=== tony is now known as Guest4562 [02:02] hi === arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 [03:39] hi [03:39] why does locate not seem to work anymore for me?? [03:39] 'updatedb' executes and returns instantly. [03:39] so I don't think it's doin anything [05:06] What format do I need using this app? [05:25] just downloaded kubuntu 20.10 1 question location of power off button thank you [05:30] top right? [05:30] er no [05:30] hit the k button, then you should see a power icon === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [05:50] thank you === diogenes_Vx15_ is now known as diogenes_Vx15 [12:34] hello === kubuntu is now known as blackhawk === blackhawk is now known as snowcrash === snowcrash is now known as Subzero === Subzero is now known as User02 [12:35] hello === User02 is now known as Table57 [13:40] Hi all === root is now known as Guest1479 === carlo is now known as Guest9218 [20:11] Hi, my name is Eduard, sorry to bother... I am looking for kde 5.26 on kubuntu 22.04. I don't know if it is going to be a thing or once 22.10 is up, there is no backport to 22.04 anymore. Can anyone clarify it? [20:12] LTS aims to be stable, so no newer versions. just bugfixes. [20:13] I wouldn't mind to install 22.10 but upgrade paths are a mess, and it happened to me more than once that when I want to upgrade a system without LTS, if it toke some years since the last upgrade, then all are problems. [20:14] ehm did you encounter problems upgrading 22.04 to 22.10? [20:14] So I prefer to keep LTS but I want the last KDE... Can wait if its is going to exists... [20:15] if not, your experience from the past might not apply to the situation today, have fun upgrading! [20:15] I did not try. [20:16] there is ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta for testing 5.26, but then you are on your own. [20:16] oh, i see it is empty, sorry [20:17] I might (surely will), but I wanted to avoid it. It easily happens to me that I don't upgrade a system after a year or so... and then I find that the distro I want to upgrade into don't even exists and I must play with source.list and make all sort of ugly things. [20:17] then stick to stable LTS. [20:18] Right now I have stable running 5.25. So I wanted to test stable+kde 5.26... [20:20] there is no 'stable+kde 5.26' .. that would be 22.10, non LTS. [20:20] 9 months support. [20:20] It would be great if kubuntu/ubuntu install path was a little bit different, letting you jump always from an intermediate release to LTS. [20:20] to the next LTS i mean... [20:21] one can, if the upgrade starts within the support period [20:22] I understand the 9 months support and I don't pretend there should be more support. Yet, the problem is that distros are removed from the servers. [20:22] no, old-releases keeps one server alive. [20:23] and it is a good thing, old kubuntu servers should not be available to install, it is a security risk [20:24] I know... that is how I managed to upgrade the systems other times, yet it is not easy. [20:24] it is easy. [20:24] one get notified a newer (non-lts) version is available. [20:24] lolz [20:25] I don't agree about the security reason. Nobody is going to download and install an old version if he has a new one available. [20:25] this conversation is going beyond the scope of support. your arguments are invalid. [20:25] good luck upgrading or using LTS! [20:25] Ok, you are right, sorry to bother. [20:36] Buonasera, ho ripreso un PC fermo da temp con su la 21.10 ... non riesce a fare alcun aggiornaemnto, da errori sui repo. Credo perchè sia EOL, come faccio ad avanzare? [20:36] Potete darmi qualche link a della DOC? [20:37] daniele_, upgrade to 22.04 with the eolupgrade factoid [20:38] !eolupgrade [20:38] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [20:38] see last url [20:38] Thank you man! I think this is italian chat, sorry for misstake <3 === victor9098 is now known as kd353