
Bashing-omguiverc[m]: As expected: the Gdoc pastie for the summmaries: https://termbin.com/p50vw . Rather large - what remains I try and tackle tomorrow evening.01:02
guiverc[m]ack & thanks Bashing-om01:37
guiverc[m]Bashing-om:   draft only; but what I've done so far can be found here https://paste.debian.net/1261198/   (i'm running another OS obviously & used pastebinit)04:51
Bashing-omguiverc[m]: Great - lookinhg and saving.05:01
* guiverc[m] still hasn't replaced by dead primary PC; in no hurry given lack of working internet seen as major issue I want fixed first05:11
guiverc[m]I'll attempt to re-read what I did later today; and maybe able to provide a new pastebinit, OR suggested edits...05:11
Bashing-omguiverc[m]: Ya done so good :D We can work with that !05:11
Bashing-omPlanet: https://planet.ubuntu.com -- I have seen no activity since 08Nov; Is there a problem ? 22:23
krytarikHuh, seems like. :o  But it's not our domain, so maybe poke #canonical-sysadmin about it.22:34
Bashing-omkrytarik: Ack - I can give em a poke.22:35

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