
znfI have absolutely NO IDEA why the 22.04 installer does mkfs -F01:29
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hallynstgraber: sorry, i can't quite recall - if i dput https://launchpadlibrarian.net/633716744/lxc_5.0.0-ubuntu2_source.changes  (or something based on it) to lunar, is there a review stage, or does it go straight to the archive?17:09
rbasakhallyn: no review. It'll go to lunar-proposed, and then migrate to the release pocket after the usual automated checks.17:32
hallynhm, ok.  thanks.  then i'd best ask a few detail questions first :)17:35
hallynOh, actually, never mind, I get it now.  stgraber - inthe lxc git master daily ppa packaging, you're moving lxc-net.conf writing from a debian/patches/ source patch to config/lxc-common, to the lxc-utils preinst script.  That's intentional, and ok to do in the archive version as well, right?17:42
stgraberhallyn: I think it's done that way in the PPA version mostly so I wouldn't need to keep refreshing that patch. It's likely reverting it to the "old days" of having a pre-baked config.17:43
stgraberhallyn: for an archive upload, I'd keep the debian/patches approach if possible17:44
stgraberhallyn: though now that LXC is in universe, that particular logic is a lot less critical than it used to be17:44
hallynsadface at universe :)17:45
stgraber(it was causing quite a few issues when lxc was preinstalled on servers back in the days)17:45
hallynOh, I see17:45
hallynOk that all makes sense, thanks.  I'll see about refreshing the patch (tonight)17:45
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