
utkarsh2102waveform: added you to ~motu and announced. sil2100, hopefully I've covered both the things, let me know if I'm missing anything. TIA! \o/08:48
ahasenackchecking in for day 2 of +1 maintenance12:05
sbrazhi, is there a way to avoid the "File has unexpected size […]. Mirror sync in progress" errors on our Ubuntu mirrors? we only update them twice a day and apparently we sometimes sync them when the source rsync server is in a wrong state (or files changed during the rsync process, i'm not sure)12:10
sbrazok from the logs i see that i started rsyncing, then the Release file changed during my sync :/12:13
rbasakI'm pretty sure it's possible to reliably sync without errors, but I'm not up to date with the tooling that makes that easy12:21
sbrazrbasak: the best idea i have right now would be to repeatedly rsync until it finds nothing to sync… but i don't know how long that would take12:26
sbraz> Do not use your own scripts, and do not just use single-pass rsyncs12:29
sbrazi guess i'm just not using the right tool12:29
rbasaksbraz: yeah if you just rsync then you'll be reporting the availability of new debs to your consumers before they've actually arrived, and your consumers will get apt errors.12:31
sbrazrbasak: yeah makes total sense, i guess we're just lucky that we don't hit this very often, i'll read https://salsa.debian.org/mirror-team/archvsync/ which has more info about 2-stage sync and the files to exclude from the first stage12:32
ahasenackLocutusOfBorg: hi, did you understand why cmake is failing dep8 tests? I ran them in a lunar container with autopkgtest and I don't get the same badpkg, I don't quite understand what is going on13:58
ahasenackbut seems related to curl13:58
ahasenackmaybe re-run with all-proposed? But it could be days before we see a result13:59
ahasenackor maybe re-run with just curl from proposed14:00
* ahasenack reruns with the exact same --apt-pocket cmdline14:04
LocutusOfBorgahasenack, already retried some hours ago14:05
LocutusOfBorgit was due to perl14:05
LocutusOfBorgI guess14:05
ahasenackI saw your retries14:06
ahasenackI'm testing locally14:06
LocutusOfBorgI uploaded perl rebuilds before openings, but sadly cmake was uploaded before it14:06
ahasenackdo you have other retries queued up?14:06
LocutusOfBorgso, yes they need a retry and probably -proposed pocket is not needed anymore now14:06
LocutusOfBorgI already retried some perl and node stuff, but until queues settles down, I don't see much value in truing to find what needs a retry14:06
ahasenackhttps://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/c/cmake/lunar/amd64 shows two failed ones14:06
LocutusOfBorgI can't even load the excuses page14:06
ahasenack(two failed retries from you, I mean)14:07
LocutusOfBorgso perl failed to use proposed perl14:08
sbrazrbasak: i can't find much doc about using ftpsync with ubuntu, i see the doc mentions debmirror, do you know anyone here who could answer as to what is the preferred method for ubuntu mirroring? i assume ftpsync works but i might as well use what every official mirror uses14:13
ahasenackLocutusOfBorg: this just work on a fresh lunar container (the target system): autopkgtest -o dep8 -B -U -s --apt-pocket=proposed=src:mercurial,src:check-manifest,src:cmake,src:composer,src:devpi-common,src:setuptools-scm  cmake -- ssh -H -r --capability isolation-container --capability revert-full-system14:16
ahasenackI see your last failed retry used all-proposed14:17
ahasenackone of the other failed ones used the cmdline I pasted above (for --apt-pocket)14:17
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rbasaksbraz: I'm aware of debmirror and apt-mirror but that's the limit of my knowledge, sorry.14:22
rbasakSomething that's aware of by-hash would be ideal.14:22
rbasakBut I don't know to what extent those tools have picked that up.14:22
ograsbraz, did you consider asking in #ubuntu-mirrors how others prevent this ?14:23
rbasakApparently ubumirror exists as well14:23
ograheh ... well, ubuntu-mirrors is linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors14:24
sbrazogra: i wasn't aware of this chan, i'll join it, thanks14:35
sbrazthat wiki page links to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors/Scripts which contains interesting tools as well14:36
ograyep 🙂14:37
ogra(and unlike 99.9% of the ubuntu wiki pages, this one seems to actualy be well up to date)14:37
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