lubot | [telegram] <Roberalz> A que te refieres? (re @IwantLiveHappyXDDUWU: hay actualizacion de lubuntu?) | 00:29 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> He usado Ubuntu y derivados desde el 2017 y nunca me ha funcionado esa tecla (si no me equivoco es el bloque de desplazamiento). Actualmente ya no la extraño. (re @luisleonet: si era ese .... el unico ploblema que tengo ahora es que la tecla 'scroll lock' no funciona y no prende las luces del teclado) | 01:22 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> Bloqueo de desplazamiento... (re @luisleonet: si era ese .... el unico ploblema que tengo ahora es que la tecla 'scroll lock' no funciona y no prende las luces del teclado) | 01:22 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> #!/bin/bash | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> #Script creado por Facus para encender el LED del Scroll Lock | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> on=$(xset -q | grep 'Scroll Lock:' | cut -d ":" -f 7) | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> if [ $on == "off" ]; then | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> xset led named "Scroll Lock"; | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> else | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> xset -led named "Scroll Lock"; | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> fi (re @Ezeziel: He usado Ubuntu y derivados desde el 2017 y nunca me ha funcionado esa tecla (si no me equivoco es el bloque de desplazamiento). Actualmente ya no la extraño.) | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> con esa linea la active es para la luz del teclado (re @luisleonet: #!/bin/bash | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> #Script creado por Facus para encender el LED del Scroll Lock | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> on=$(xset -q | grep 'Scroll Lock:' | cut -d ":" -f 7) | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> if [ $on == "off" ]; then | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> xset led named "Scroll Lock"; | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> else | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> xset -led named "Scroll Lock"; | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <luisleonet> fi) | 04:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> 😮😮😮😮 (re @luisleonet: #!/bin/bash | 04:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> #Script creado por Facus para encender el LED del Scroll Lock | 04:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> on=$(xset -q | grep 'Scroll Lock:' | cut -d ":" -f 7) | 04:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> if [ $on == "off" ]; then | 04:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> xset led named "Scroll Lock"; | 04:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> else | 04:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> xset -led named "Scroll Lock"; | 04:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <Ezeziel> fi) | 04:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> LXQt 1.2 en Backports Staging pronto? hmm :) | 04:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> Forwarded from Lubuntu Announcements: LXQt 1.2 has now been uploaded to both Lubuntu Lunar Lobster (what will | 05:17 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> become 23.04) and the Backports Staging repository for 22.04 LTS. | 05:17 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> | 05:17 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> You can find the complete 22.04 LTS call for testing here: | 05:17 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> | 05:17 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> Let's celebrate another great LXQt release together! | 05:17 |
lubot | [telegram] <Roberalz> Thanks Simon!!! :) (re @tsimonq2: LXQt 1.2 en Backports Staging pronto? hmm :)) | 08:41 |
lubot | [telegram] <adanhnr> contexto? (re @tsimonq2: LXQt 1.2 has now been uploaded to both Lubuntu Lunar Lobster (what will | 13:16 |
lubot | [telegram] <adanhnr> become 23.04) and the Backports Staging repository for 22.04 LTS. | 13:16 |
lubot | [telegram] <adanhnr> | 13:16 |
lubot | [telegram] <adanhnr> You can find the complete 22.04 LTS call for testing here: | 13:16 |
lubot | [telegram] <adanhnr> | 13:16 |
lubot | [telegram] <adanhnr> Let's celebrate another great LXQt release together!) | 13:16 |
lubot | [telegram] <Roberalz> Esta en 23.04 y a través de una ppa de pruebas en 22.04 | 14:23 |
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