
Tiberis there something that i need to modify because i'm trying change sata mode to enhanced, but if i change then i get "no bootable devices"17:02
tomreynTiber: this is a matter of mainboard, sata controller and bios configuration. it is only indirectly related to Lubuntu17:37
tomreynTiber: my guess is that you want to set SATA Mode to AHCI.17:38
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Tibertomreyn, that is what i want. My bios got only few options to change21:16
Tibershould i make something to lubuntu or i got ubuntu mate21:17
Tiberwhy it isn't working?21:19
tomreynTiber: it's entirely your choice which ubuntu flavor you'll install, and i can't make a recommendation. if your system fails to boot with some settings but not others, then i'd say it has to do with these settings and/or the firmware21:56
Tiberfirmware is up to date, but can't get work on enhanced mode "no bootable devices"22:03

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