
daftykinswell my pal's Zen fibre just got upgraded today01:19
daftykinsone quick tweak to pfSense and i'm seeing full speed01:19
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penguin42daftykins: Not bad!01:33
penguin42diddledani: How you cookin'?01:34
penguin42daftykins: I'm surprised for fibre it's so asymmetric01:34
daftykinsit's because of that GPON thing i linked a while back01:34
daftykinsyou only get a slice of what reaches a neighbourhood01:34
daftykinsmakes me wonder how far and wide a given slice reaches though, he told me he won't tell anyone on his neighbourhood watch type online group to get FTTH in fear of it influencing his service xD01:36
penguin42oh it's terrible mate, dont touch it, especially when I'm using it...01:37
daftykins"stick to your virgin media, it's the only game in town, honest"01:38
diddledanithere we go. I'm now running thelounge instead of paying for irccloud <301:44
daftykinsthink a pal took that for a spin01:45
diddledaniI've also dropped my old liberachat account and reregistered because the old one was on my deadname01:45
daftykinssounds like a Friday night of progress!01:46
penguin42speedtest is showing me 92.5/20.91 now on my virgin; it makes me wonder if something somewhere is on 100mb - but I thought I was on gig everywhere01:47
daftykinsooh time for some 2am sleuthing!01:49
penguin42hmm no, I must finish my reading of the solar quote I've got01:51
penguin42it's hard being a geek; I've spent hours reading it, following links, checking out the home asistant stuff for the quoted inverter, reading the patent for the optimiser01:52
daftykinsi had a totally out of the blue call from an elderly couple client earlier this week, she had me talk to a solar installer who was trying to get their equipment online01:52
daftykinsthey have a large property with other structures off from the main house so i had no idea where he'd even put anything01:53
penguin42it looks like some have ether, but most are wifi01:53
daftykinsare they using micro-inverters on each panel so that one getting obscured by even something as small as a pole shadow doesn't take the whole array down?01:53
penguin42some have Lora!01:53
daftykinsi was shocked when i learnt that that can happen, saw it on Dave Jones youtube - (EEVBlog)01:54
penguin42daftykins: Their suggestion is to use something inbetween by a company called TIGO; TS4-O01:54
penguin42daftykins: you still end up with DC from theroof; but they upconvert to a single DC bus voltage01:54
penguin42the problem is, anything like that is going to nuke my dads amateur radio01:55
daftykinsooh that would be awkward01:55
penguin42so, no optimisers thanks01:56
penguin42even though the most likely form of shade is his aerial tower !)01:56
penguin42the bigger problem we really have is an awkwardly shaped roof01:56
daftykinsthat installer guy said something to me about trying some TP-Link booster crap, i said lol please don't put junk in, i only just put in a Ubiquiti system recently01:56
penguin42well most of them do modbus over rs485 as well if you look closely enough :-)01:56
daftykinshe just asked me if there was cabling to anywhere close, i said yes but in use with an old phone system so he'd have to run something new, then he gave up and thanked me - heh01:57
* penguin42 is a bit surprised the quotes he has are not higher, but as I say we're limited in the number of panels we can fit on the south side01:58
daftykinsso, is there really sun up north? ;)01:59
penguin42I mean, less enough to make it questionable depending on the spec02:00
penguin42Manchester seems doable02:00
daftykinsnifty stuff02:00
penguin42I've got a quote for about £4k that might pay itself back in 3.5 years02:02
penguin42that's without battery; with battery the quote is about 9.5k and is currently taking longer to pay back02:12
daftykinsah of course, that makes sense02:13
penguin42well, maybe - I mean the battery lets you actually use more of the captured energy, where as at best you get less doing export charges; so it's not impossible that it might pay back in similar times - but the batteries are expensive02:14
daftykinsi wonder what operating life people tend to get out of battery storage02:15
penguin42so far, in cars they seem to have worked out better than expected02:16
daftykinsi had best hit the hay, going to put a new outdoor phone line in at a client's tomorrow to redirect it into the new network cabinet :D02:19
daftykinsg'night all \o02:19
penguin42daftykins: I mean the battery pack one company is selling is listing a design life of 15+ years and they're quoting the savings over 25 years!02:23
davefCheers! 🍻 greetings from a pub in Montreal 02:38
daftykinspenguin42: impressive battery life :D20:07
daftykinswell, 25 would be a nice minimum expectation really20:08
* zxmpi wonders can i connect my psion using lithium batteries to my nokia 3310 to irc... :-P20:26
daftykinsran out of daylight in the end attempting to put a new phone line cable to join from the outdoor one at a clients today20:46
daftykinsat least it's in place, just been doing some 'homework' to refresh my memory on which colours denote the exterior line, white and orange is the answer!20:46
penguin42there's some consistency?20:53
zxmpiyou're supposed to get a cable with all wires the same colour for the next guy :-P20:54
daftykinsweeeeell, nope xD there are too many joins there and they kept changing colour20:55
daftykinsonce i'm done it'll be white and orange straight through from the ground to the filtered master, then the conventional blue and white with blue to sockets20:56
daftykinsalso the spider i found in the join box outside says hi - https://i.imgur.com/f30vx3H.jpg20:56
daftykinsi may have evicted it20:56
penguin42oh yes, you wouldn't want it spying on your data21:05
daftykinsthere's only room for one web, buddy!21:06
zxmpipity, you never know when you'll need a pro web developer next21:08
daftykinsi no longer know a trustworthy one with diddledani out of the game :(21:11
penguin42daftykins: I know a pro php one if you need one21:21
daftykinshmm nah, no active tasks at the moment thankfully!21:22
davefNot totally shocking, courier couldn't deliver a package of two iPads (presents for the kids)21:26
davefProbably already stolen21:26

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