
falcojrminimal: yes. Route to: default01:37
minimalroutes:\n- to:\nvia: in other words?01:39
minimaland routes:\n- to: ::\nvia: abcd:def1::1 for IPv601:39
minimalok, I'll test this on Alpine to check it works as expected01:41
holmanbAnhVoMSFT: Thanks, will take a look tomorrow.03:44
caribouHello, I have a question regarding the Ephemeral network configs : If only IPv6 is available on the host where the VM starts, how does the EphemeralIPNetwork context mgr does the network config ?15:13
minimalcaribou: Hi. I believe only a couple of the cloud-init DataSources currently support IPv6 for contacting a metadata server - the Ec2 (for AWS) and Openstack DataSources15:17
caribouAs it turns out, I'm working on getting our DatasourceScaleway.py Datasource to support IPv6 only hence the question15:18
cariboumaybe I can check there to start with15:18
minimaldoes Scaleway have a defined IPv6 endpoint for the metadata server?15:18
caribouIt's part of my work, but yes there will be15:19
minimalah, the Openstack support has not yet been merged, have a look at PR #1805 in the github repo for an example15:19
caribougreat thanks !15:20
meenaAnhVoMSFT: I really need to look at what FreeBSD looks like on Azure 17:59
meenaand i need implement driver stuff in FreeBSD.18:00
AnhVoMSFTmeena: let me know how/if we can help with that 18:35
minimala question about ca-certs module - when "remove_defaults: true" is specified in user-data WHY does it delete the files in /usr/share/ca-certificates/ directory? It already removes the filenames from the /etc/ca-certificates.conf file which update-ca-certificates used to populate the /etc/ssl/certs/ directory and /etc/ssl/ca-certificates.crt file so there's no actual need to delete the files themselves18:44
blackboxswok I'm working on PR: 1853 in earnest to duplicate MAC detection. trying to get a couple of test runs (and failure reproducers if I can).   22:11

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