
KGB-0amtk upstream/latest 867f0b2 Sébastien Wilmet amtk/meson.build meson.build * build: don't specify any 'soversion' or 'version' for the library * https://deb.li/3BR6M02:15
KGB-0amtk upstream/latest af960f7 Sébastien Wilmet amtk/meson.build * build: set 'soversion' to 0 in the library() call * https://deb.li/ZLZ102:15
KGB-0amtk upstream/latest f0029cf Sébastien Wilmet NEWS meson.build * Release 5.6.1 * https://deb.li/3LooN02:15
KGB-2amtk pristine-tar 576f4a1 Jeremy Bicha amtk_5.6.1.orig.tar.xz.delta amtk_5.6.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for amtk_5.6.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/ip4xg02:15
KGB-0amtk upstream/latest 91359fd Jeremy Bicha NEWS amtk/meson.build meson.build * New upstream version 5.6.1 * https://deb.li/0mqV02:15
KGB-0tepl signed tags b0efddb Jeremy Bicha upstream/6.2.0 * Upstream version 6.2.0 * https://deb.li/3Z4hs02:16
KGB-2tepl pristine-tar eac6a94 Jeremy Bicha tepl_6.2.0.orig.tar.xz.delta tepl_6.2.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for tepl_6.2.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/xKg402:16
KGB-0tepl upstream/latest 2a70a41 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 26 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/BNiv02:16
KGB-0tepl upstream/latest 828539c Sébastien Wilmet tests/other-tests/test-utils-gsettings.c * utils: test tepl_utils_can_use_gsettings_key() * https://deb.li/30lcn02:16
KGB-0tepl upstream/latest 6f6dbaf Sébastien Wilmet docs/reference/api-breaks.xml * docs: ABI breaks, just need to re-compile the program * https://deb.li/dl0e02:16
KGB-0tepl upstream/latest 5d04dd8 Sébastien Wilmet docs/ more-information.md reference/intro.xml * docs: about the library soname * https://deb.li/31mC002:16
KGB-0tepl upstream/latest 763708c Sébastien Wilmet meson.build * build: rework libtool/soname version handling * https://deb.li/3pL2A02:16
KGB-0tepl upstream/latest afe64d3 Sébastien Wilmet tests/interactive-tests/test-tab.c * test-tab: remove TeplIoErrorInfoBar tests * https://deb.li/iQo9i02:16
oSoMoNgood morning07:12
didrocksgood morning07:45
lissyxoSoMoN, good news bad news, llvm 15 has no x86-64 linux binary release over github08:04
lissyxoSoMoN, the only solution seems to use their apt repo, but I dont know how well that can work with snap build?08:05
lissyxhttps://snapcraft.io/docs/package-repositories#heading--examples ?08:11
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 08:50
oSoMoNsalut lissyx08:50
oSoMoNlissyx, yes, I hadn't bumped the llvm dependency precisely because there was no linux binary available on github08:50
oSoMoNit's probably worth asking whether they intend to produce one08:50
oSoMoNfalling back to the apt repo would be interesting, but they don't build armhf binaries08:52
lissyxoSoMoN, so it's up to contributors to uploading one08:53
lissyxI'm trying to do that apt alternative, but I get weird behavior08:53
lissyx 0:01.43 checking for the target C compiler... /snap/gnome-3-38-2004-sdk/current/usr/bin/gcc08:53
lissyxdoes it makes sense we try to use gcc from gnome-sdk ?08:53
oSoMoNlissyx, is that the official answer you got from the LLVM project (re release assets)?08:53
lissyxI dont know if it qualifies as official answer from llvm project08:54
lissyxbut several people asked about that on discourse and this was the reply08:54
lissyxalso this is what sylvestre and glandium told me on matrix :)08:54
oSoMoNI just found https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/5800408:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Issue 58004 in llvm/llvm-project "clang+llvm-15.0.1-amd64-unknown-linux-gnu builds" [Open]08:58
oSoMoNlooks like whoever usually produces the linux x86-64 builds is MIA08:58
lissyxI have some build starting with clang-15 from LLVM's apt repo09:01
lissyxoSoMoN, would switching to mozilla's bundled toolchain be a valid alternative?09:08
oSoMoNlissyx, if it's available for all the architectures we need to support (amd64, arm64, armhf), absolutely09:10
lissyxoSoMoN, I'm getting a weird build failure now09:10
lissyx> 6:25.53 /bin/sh: 1: --stop-server: not found09:11
lissyxwhich is likely from client.mk's call to sccache stop09:11
lissyxbut it should not be done...?09:11
oSoMoNlooks like the name of the executable is missing from the call09:11
lissyxoh no09:11
lissyxit's a fallout from a previous failure09:12
lissyx4:11.51 clang: error: unable to execute command: Executable "wasm-ld-15" doesn't exist!09:12
lissyxoSoMoN, I think we support all those three, but arm* are cross-compiled for sure09:17
lissyxoSoMoN, yeah so no native toolchain on arm*09:24
lissyxoSoMoN, that being said, I'm still  wondering if it's expected we build with gcc from gnome-sdk?10:20
oSoMoNlissyx, no, the C compiler should be clang10:23
lissyxoSoMoN, have a look at the build log then :)10:42
oSoMoNhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/633853973/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_focal_amd64_firefox-snap-beta_BUILDING.txt.gz reports that clang is being used to build firefox10:46
WimpyHello desktopers o/12:08
oSoMoNhey Wimpy 12:09
WimpyHello you :-)12:09
WimpyWho here has good understand on creating "custom" GNOME sessions?12:12
WimpyI've made a custom session which is just Mutter and appropriate settings components, defined in `/usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/butterfly.session`12:15
WimpyI've also created `/usr/share/xsessions/butterfly-xorg.desktop` and `/usr/share/wayland-sessions/butterfly-wayland.desktop`12:16
WimpyBoth the script in `/usr/libexec/butterfly` which starts `gnome-session --builtin --session=butterfly`12:18
WimpyLightDM and GDM both see the sessions I've added, and both can start the Butterfly Xorg session. But Butterfly Wayland fails to start and drops back to the display manager.12:19
WimpyI can't see any obvious errors in the logs.12:19
WimpyTesting in a QEMU VM and the Ubuntu session works just fine, so I don't believe this is an issue with drivers/GL support.12:20
oSoMoNTrevin_ho might be able to help12:21
WimpyIs he on vacation?12:23
oSoMoNnot as far as I can tell, but he's always working in an unpredictable time zone :)12:59
WimpyHeh :-)13:00
jbichagood morning13:01
lissyxoSoMoN, interesting, locally I see the GCC from GNOME SDK being used13:04
lissyxoSoMoN, also, moving to rust 1.64 I'm hitting a new failure:  5:33.94 /snap/gnome-3-38-2004-sdk/current/usr/bin/ld.gold: fatal error: out of file descriptors and couldn't close any13:04
oSoMoNthat doesn't look good13:06
lissyxand you can see, ld.gold from gnome-sdk13:07
lissyxoSoMoN, I've disabled PGO as well as the xvfb-run call, maybe this explains why it picks the incorrect compiler?13:09
lissyxeither way we should make sure it's not possible13:09
oSoMoNI'm running a local build with clang-15 from apt.llvm.org, I'll let you know how that goes (my machine is not as beefy as yours so it takes a while)13:11
lissyxI tried to do that earlier this morning13:12
lissyxand it was failing due to obscure stuff around wasi-sdk13:12
oSoMoNyeah, I'm worried that it might not work because the latest release of wasi-sdk (16) is built against llvm 1413:14
lissyxeither way, if gnome-sdk has some compiler we should likely force CC/CXX in mozconfig.in to use the clang one we want13:16
lissyxoSoMoN, hm even with correct CC/CXX I get wrong linker13:41
lissyxoSoMoN, so: https://paste.mozilla.org/p2PQpWWy14:05
lissyxoSoMoN, I'm getting stuff forward with that14:05
lissyxtrying to re-instate PGO14:15
=== popey9 is now known as popey
lissyxoSoMoN, ok, so I've put back PGO and it's broken again :)14:30
lissyxoSoMoN, https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/build/buildsystem/pgo.html any reason you force --enable-linker=gold and --enable-lto=cross ?14:46
=== popey0 is now known as popey
oSoMoNlissyx, gold is required to enable LTO, see https://llvm.org/docs/GoldPlugin.html15:57
oSoMoNand --enable-lto=cross is for performing LTO between C++ code and Rust code (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1546438)15:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1546438 in Firefox Build System "add `--enable-lto=cross` option" [Normal, Resolved: Fixed]15:59
oSoMoNso those two options are LTO-specific, not PGO15:59
oSoMoNIIRC this is how upstream builds are produced too15:59
lissyxoSoMoN, ok, well, even if we install binutils in build-packages section of firefox part, it still uses ld.gold from gnome-sdk ...16:02
lissyxand it fails on that, somehow.16:02
=== popey1 is now known as popey
lissyxoSoMoN, rust 1.64, no lto/gold, kept only pgo and still segfault.17:23
oSoMoNlissyx, do you also see the segfault when running xpcshell to generate a file that describes the local Normandy client, or is it failing somewhere else?17:25
lissyxI'm not yet that far17:25
lissyxI was hoping to was llvm14 + rust 1.65 ...17:26
lissyxbut now I'm certain it's not the case17:26
lissyxso i'll try and poke around there yes17:26
lissyxI know it's a long shot, but the double '/' might17:26
oSoMoNI don't think so, I ran the command locally (without modifications) in the snapcraft shell and it generated the file correctly17:27
oSoMoNwhich suggests there is something in the build environment that triggers this crash, rather than the xpcshell binary itself being faulty17:28
lissyxand the env contains: 242:47.79 env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/snap/gnome-3-38-2004-sdk/current/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/snap/gnome-3-38-2004-sdk/current/usr/lib:../../dist//bin" :)17:30
lissyxoSoMoN, how exactly did you manually ran?17:30
oSoMoNlissyx, I ran `snapcraft --use-lxd --debug` to ensure I'm dropped into a shell when the failure happens, then I cd'ed to /root/parts/firefox/build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/instrumented/dist/bin and ran the command that's reported to cause the segfault17:36
lissyxoSoMoN, same here.17:53
lissyxI'm wondering if xvfb-run could be acting?17:53
oSoMoNlissyx, that should be easy enough to test, if you're there17:54
oSoMoN(I have a clean build running now)17:54
lissyxwell I tested and it did not repro17:54
lissyxbut I'm not sure it's completely valid test17:54
lissyxthere are so many env var we miss running manually?17:55
lissyxand I need to go now17:55
oSoMoNyes indeed, and they are not easy to set up17:55
oSoMoNlet's continue debugging this tomorrow then17:55
KGB-0gedit signed tags 1a315a2 Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.1 * Upstream version 43.1 * https://deb.li/3q9Bh21:13
KGB-2gedit pristine-tar 5aeb3a9 Jeremy Bicha gedit_43.1.orig.tar.xz.delta gedit_43.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gedit_43.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/E0RI21:13
KGB-0gedit upstream/latest 2257a5f Jeremy Bicha * pushed 170 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3iff221:13
KGB-0gedit upstream/latest 9789717 Sergej A po/ru.po * Update Russian translation * https://deb.li/i203C21:13
KGB-0gedit upstream/latest 3e29105 Sébastien Wilmet gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c * io-error-info-bar: minor code simplification * https://deb.li/wHDR21:13
KGB-0gedit upstream/latest 6f8c2ff Sébastien Wilmet gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c * io-error-info-bar: better use gtk_info_bar_set_show_close_button() * https://deb.li/3t9sv21:13
KGB-0gedit upstream/latest eff97e8 Sébastien Wilmet gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c * io-error-info-bar: conversion error info bar: small improvements * https://deb.li/Gfzz21:13
KGB-0gedit upstream/latest ff6ac78 Sébastien Wilmet gedit/gedit-tab.c * tab: don't use gtk_info_bar_set_default_response() * https://deb.li/3y0Us21:14

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