
=== gpol254664257614 is now known as gpol25466425761
Colombohi all, I got some wallpapers, then I tried to swith the "xfce or xubuntu session" there and back, now the wallpapers are gone.03:10
Colombocan someone tell me what are the stock xubuntu wallpapers? Some of them were quite nice.03:10
Colomboall I get now is the standard xfce ones.03:10
arraybolt3Colombo: Did you uninstall any packages in order to switch to the xfce ones?04:22
arraybolt3You might try "sudo apt install xubuntu-wallpapers".04:22
Colomboarraybolt3 no, literally noticed "xfce session" and "xubuntu session" on the login screen, switched it, switched it back and its gone.04:32
ColomboTurns out those were gnome wallpapers.04:32
Colomboah bullshit, no, sorry04:32
arraybolt3And the wallpapers aren't available in the wallpaper switcher or whatever?04:33
ColomboHad to run "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri" and it was in "xfce4/backdrops"04:33
ColomboThe wallpaper switcher defaults NOW tow /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce. Before I toggled the xfce/xubuntu session, it defaulted to /usr/share/xfce/backdrops04:34
patrickpatall from a zip file?05:22
arraybolt3patrickpat: ?05:22
patrickpathow do i install from a zip file05:22
arraybolt3Depends entirely on the software you're installing.05:22
patrickpati have a wifi adapter i need to install but i just get a folder full of stuff05:23
patrickpati am new05:23
arraybolt3Ah. What is the WiFi adapter, and where did you get the zip file from?05:23
patrickpatcudy their website but the how to from them is not good lol05:24
arraybolt3Can you provide a link so that I make sure I'm looking at the right site?05:24
arraybolt3(Also, yes, WiFi installation instructions are generally *horrible*, but they make sense to people who know what they're looking at, so hopefully I can translate it into something more legible.)05:24
arraybolt3Oh yikes. OK, one moment...05:25
arraybolt3(That link kinda scares me so I'm going to open it in a virtual machine, so bear with me while I boot it.)05:25
arraybolt3(It looks like the first link was to something that was automatically generated for you, and doesn't load for me anymore.)05:32
arraybolt3Thanks, that one worked.05:33
arraybolt3OK, I'm doing some research.05:35
arraybolt3patrickpat: Alright, I think I get it. Do you have a terminal window open?05:37
arraybolt3OK, so basically the way this works is that you have the source code for the driver. We build the source code, then install it. In order to build it, we need the necessary build tools, and those can be installed with "sudo apt install build-essential". So run "sudo apt install build-essential" to begin with.05:39
patrickpatok i did that05:42
arraybolt3OK, have you already unzipped the driver?05:44
patrickpatits now a folder full of stuff i cannot understand lol05:45
patrickpatbut yes its unzipped05:47
arraybolt3OK, according to the instructions, the next command to run is "sudo make".05:47
arraybolt3That command will probably spit out a ton of junk - if you don't see anything about failure or anything like that, you should be good.05:48
patrickpatsudo apt install build-essential05:48
patrickpatignore that lmao05:48
patrickpat No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.05:48
patrickpatthats what i get05:49
arraybolt3Oh, right. Use "cd" to enter the folder first.05:49
arraybolt3cd <foldernamehere>05:49
arraybolt3"cd rtl8821cu_linux" should do it, but if the folder made isn't named "rtl8821cu_linux" then use the actual folder name instead.05:50
arraybolt3*Then* do "sudo make".05:50
arraybolt3(Sorry about that.)05:50
patrickpat <rtl8821cu_linux>05:52
patrickpat sudo make05:52
arraybolt3Uh, don't put the <> around the foldername, that was just to indicate that it was a placeholder.05:52
arraybolt3patrickpat: ^05:52
patrickpatno such file or directory05:53
arraybolt3patrickpat: Right. Just do "cd rtl8821cu_linux".05:54
patrickpati just get >05:55
jim__=fire fox browser bar half covered.11:14
ColomboHi all, it looks like the screensarver settings is not respected and I get screensaver even when in fullscreen. Anyone knows how to diagnose it and fix it?18:59

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