaboyHi! Does anyone here have trouble receiving Launchpad emails to download a po file? I made a bugreport about it and it still happens.04:37
arraybolt3Umeaboy: What are you trying to do? I don't know what a po file is.04:37
Umeaboyarraybolt3: A po file contains translations for each program.04:38
arraybolt3Oh, right.04:38
arraybolt3(It sounded a bit familiar but now I remember.)04:38
UmeaboyLaunchpad is the platform to either translate directly in the web ui or it offers to download the file.04:38
UmeaboyThis hasn't been a problem before.04:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1996436 in Launchpad itself "launchpad does not send any email with link to po file" [Undecided, New]04:39
UmeaboyI have mentioned it in #launchpad, but no help there.04:39
arraybolt3Hmm. You might ask in #launchpad. I use Launchpad a lot, but haven't used the translation feature before.04:39
UmeaboyCan  you try to reproduce the issue just to see if you get an email??04:40
UmeaboyIt should arrive within 5-10 minutes.04:41
arraybolt3Umeaboy: OK, I requested the translations for the Spanish version of GNOME Software (I think), we'll see what happens.04:42
UmeaboyI haven't broken any of the guidelines so I'm fairly sure that my email is not banned/blocked.04:42
arraybolt3Did you check your spam by any chance04:43
arraybolt3I'm still waiting for any email to come through, for what it's worth.04:44
UmeaboyI use Tutanota to read my emails if that's relevant.04:45
arraybolt3I'm on GMail so that means we'll have two mail platforms checked.04:45
arraybolt3Still nothing for me.04:48
UmeaboyThis makes it valid for you to click "This affects me to"04:51
arraybolt3True. I'm waiting just a bit longer.04:51
arraybolt3But yeah it looks like this is indeed a bug. And I know for a fact I'm not banned or anything.04:51
jeffrey_fis it possible to move an active process to my GPU?04:52
Umeaboyjeffrey_f: I would say YES, but I don't know how to do that. I found some info on how to shift from GPU to CPU: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/591393/how-to-shift-process-from-gpu-to-cpu-usage04:56
arraybolt3Umeaboy: Yeah, I still haven't gotten an email. I'm going to say yes this is a bug and throw some support behind it.04:56
jeffrey_f@Umeaboy, I found that too.  I guess I need a bigger shovel to dig more.  Thanks04:57
Umeaboyjeffrey_f: If I were you I'd try to find support from the GPU maker here on IRC somehow.04:59
UmeaboyI don't know if it's a kernel question or something else.04:59
jeffrey_f@Umeaboy, That should be rather easy to do.  NVidia is generally active in forums and such.  Again, Thanks05:00
Umeaboyjeffrey_f: https://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=nvidia05:00
UmeaboyI don't know how up-to-date that list is though.05:01
jeffrey_fThanks @Umeaboy05:02
UmeaboyAnytime, jeffrey_f. We're all family here even though it's not by blood. :)05:04
jeffrey_f@Umeaboy, Truth!05:04
misterx8anyone knows any good tweaks for linux performance?05:37
toddcrun headless05:38
misterx8whats headless05:38
toddcno gui/screen05:39
toddccommand line only05:39
toddcxubuntu is faster too05:40
misterx8lol thats besides the point05:40
arraybolt3Lubuntu is also a possible option, it's also light, like Xubuntu.05:40
misterx8nah i mean regardless of distro anything to make it run faster i already have a setup but asking around to see what more i can add05:40
arraybolt3Maybe disable the swapfile and enable RAM compression?05:41
NickHIf you want a fast GUI then consider using a light weight wayland compositor05:41
toddcmisterx8: I am headless only05:41
misterx8better ill send my config and you guys check it out to see what ive missed any potential setting...05:41
misterx8nickh ur right. im on it already. i cant wait till kde gets vulkan compositor05:42
arraybolt3misterx8: YOU DID mitigations=off???!!!??!?!??? I know that's sometimes seen as a performance enhancer, but that is a shockingly horribly terrifyingly no good very bad idea.05:43
misterx8run windows t hen lol05:43
arraybolt3Unless you don't care if the first malicious site you open is able to read everything in your system's RAM, that is.05:43
misterx8nah i dont. this setup is personal. besides the point. i get half hackbench latency with just this script. without considering mitigations05:44
misterx8check it out and tell me what i can add. i want to finish this once n for all add anything possible05:44
arraybolt3Eh, well then OK.05:44
misterx8thats why i added switches like those variables for people to edit it easily cause i run stuff my way05:45
arraybolt3Hmm, I see zram already in there.05:45
misterx8just for low spec05:46
misterx8zswap for 2gb and zram + zswap for 1 gb05:46
misterx8im not exactly a professional so i hope you mind my scripting skills lol05:46
misterx8dont mind i mean05:47
arraybolt3misterx8: Heh, I like the system-level adblocking.05:51
misterx8thanks bro05:51
misterx8its just an attempt to automate all. it was a bad script at first but my rig broke and it was easy improving performance last 2 weeks cause its barely noticable on a good system so im working at it daily lately to finish it once and for all05:52
misterx8theres so much you can do with linux and trying to see wahts worth putting in so asking around05:53
kattupoochidoes https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/ is a client tool, or they provide RDP/vps in open source (free of cost)07:16
alkisgkattupoochi: it's a tool. They're not offering free servers.07:28
kattupoochithank u alkisg:07:30
kristian_Helloo.. I have a multi os setup (ubuntu & windows) and I'd like to do a fresh install of ubuntu. I remember last time I updated ubuntu I messed up my multi os setup because it forgot that windows existed. What's the best way to tackle this?09:33
oerhekssudo fdisk -l # shows partitions, note them down so you will not make a mistake, also the installer gives an option to update/replace an existing ubuntu install,have fun!09:34
alocerHello all! There is a script name oem-config-remaster in ubiquity package. i was wondering if its okay to use it? is anyone using it? any alternatives? Thanks.09:35
kristian_oerheks: thanks - replace is what I want. That should work then too?09:35
oerhekskristian_, sure, it is tested and proven to be working correctly09:36
EriC^^kristian_: no, there used to be a bug that replace09:36
EriC^^would overwrite the whole disk with only ubuntu, at least back in 14.04 it happened with me09:36
kristian_EriC^^: hmm that scare me a bit :D09:36
oerhekserr... ages ago ?09:37
oerheksdid you file a bugreport, EriC^^ ?09:37
EriC^^oerheks: i didnt even use ubuntu then or linux09:38
oerheksalocer, ' Remaster a CD with additional oem-config functionality' ,... never used it myself09:38
EriC^^kristian_: you could remove the ubuntu partitions using gparted, then when you run the installer it should show the usual 'install alongside windows' and choose that09:38
aloceroerheks, Yes, I am thinking about wether i should investigate modifying it or not, its goes back to 2011.09:39
EriC^^oerheks: seems it was put by someone anyways #126519209:40
EriC^^!bug 126519209:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Install/reinstall wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126519209:40
rebabIs there a software that I can grab Google links for a specific word in a unique way?09:45
mar77igood ugt morning! hey, I was interested, is there some plan for the future of python- and python3- packages in ubuntu?10:00
mar77ilike, is python3-* going to be renamed to the other once 2.x is dropped?10:00
rebabI figured out, don't answer my question.10:11
oerhekspython2.7 has already been dropped, mar77i .. not installed standard anymore10:18
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python10:18
Unit193...Huh, I thought it was sorta dropped from the archive, but seems not.  Now that I looked at that, I do remember it lingering...10:23
oerheksit is installable, but we do recommend updating scripts/apps to 3.x10:25
mar77ioerheks: that... I knew already. thanks for attempting, anyway :)10:55
Vuurdraak-hi everybody, i am about to remove a Geforce GPU and install a Radeon RX 6600, I just read in a forum post that it won't automaticly work properly with the 5.4 kernel, and somebody said it was fixed by using a 5.13 kernel, I am wondering it's not possible to get a Radeon GPU working by installing drivers like with the Geforce card, the kernel must support the AMD GPU ?11:25
oerheksVuurdraak, what ubuntu version?11:26
Vuurdraak18.04 LTS11:26
oerheksfor focal, install hwe to get 5.15 ..11:26
Vuurdraak- only a kernel switch can avoid tany problems ?11:26
oerheksoh, Radeon RX 6600, that came out after 2018 ?11:27
oerheksi would upgrade, to at least 22.04 LTS11:27
Vuurdraak- i got 22.04 as a second OS, but I also want to get it working on 18.04 as I got a lot of legacy stuff still running there11:28
oerheksyou would try to install hwe on 18.04, that is supported ( for one year)11:29
Vuurdraak- seems official launch date was 2021 13 oktober11:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack11:29
Vuurdraak- oke  thanks, i guess I will install the HWE kernel later11:29
Vuurdraak- oww it's even just one bash line :)11:31
Vuurdraak- oww this is already the HWE kernel line11:32
oerhekssetup a VM with KVM in 22.04, to run that old software?11:33
Vuurdraakit's because of what i red here in a forum post "This was my issue. I was using kernel 5.4.0-91 and my new Radeon RX 6600 would boot to a black screen. I could get a terminal, but no desktop environment. After switching to kernel 5.13.0-22-generic, I'm flying. Thanks!"11:33
Vuurdraak- and I am now on 5.411:34
Vuurdraakin 18.0411:34
Vuurdraak- i guess i have to be carefull, with just replacing the hardware, if I want to get stuff out of 18.0411:35
Vuurdraak- which kernel is Ubuntu 20.04 on ?11:36
Vuurdraaki mean I good do a upgrade of 18.04 to 20.4 if that fixes some stufff11:37
Vuurdraak5.15 apperently11:38
mazzlehi there. I'm trying to set up clonezilla server using the DRBL server packages and I keep failing when it tries to find my nameservers in resolv.conf. I can't directly edit that file due to ubuntu. Is there some way to trcik third party apps into reading it without messing up the resolver setup?12:13
ChrissyHi!  In the past (ie. before 22.04.1) I was able to plug my Arduino (MKR1310) via USB and I could reach it via /dev/ttyUSB0.  This does not work anymore and I don't even see any reaction in any log, when I plug it in...12:22
Chrissy(The device still works fine under windows 10 (with the same cable on the exact same machine))12:23
oerheksChrissy, it is caused by the brltty daemon .. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1408192/can-not-connect-arduino-ide-with-arduino-board-on-ubuntu-22-0412:25
oerhekswith fix12:25
oerheksstop, disable, mask that service12:25
ograunless you are blind and rely on it ...12:25
ChrissyStill no change. I'll reboot my machine12:27
ChrissyStill no luck. brltty removed. Machine rebooted. tail -f /var/log/kern.log shows nothing when I put that Arduino in...12:31
ogradid you disable anything in your BIOS ? there is really no reason why the kernel would not show/see the plug even if there is no physical problem12:52
oerheksmaybe an usb2/usb3 issue? usb3 = blue12:55
ograyeah, that would be such a BIOS setting ... (legacy USB support on USB3)12:57
lotuspsychjeor bad usb cable?12:58
=== tony is now known as Guest1126
gebbioneis it possible to get cifs-utils 6.14 in bionic (ubuntu 18)? at the moment i get cifs-utils/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 2:6.8-1ubuntu1.2 amd6413:04
ChrissyThe strange thing is : It works on the same device with the same cable just when I boot Windows.  (And it worked before the update to 22.04)13:05
oerheksgebbione, no, upgrade to 22.04 ?13:06
BluesKajHi all13:37
ELFrederichDoes gnome itself run as a snap package?  When I do "sudo snap list" I see gnome listed there.14:11
oerheksELFrederich, one part is..14:38
ELFrederichoerheks, ?14:46
ELFrederichI'm just wondering if theses are leftover from when I had some snap packages installed.14:47
robertparkerxI used curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_13.x | sudo bash - to install node 13 but it installed node 1015:10
robertparkerxhow do I remove this?15:10
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co0nHi, I am having trouble using my Dockerfile with Ubuntu Jammy. While installing Python packages using pip, and using the `--prefix` attribute to install somewhere else, jammy produces a `./local` subdirectory where focal does not, see: https://paste.debian.net/1260680/ Also, packages are installed into dist-packages with jammy, they were installed to site-packages with focal.15:41
robertparkerxI have node 10 installed from apt get install nodejs npm but I need version 13 of node15:41
robertparkerxhow do I install it15:41
co0nrobertparkerx, nodejs provides upstream repositories you can use15:42
ograrobertparkerx, see "snap info node" ... pick the channel for the 13 stable version15:42
ogra(see "snap help install" for how to give a channel to the install command, node works with cannicl to provide all their versions as snaps)15:42
robertparkerxogra how do I do that?15:43
co0nrobertparkerx, the official install instructions are here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions15:43
ograrobertparkerx, moszt likely like: "snap install --channel=13/stable node" ...15:44
ograah, needs also --classic ... so: ""snap install --channel=13/stable node --classic"15:45
ogra(BTW: any reason why you ned such an old version ? )15:45
robertparkerxogra I installed it but node --version still says 1015:45
ograrobertparkerx, remove the version you installed through the curl hackery15:46
robertparkerxogra how do I do that?15:46
ogra(and *never ever* do such a thing again ... piping random curl scripts from the wenb into sud bash can easily turn your machine into a botnet client)15:47
ograrobertparkerx, read the script you downloaded and reverse each single step it did15:47
ograi.e. go backwards through that script15:47
robertparkerxI did curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_13.x | sudo bash -15:48
robertparkerxhow do I remove that?15:49
co0nrobertparkerx, `snap run node --version` already works with the correct version, doesn't it?15:49
ograso look at that script15:49
co0nomg, I read this script years ago to be able to reverse-engineer their repo entries :P Now I remember15:49
robertparkerxogra I don't understand15:49
co0nrobertparkerx, there is a shell script at the url you provided, it did set-up nodejs and the relevant repos for you.15:50
ograrobertparkerx, well, you gave some randowm script you downloaded with curl to the "sudo bach" command to execturte it as root on your machne15:50
ograyu need to read that script, understand what it did and do each of the steps backwards15:50
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ograrobertparkerx, and the next ime you see durl and "sudo bash" in any install instructions, better run away screaming ... or write an angry email to the people that provide such super-dangerous instructiona15:52
robertparkerxogra can you please help15:52
robertparkerxI don't know what I'm doing15:52
ograjust open https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_13.x in your browser to read the script15:53
robertparkerxI don't know what to look for15:53
co0nogra, I think he really can't read shell scripts15:53
* ogra looks 15:54
co0nrobertparkerx, do you know what you executed?15:54
ograARGH !15:54
ograthis is horrid !15:54
co0nrobertparkerx, what does the command `sudo dpkg -s nodejs` say?15:55
co0nrobertparkerx, we are looking for the installed version15:55
co0nrobertparkerx, that's the same version as reported by `node --version`, right?15:56
ograsudo apt purge nodejs15:57
ograstart with that command15:57
co0nogra, wait15:57
co0nLet's remove the source first15:57
ograi'D have done that next, but yeah, feel free to take the lead here15:57
co0nrobertparkerx, do you see a file named something with node in /etc/apt/sources.list.d15:57
co0nrobertparkerx, `ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d`15:58
ograit seems to hack the sources.list file directly instead of adding a sources.list.d snippet ... oh what a mess 😕15:58
robertparkerxco0n https://i.imgur.com/cnksBRg.png15:58
co0nrobertparkerx, please run `grep node /etc/apt/sources.list`15:59
robertparkerxco0n nothing15:59
co0nrobertparkerx, can you inspect that file and see what node might have added in there?16:00
co0nrobertparkerx, or feel free to share it, I don't know what secrets you have hidden there...16:00
ogralooking at the script there shoudl be a line with "nodesource" in it somewhere16:00
robertparkerxls /etc/apt/sources-list shows /etc/apt/sources.list16:01
co0nrobertparkerx, yeah, you want to open that file16:01
co0nrobertparkerx, use `cat <file>` to just see it.16:02
robertparkerxco0n https://kopy.io/bKzgV16:03
co0nrobertparkerx, what does `apt-cache policy nodejs` say?16:05
robertparkerxco0n https://i.imgur.com/Exb1S7X.png16:05
co0nrobertparkerx, you did not successfully execute the script ogra was afraid about, it seems16:06
ogralooks like you got nodejs from some archive mirror instead and the script did not run at all16:06
ogra(which is actually good)16:07
robertparkerxHow do I install the proper node version?16:07
co0nrobertparkerx, still, `apt remove --purge nodejs`, please, to remove the pacakage installed via APT. Afterwards, we'll try to get your snap to work like it should.16:07
ograso just remove the package with "sudo apt purge nodejs"16:07
robertparkerxco0n done that16:08
ograwhat does "node --version" say now ?16:08
robertparkerxno such file or directory16:08
co0nrobertparkerx, what does `snap run node --version` say16:08
ograhmm, interesting16:09
robertparkerxco0n it has the version16:09
* ogra wonders why it is not in PATH ... it shoudl be)16:09
co0nMaybe it detected another install and was graceful?16:09
ogranah, snaps are greedy 🙂16:09
* alkisg sees ogra talking about nodejs and wonders if he woke up in another universe...16:10
ograon all official Ubuntu installs since 16.04 /snap/bin is in PATH16:10
co0nrobertparkerx, what does `echo $PATH` return for you?16:10
ograif it is not you can indeed add it to /etc/environment, but something is not correct with that install (though it looks ike some cloud image, perhaps the cloud provider mangled it or so)16:11
ograalkisg, i have done a lot of nodejs stuff in my life 🙂 nothing to brag about in public though 🙂16:11
co0nrobertparkerx, can you `ls /snip/bin` for us, or check if `node` is in there?16:12
co0nrobertparkerx, /snap/bin16:12
robertparkerxnode is in there co0n16:12
ograi wonder if anyhing could cache the old location ?16:12
ograrobertparkerx, try logging out and back in and see if it is then found16:13
co0nrobertparkerx, soo, `/snap/bin/node --version` gives you the version, but `node --version` does not?16:13
robertparkerxnow it's found16:13
robertparkerxit logged back in16:13
robertparkerxnode --version returns correct version16:13
* ogra blames systemd-logind or some such thing 16:14
co0nrobertparkerx, try to remember to not just download and execute some script because installation instructions tell you. If you don't understand what the script is about, don't run it.16:14
Guest34hello, after reporting a bug in launchpad against "linux (ubuntu)" i now want to make state more precisly that it concerns "linux (Ubuntu Kinetic)". Is there a way to to link kinetic? "Also affects distribution/package" and "Also affects project" only offer some generic "Ubuntu" and no way to choose kinetic.16:16
co0nGuest34, this bug is filed against Linux Kinetic, does that help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/kinetic/+source/linux/+bug/196588216:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1965882 in linux (Ubuntu Kinetic) "[nouveau] External monitor plugged into (secondary) Nvidia GPU is all white (plus a little flicker)" [High, Incomplete]16:18
Guest34to be more precise 1994126 there is no way to link it to some release.16:19
ograbug 199412616:20
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1994126 in linux (Ubuntu) "NULL pointer dereference in power_supply_get_property" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199412616:20
ograGuest34, i added a kinetic task, bt it is up to the kernel team to approve that as confirmed etc16:21
ograbetter try asking in #ubuntu-kernel about kernel bugs ...16:22
Guest34thanks ogra, was there a way to do it for my own or is it just some special privilege you have unlocked within launchpad?16:23
co0nMight someone look at the rather weird pip install log I posted at ~ 15:40 UTC, 45 minutes ago.16:23
co0nI'm rather confused about the different layout generated by pip install --prefix in focal and jammy.16:24
jhutchinsco0n: What problem are you trying to solve?16:24
ograGuest34, i'm in the ubuntu-bugs team, that gives a few extra options (there is a "target to series" option, not sure if you can see that)16:25
co0njhutchins, jammy generates an additional ./local directory and puts installed files in dist-packages16:25
jhutchinsco0n: This is a python package you're trying to install?16:25
co0njhutchins, focal installs directly into --prefix and puts installed files in site-packages16:25
co0njhutchins, this is an excerpt from a dockerfile where package up some dependencies and some self-built modules.16:26
Guest34nope only "also affects project" and "Also affects distribution/package". thx anyways16:26
co0njhutchins, But it falls apart with jammy or Python 3.10, it seems16:26
co0njhutchins, works fine with focal and debian bullseye16:26
jhutchinsco0n: If you don't get much python response here, there's always #python, although they'll just probably point back at #ubuntu's packaging.16:27
ash_worksiam I the only person who has programs randomly bleeding behind the dock?16:27
ash_worksion 22.0416:28
jhutchinsash_worksi: Yes.16:28
ash_worksiit just happened with telegram :\16:28
co0njhutchins, dist-packages is a Debianism, I'm afraid to annoy upstream ;)16:28
ash_worksijhutchins: what do you think it takes to solve this problem? reinstall 22?16:28
Guest34ash_worksi nope :p  https://www.imgpaste.net/image/KL2xEa16:29
jhutchinsash_worksi: Sorry, I don't even have any intelligent questions to ask about it.16:29
jhutchinsash_worksi: Did you have this problem with the previous release?  We presume you're running the standard gnome desktop.  What is your graphics hardware configuration?16:31
ograash_worksi, start with "ubuntu-bug gnome-shell" and file it to launchpad ... the desktop team will probably know if others see it and if tere is a fix/workaround16:31
ash_worksijhutchins: re: previous release, no, I was on 20.0416:44
ash_worksiogra: will do16:44
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myrtiI recently upgraded to 22.04 and ever since then I have internet connection issues. The connection drops every ~20min for 5s and reestablishes itself. It just happened and this is the line I found in dmesg: deauthenticating from dc:39:6f:e0:45:97 by local choice (Reason: 2=PREV_AUTH_NOT_VALID). Does anyone know what could be causing this?19:00
ForeverNoob[m]@jhutchins: Now it definitely seems up again! \o/19:05
Guest45launchpad.net is instable https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus19:05
eb_Has anyone switched from Pop!_OS to Ubuntu, or vice versa? Wondering how they compare on a daily basis. I know they're very similar20:52
oerheksthis is ubuntu support, pop os uses some repos we provide, that is all.20:53
arraybolt3eb_: Booted it a couple of times for testing. Hated it, stuck with Ubuntu. :P20:53
eb_oh wow!20:53
arraybolt3But oerheks is right, Pop!_OS is significantly different from Ubuntu. It is to Ubuntu what we are to Debian.20:54
arraybolt3At least kinda, from what I know.20:54
eb_Got it. I really enjoy both. Just having trouble deciding on which to go with, I guess20:54
arraybolt3I'm sure there's advantages to both sides. I will warn you, however, Pop recently disabled phased updates in apt, a safety feature that was recently added to Ubuntu. This gets rid of a confusing message when doing an apt upgrade, but it also essentially makes it so that if we make a fumble in Ubuntu, it may immediately break a swath of Pop!_OS machines.20:55
eb_Thank you for the heads up!20:56
oerheksi like snaps.20:56
arraybolt3oerheks: +120:58
alkisgPop!_OS mentions ubuntu in /etc/apt/sources.list; Ubuntu doesn't mention debian there. That's a major difference, recompiling all the packages from scratch and hosting them...21:07
dillonis anyone here?21:13
MonoLIn the sound settings there's a balance slider, but what exactly does it do?21:14
dilloncan anyone tell me how to remove a ppa?  I think I broke updates21:14
ravagedillon: https://itsfoss.com/ppa-purge/21:16
dillontried it twice and got error: :sudo ppa-purge ppa: nilarimogard/webupd821:19
dillonUpdating packages lists21:19
dillonE: The repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/nilarimogard/webupd8/ubuntu kinetic Release' does not have a Release file.21:19
dillonWarning:  apt-get update failed for some reason21:19
ravagebut then you did not actually install anything from that PPA yet? or did you do an upgrade of Ubuntu before?21:20
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runelindI am running ubuntu 20.04 and whenever I run apt upgrade, snapd gets stuck at upgrading at 45% - I'm not using snap currently, but I can't remove it using snap for the same reason.22:57
runelinddpkg-reconfigure -a causes the same hang.22:58
Sven_vBis there a way to watch Twitch on a Ubuntu focal netbook that is too weak for a browser? until recently, streamlink with VLC worked nicely, but no longer, due to a bug in focal's ancient version of python3-urllib3.23:11
Sven_vBsorry I mean a way with just deb packages, maybe PPAs. i.e. not pip nor AppImage.23:12
Sven_vBback again :)23:33
Sven_vBseems the official logs haven't caught up yet. did someone comment on my question while I was offline?23:34

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