
mparilloI think if you have a quad channel board, you can see some performance boost with four sticks.00:52
mparilloLong discussion: https://www.cgdirector.com/2-vs-4-ram-modules/#:~:text=For the majority of users,sticking with 2 RAM sticks.00:53
mparillohmm, strange url00:54
^Gecko^ cool01:41
keithzgmmikowski: Uhh hmm I hadn't double-checked what kernel I *had* been using, only went and selected one of the 5.15 kernels assuming that was the one from 22.04, but I then ran into glitches again (no networking, display screwups, not quite as I had seen before since my upgrade to 22.10 but similar? 2D elements rendered black or flickery) and so I double-checked finally and it looks like on 22.10 linux-generic and linux-generic-hwe-22.0402:31
keithzgactually both just provide At least that's what apt is now telling me.02:31
keithzgBooted into 5.19 now and curious to see if problems occur again.02:31
=== William is now known as Conna
IrcsomeBot<Omar> 4 sticks (re @IrcsomeBot: <^Gecko^> what would you guys say works better for 64GB of ram; two sticks of 32gb, or four sticks of 16gb?)04:10
user|44Greetings, I hope this is the appropriate forum to share this :) I have recently istalled Kubuntu on my Surface Pro 7+, but I’ve been having issues with my external monitor -  I have posted my question on reddit and ask ubuntu for the past several days without any luck (link to Reddit post below), can anyone please help me get this resolved, or07:34
user|44even just point me to right direction?07:34
user|44Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kubuntu/comments/ywxuj4/external_monitor_issue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=307:34
user|44Is this an active group?08:05
kirvesAxeThe level of activity varies with the time of day, day of the week etc.08:06
kirvesAxeBut I would say this is active08:06
user|44I guess that makes sense. Thanks08:25
IrcsomeBot<sankad> /wes09:42
IrcsomeBot<sankad> wes09:42
=== William is now known as Conna
=== sadi is now known as shams
shamsI need help with my autostart apps11:49
shamsmy discord app is working on the startup however emacs-daemon and the mullvad App they aren't started11:50
shamsthis is really weird11:50
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> /code [Desktop Entry]12:00
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> Categories=Network;12:00
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> Comment=Mullvad VPN client12:00
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> Exec="/opt/Mullvad VPN/mullvad-vpn" %U12:00
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> Icon=mullvad-vpn12:00
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> Name=Mullvad VPN12:00
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> and the emacs daemon on I've wrote myself:[Desktop Entry]12:02
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> Comment[en_US]=start the emacs server12:02
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> Comment=start the emacs server12:02
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> Exec=/usr/bin/emacs --daemon12:02
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> GenericName[en_US]=12:02
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> GenericName=12:02
IrcsomeBot<sadi007> can anyone please tell me why this isn't working?12:04
oerhekssadi007 your multiple lines were blocked, use a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com12:19
=== gurupras- is now known as guruprasad
BluesKajHi all13:14
=== popey9 is now known as popey
=== popey0 is now known as popey
mybalzitchweird. network-manager? is claiming I need to log into my wired network15:08
=== root is now known as Guest7441
=== popey1 is now known as popey
user|74Is it possible to directly upgrade to 22.04 from 18.04 without too many headaches?20:02
mparilloAssuming you don't have any PPAs, it should be smooth. You do back up your user data, right? For me, backing up configurations is not that big a deal.20:21
cartSoo apparently one can not set the shortcut key to Application Launcher -> Windows button? What is up with that?23:19
DragnslcrYou mean opening the Application Menu when you press the Windows key?23:25
DragnslcrIf you set the shortcut to Alt-F1, the Meta/Windows key by itself will do it23:28

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