
KGB-0clutter-gtk Janitor 352579 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/8Pmd02:20
=== alocer1 is now known as alocer
KGB-0gnome-usage Janitor 352605 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/3vRIe08:17
KGB-0gjs tags 0c914a5 Simon McVittie upstream/1.74.1 * Upstream version 1.74.1 * https://deb.li/iQp1g09:03
KGB-2gjs upstream/1.74.x 176718c Simon McVittie * pushed 10 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3qoZN09:04
KGB-2gjs upstream/1.74.x d63832a Jan Tojnar .gitlab/issue_templates/bug.md * docs: Fix link in issue template * https://deb.li/3imkV09:04
KGB-2gjs upstream/1.74.x 24566a4 Kisaragi Hiu README.MSVC.md * doc: Fix Markdown formatting in README.MSVC.md * https://deb.li/wRui09:04
KGB-2gjs upstream/1.74.x 5289c60 Philip Chimento README.MSVC.md * Merge branch 'readme-msvc-spaces' into 'master' * https://deb.li/3toSh09:04
KGB-2gjs upstream/1.74.x e5ec993 Sonny Piers doc/Overrides.md * doc: Document Gio.FileEnumerator iteration * https://deb.li/GmQ209:04
KGB-2gjs upstream/1.74.x 4f928d9 Philip Chimento doc/Overrides.md * Merge branch 'document-fileenumerator-iteration' into 'master' * https://deb.li/35p9C09:04
seb128goood morning desktopers09:08
KGB-2mutter pristine-tar 8ea60f9 Simon McVittie mutter_43.1.orig.tar.xz.delta mutter_43.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for mutter_43.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/q2jI09:44
KGB-2mutter pristine-tar 9094c20 Simon McVittie mutter_42.5.orig.tar.xz.delta mutter_42.5.orig.tar.xz.id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pristine-tar' into pristine-tar * https://deb.li/38cvA09:44
WimpyMorning desktopers o/10:49
seb128Wimpy, hey! how are you?11:01
ricotzhello desktopers!12:25
Wimpyseb128: Just abour recovered from last week :-)12:26
seb128Wimpy, Ubuntu weeks are always a challenge in that regard :-/12:49
seb128hey ricotz, how are you?12:49
jbichagood morning12:49
seb128hey jbicha, how are you? had an ok trip back?12:50
jbichayes, no problems getting back12:50
lissyxseb128, hey hello13:03
lissyxlooks like osomon is not there?13:03
seb128lissyx, hey, how are you? 13:04
lissyxdealing with house insurance shit13:04
lissyxbesides win11 ones :)13:04
lissyxall in all, fine.13:04
seb128I'm ok-ish, I managed to catch covid in Prague, I tested positive on Saturday13:07
seb128but it was mild so it's ok, mostly headache and a bit of shivering during the weekend, I'm mostly back in shape just a bit tired still13:08
seb128lissyx, Olivier is taking a swap day today, he should be back tomorrow13:09
lissyxI was wondering what would be a good time slot and medium for us to do some triage on bugzilla, I guess it can wait tomorrow13:10
ricotzseb128, jbicha, lissyx, hey13:17
ricotzall good here :)13:18
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
KGB-0mozjs signed tags a028193 Jeremy Bicha upstream/102.5.0 * Upstream version 102.5.0 * https://deb.li/VUh417:30
KGB-0mozjs signed tags a028193 Jeremy Bicha upstream/102.5.0 * Upstream version 102.5.0 * https://deb.li/VUh417:30
KGB-0mozjs upstream/102 46976b4 Jeremy Bicha (19 files in 10 dirs) * New upstream version 102.5.0 * https://deb.li/3NdyD17:30
KGB-0mozjs upstream/102 46976b4 Jeremy Bicha (19 files in 10 dirs) * New upstream version 102.5.0 * https://deb.li/3NdyD17:30
KGB-0mozjs pristine-tar 495e0c2 Jeremy Bicha mozjs102_102.5.0.orig.tar.xz.delta mozjs102_102.5.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for mozjs102_102.5.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/Rf2g17:30
KGB-0mozjs pristine-tar 495e0c2 Jeremy Bicha mozjs102_102.5.0.orig.tar.xz.delta mozjs102_102.5.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for mozjs102_102.5.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/Rf2g17:31
=== Guest8190 is now known as ogra
=== ogra is now known as Guest1015
=== Guest1015 is now known as ogra
KGB-2gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast pipeline Samuel Henrique 455404 * pending (extract-source: pending; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created)21:40
KGB-0gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast pipeline Samuel Henrique 455404 * running (extract-source: running; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created)21:40
KGB-2gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast pipeline Samuel Henrique 455404 * [8 minutes and 8 seconds] failed (extract-source: success; build: success; build i386: success; build source: success; test-build-any: success; test-build-all: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: success; reprotest: failed; lintian: success; autopkgtest: success; blhc: success; piuparts: succ21:49

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