=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 [01:34] \o [01:34] Is there a multi-line comment shortcut in mousepad? [01:34] In gedit, I was used to comment/uncomment multiple lines through ctrl+m. Is there something like that in Mousepad? === arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 [13:55] hello! Does Xubuntu use lightdm-gtk-greeter for its lightdm greeter? If so, at which version? [14:26] I'm asking because I'm hitting https://github.com/Xubuntu/lightdm-gtk-greeter/issues/105 and I'd like to know if Xubuntu itself is also affected. [14:26] -ubottu:#xubuntu- Issue 105 in Xubuntu/lightdm-gtk-greeter "Fixing availability of desktop session type selection" [Open] [14:26] (and if not, what's the special sauce required to make it work) [14:50] hi, how can you unistall ALL the panels from the dektop and avoid them to reload at boot in xfce? thanks [16:54] hi nogger [16:54] o/ [16:55] * arraybolt3 does not know what nogger means... I know what noggin means, though. [16:55] hi nigger [16:56] !ops | xubuntu36i racial slur [16:56] xubuntu36i racial slur: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Flannel, genii, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, Myrtti, Pici, pleia2, Unit193. [16:56] yeah plz ban me [16:56] plz [16:56] lplz [16:56] plz === peter_ is now known as Guest7811