
mupPR operator#854 opened: Use Storage.index instead of deprecated Storage.id <Created by benhoyt> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/854>01:28
mupPR operator#855 opened: add check for secrets in JujuVersion <Created by beliaev-maksim> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/855>09:36
mupIssue operator#853 closed: Fix deprecation warning for `model.Storage.id` <Created by marcoppenheimer> <Closed by benhoyt> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/853>23:09
mupPR operator#854 closed: Use Storage.index instead of deprecated Storage.id <Created by benhoyt> <Merged by benhoyt> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/854>23:09

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