
ericustoddc I have two profiles now under VLAN, how do I connect to one of them?00:07
ericusI only have Ethernet to choose from in the list of networks, not the vlans00:09
toddcericus: looking for a guide but as I recall on ubuntu desktop the vlans are configured using netplan for each profile00:19
toddcericus: you may need to test a bit I see no recent guides for vlan with 2 profiles00:20
xatrixHi, can you advice ? how can i restart all services, which are marked as failed ? #systemctl --failed00:21
leftyfbxatrix: reboot00:22
xatrix:)))) yea, but i can't reboot it. Simply don't want to make 5 commands to restart00:22
xatrixi'm searching for a solution to restart only failed00:22
ericustoddc I'll dig into it, thanks!00:22
toddcericus: odd that Mint network manager has vlans add into profile options https://www.sysorchestra.com/network-locations-with-multiple-vlans-on-linux-mint/00:23
jhutchinsxatrix: It's probably a lot more work than just restarting them one by one.00:23
xatrixjuanjoklive[m]: what if it will be 15 ?00:24
leftyfbif there's that many failed services, you've got bigger problems. Reboot00:24
jhutchinsxatrix: Besides, you should probably figure out why things are failing.00:25
jhutchinsxatrix: It sounds like something critical isn't working, and the rest of them can't start without it.00:25
xatrixi've changed a hostname, and seems like it depends on. so i'd like to restart em in one command00:25
leftyfbif you changed your hostname, reboot00:26
xatrixi can't :) no downtime is possible as for now :)00:26
leftyfbespecially if it's DHCP and you care about it's hostname from the rest of the network00:26
leftyfbyou have 15 services that are down and it's not currently in downtime?00:26
leftyfba reboot would have been done by now00:27
xatrixok. got it :) let's do it finally00:27
ericustoddc wish there was something like that in ubuntu00:28
bumblefuzzso, I have a small raspberry pi with a temperature sensor00:28
bumblefuzzI'd like to set up a small webpage that will display the current temp00:28
bumblefuzzwhat's the simplest way to do this?00:28
leftyfbbumblefuzz: try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss for software recommendations.   # nginx or even python would be better for such a small task00:29
jhutchinsbumblefuzz: On the other hand, there's a huge amount of information and support for just about anything you care to do with Apache.00:31
leftyfbapache would be complete overkill for displaying less than 5 characters00:32
leftyfbeither way, software recommendations aren't really support00:32
=== brassado is now known as sam_sepi0l
tomreynxatrix: totally the right decision to reboot. if you wanted to restart multiple failed services: sudo systemctl --state failed --type service --no-legend | awk '{print $1}' | xargs echo systemctl restart00:35
tomreyn(this only prints the command you'd need to run)00:35
xatrixtomreyn: my appreciate...00:37
leftyfbtomreyn: that doesn't quite work for me00:40
xatrixxargs echo systemctl restart -> xargs sudo systemctl restart00:41
xatrixand it works00:41
tomreynleftyfb: maybe you have none failed. you can test with "--state running"00:42
leftyfbtomreyn: https://termbin.com/6iql00:42
leftyfbsee the problem?00:43
tomreyntry adding --plain, does that remove the ● ?00:43
leftyfbthat would fix it00:43
leftyfbI question if it caught all of the 15 services for that person00:44
tomreynhopefully there weren't 15 after reboot00:44
leftyfbI doubt they rebooted00:45
Guest2447hello guys00:57
Guest2447i have rst intel mode on but i wanna do dual boot with windows you guys have any solutiotn01:08
leftyfbGuest2447: https://help.ubuntu.com/rst/01:10
leftyfbgood luck with that01:10
KenrinI love that page it's pretty much "Either it works or doesn't and you disable it"01:17
leftyfbif you ask me, just get a proper SSD and forget about RST01:18
LordDragonis 22.10 considering the bleeding edge version?01:51
LordDragonaka, the most likely to have breakage on apps that arent updated frequently by the devs?01:52
toddcLordDragon: sort of  testing short term support    22.04 LTS is recommended for most users01:52
LordDragoni see why now :)01:53
LordDragoni just assumed the LTS was more about servers/professionals etc and not so much as big a deal for every-day desktop needs01:54
LordDragonwell, no way to downgrade now lol. so i guess 22.10 it is01:55
toddcLTS long term support --- better tested stable both desktop and server01:55
* LordDragon nods01:55
LordDragonas i am more comfy with linuxy ways i wanted to try a native debian install and build up my own distro but mannnn I missed the luxurious of that ubuntu base goodness :)01:56
LordDragoni was having weird issues with my 22.04.1 though and thought the best way to resolve it was to upgrade to 22.10. it DID fix those issues. but now certain 3rd party apps arent happy. heh01:57
toddcI did the distro hop a logn time ago and ended up back here01:57
LordDragontoddc: it really is a great balance between features that make things more comfortable but also being pretty efficient in terms of process count01:58
LordDragontoddc: nice name btw. same here :D01:58
=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3
sukhmanhello guys i'm trying to dual boot with windows 11 but windows 11 does not work with AHCI and if I try to disable that option ubunt doesn't work then03:48
lotuspsychje!dualboot | sukhman03:49
ubottusukhman: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:49
lotuspsychje!uefi | sukhman see also03:49
ubottusukhman see also: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:49
sukhmanlotuspsychje i tried to follow that but i still geting error03:49
lotuspsychjesukhman: maybe pastebin the error you having in the channel, so volunteers can think along with you03:51
sukhmani can't access any pastebin without any operating system03:55
lotuspsychjesukhman: ok, so describe take over your error manualy, mention your ubuntu release, the more info you provide to the channel, the better volunteers can help03:56
sukhmanlotuspsychje right now i have no operating system installed on my pc but for ubuntu version it is just the the latest release ubutnu have right now03:58
lotuspsychjesukhman: 22.04 or 22.10? and at wich point do you get an error saying what exaclty?03:59
sukhmanit's 22.0404:00
sukhmanjust before i tri to select my partition it says' to turn off my rts mode but when i do that neither windows nor ubuntu boots up04:02
sukhmansimply, how can i make my windows and ubuntu work on ASHI modhe04:04
arraybolt3sukhman: What is ASHI mode?04:07
arraybolt3Oh, wait, I see. Intel RST. Lemme find the page on how to work around that problem.04:08
lotuspsychjethink he means AHCI arraybolt304:08
sukhmanI'm sorry guys i mistyped that04:10
arraybolt3sukhman: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-installation-on-computers-with-intel-r-rst-enabled/1534704:11
ravageWindows and Ubuntu are both perfectly able to use AHCI. It is the standard way to communicate with your storage controller04:17
ravageIf it doesn't work on your windows installation check for a driver for your motherboard04:18
ravageIf you don't have a working operation system installed disable RST before you install anything04:18
arraybolt3ravage: I think he has working Windows on RST and is trying to disable RST without wrecking Windows so he can install Ubuntu alongside.04:23
ravageso the problem isnt Ubuntu. Good luck :D04:23
arraybolt3Well the problem is directly caused because he's trying to use Ubuntu, so it's kind of Ubuntu. The link I shared has instructions on how to wrangle the Windows side of things.04:24
ravage5:30 is too early for kind of Ubuntu for me04:24
ravagei need a coffee04:24
lord_daemondoes anyone know streaming software like vlc but that records only when motion is detected?05:08
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mister_mHi - I've previously installed a program with apt, but I uninstalled it and built a newer version from source. I see a duplicate icon in the activities screen search results. How do I remove the duplicate I no longer want? Does that mean I didn't actually uninstall it with apt remove?05:34
mister_mlooks like the package didn't get removed I must have typed the name wrong05:35
arraybolt3How do I do a manual fsck run if a hard reboot ends up requiring it? My mom's laptop it booting to a busybox prompt, and if I try to boot it by mounting /dev/sda1 to /root, I see an e2fsck failure with an error code of 8. Then Ubuntu proceeds to boot properly. I figure I shouldn't ignore this.05:52
arraybolt3(I've never used fsck before :P)05:53
ravagedid you run fsck from the busybox?05:55
arraybolt3Not yet, that's what I'm asking how to do.05:55
arraybolt3I notice it looks ilke it tried to run automatically and failed.05:55
ravagefsck.ext4 -y /dev/sda105:55
arraybolt3Looks like that did it!05:57
arraybolt3(Though I chickened out and didn't use the -y since I remembered I think that meant "yes to all", and then ended up answering Y myself to everything :P)05:57
ravagei always hit y anyway05:58
arraybolt3Nice, now it's booting straight to a GUI and not to Busybox. Yay!05:59
arraybolt3Thank you!05:59
silv3r_m00nhi there, i have booted live ubuntu on my laptop, i need to run a program that needs to be installed first, its sysbench, doing sudo apt-get install sysbench fails06:51
silv3r_m00nhow can i install a few small packages in live mode and use them06:52
alkisgsilv3r_m00n: what's the failure message? Put the whole terminal output to pastebin06:53
silv3r_m00n"E: Unable to locate package sysbench"06:53
silv3r_m00ni tried doing sudo apt-get update as well06:54
alkisgTry: sudo add-apt-repository universe06:54
alkisgThen update, then install06:54
silv3r_m00nlet me check06:54
silv3r_m00nalkisg: thanks, it worked :)06:55
silv3r_m00nhi there, i am running sysbench memory test on multiple system, most systems have values ranging from 6000-800 MiB/s transfer speed. but one asus laptop (ddr4 a6gb ram) is reporting extremely low transfer speed of only 300 MiB/s07:43
silv3r_m00nany idea how to correct this ?07:43
arraybolt3Agh, I just missed him.08:07
arraybolt3silv3r_m00n: Ah, there you are.08:07
arraybolt3silv3r_m00n: In answer to your question earlier, the problem may be that the system has 6 GB of RAM.08:08
silv3r_m00narraybolt3 hi, sorry got dc. the asus tuf a17 has 16 gb ddr4 ram and works good08:08
arraybolt3silv3r_m00n: It's possible that your system is only using the RAM in single-channel mode, since 6 GB indicates that you have mismatched RAM sticks. Installing two matching sticks may correct the problem.08:08
arraybolt3Oh wait so the laptop in question has 16 GB?08:09
silv3r_m00nits 8G+8G , 3200 MT/s as reported by dmidecode08:09
arraybolt3Oh. Well then in that instance, I dunno why it's behaving slowly.08:09
arraybolt3If somehow it's stick in single-channel mode, that might explain it.08:09
arraybolt3But otherwise, I mean... I dunno, what happens if you disable the swapfile and then run the test?08:10
silv3r_m00nits live ubuntu, did not try doing that. also ram is mostly free08:10
silv3r_m00nnow i am trying the same test on fedora08:10
arraybolt3Hmm, if it's live, then it's probably not a swapfile at fault then.08:11
silv3r_m00nlets see what happens08:11
silv3r_m00nWEIRD. even on Fedora the same problem08:11
silv3r_m00ntransfer speed comes to around 296.37 MiB/s, whereas it should be somewhere around 7000 MiB/s08:11
arraybolt3It's almost certainly hardware-related then, unless somehow the hardware is having incompatibilities with the Linux kernel.08:11
hiyaIs this app available on Ubuntu other than flatpak? The latest version?08:12
arraybolt3silv3r_m00n: What version of Ubuntu are you using to do this test?08:12
silv3r_m00nits all latest, 22.1008:13
silv3r_m00nand fedora also latest ... 36 or whatever08:13
silv3r_m00ndownloaded isos yesterday only08:13
hiyasilv3r_m00n: nope, I don't think it is08:13
arraybolt3hiya: I doubt that the latest version is available, but I see a version in the apt archives.08:13
hiyaarraybolt3: the one I got on 22.10 doesn't support encrypted imports08:14
hiyaI think I need to get flatpak as well08:14
hiyais there any other app that might work?08:14
arraybolt3The one I use is Keysmith but it's very basic, and also is installed via Flatpak...08:15
hiyaso basically flatpak is needed only?08:15
hiyai thought we have Snap in Ubuntu08:15
arraybolt3We do, but not all apps are put in the Snap store by the developers. It would be worth looking though, lemme see...08:15
arraybolt3I don't see gnome-authenticator or keysmith in the Snap store.08:17
hiyaI think I need to export a plain version from the app then08:18
hiyaUbuntu must use the latest version it was released in June 202208:19
arraybolt3Not necessarily. June 2022 sounds like it was probably *after* Ubuntu 22.10's Feature Freeze, which is when we mostly stop adding new versions of stuff into the OS so that we can get things stabilized.08:20
arraybolt3Plus, if no one packages a new version of an application for Debian or Ubuntu, it doesn't make it.08:20
hiyaarraybolt3: hmm i get it, which version of Virtualbox to install on 22.10? https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads08:22
lotuspsychjethe one from repos?08:22
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox08:23
ubottuvirtualbox (6.1.38-dfsg-3, kinetic): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Built by virtualbox. Size 22,468 kB / 108,922 kB. (Only available for amd64.)08:23
arraybolt3hiya: If you must have the latest version, I'd use the one that's closest to 22.10, that being the one for 22.04.08:23
hiyaok i see08:23
arraybolt3hiya: And while I'd usually say "use the version in the repo", since VirtualBox in Ubuntu is in the Universe archive, (which doesn't get reliable security updates), I would favor the latest version from upstream over the version in the archives in this case.08:24
arraybolt3Or use QEMU.08:25
hiyaarraybolt3: ok nice08:28
DiagonI've got 22.04 installed on my laptop, but on boot I get to a blank screen (cursor in upper left).  A-C-F2 gives me a terminal.  journalctl -b is here: http://sprunge.us/w9SwA708:38
DiagonAnyone have thoughts on what I might try to get my desktop?08:38
MaltergateHi everyone. I came here to request some of your help. I noted that the MuseScore Snap package (available on the snap store) is outdated and contains the DEV version. I would like to contact the snap maintainer to flag this up and offer help. However, despite what is written on the snap description, it is not MuseScore dev team that maintains the08:43
Maltergatesnap, it is someone else. Hence my question: is it possible to track down the owner/publisher of a snap package ? Thanks.08:43
alkisgAny idea what could cause around 10 files to have future dates, either logs or under /var?08:53
alkisg# ls -l /var/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-available08:53
alkisg-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 18  2320 /var/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-available08:53
lotuspsychjeDiagon: an idea for a test could be booting a previous kernel to compare09:22
DiagonThis is a new install, lotuspsychje.  Would that still be something I should try?09:23
lotuspsychjeDiagon: so you never booted on this fresh install?09:24
DiagonI've never gotten to a desktop, no.  I've worked my way through a couple of half-way boots.09:24
lotuspsychjehalf way?09:24
DiagonDropped into initramfs.  Dropped into a console using C-A-F2.09:25
Diagonupdated initramfs, grub09:25
lotuspsychjeDiagon: what kind of graphics on your system?09:25
DiagonThinkpad T530.  Optimus (iGPU & Nvidia).09:26
DiagonI told it to install proprietary drivers during the install09:26
lotuspsychjenvidia doesnt like wayland too much yet Diagon so xorg boot for nvidia or intel on wayland09:26
DiagonAh, I see ...09:26
lotuspsychjeyou could also try a !nomodeset09:26
DiagonOh, so how to I get from the console where I'm located now, to running X instead of wayland?09:27
Diagon(Would it be the same with the nouveau drivers?)09:27
lotuspsychjewayland is now default on 22.04 Diagon09:27
Diagon!nomodeset is a kernel parameter?09:27
ubottuBut 'nomodeset' already means something else!09:27
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.09:27
DiagonOk, I put that in my /etc/defaults/grub, yes?09:28
lotuspsychjeDiagon: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE09:28
lotuspsychjeDiagon: /etc/default/grub edit with admin then save file, and sudo update-grub and reboot09:29
DiagonOk, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX - I'm adding !nomodeset09:30
Diagonlotuspsychje / no go.  Same stuck at black screen.  C-A-F2 into a console.09:39
lotuspsychjeDiagon: can you check; dpkg --list | grep linux-image09:42
lotuspsychjesee if you got other kernels besides -5309:43
Diagonya, I've got -43 (lotuspsychje)09:55
lotuspsychjelets try to boot that one just to see Diagon09:55
DiagonSame ...09:58
lotuspsychjeDiagon: can you press F1 at your early boot, to perhaps see at wich point things get stuck?10:01
lotuspsychje(to see textboot)10:01
DiagonI've got text streaming out.  Is that what you're looking for?10:02
DiagonAt the end of which I've got a black screen with a cursor in the upper left10:02
lotuspsychjeDiagon: usualy we see cursor black screens at early boot with problems around secureboot/fastboot10:04
Diagonsecureboot is off.  Not sure what fastboot is.10:04
DiagonI wasn't able to figure out what "!nomodeset" is doing.10:05
lotuspsychjeyou didnt type !nomodeset in your grub i hope Diagon10:06
DiagonHow do I turn of wayland, since you let me know that would be a problem with this gpu10:06
DiagonI did!10:06
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.10:06
DiagonI checked that link. Nothing there about nomodeset.10:06
lotuspsychjeits in the factoid link10:07
DiagonWhat was ubottu on about "But 'nomodeset' already means something else!"10:07
DiagonArch says I might need i915.modeset=0 nouveau.modeset=0 also (bottom of page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Kernel_mode_setting )10:08
DiagonOk.  I added all three of those, and it worked....10:11
lotuspsychjegreat Diagon10:12
DiagonBut ... am I running wayland?10:12
DiagonOr did I just turn off KMS?10:12
Diagonlotuspsychje / thanks for your help.  If you have a moment to tell me ^^^, I'd appreciate it.  Otherwise, g'night.10:31
tomreynDiagon: hi. is your question just "am i running wayland"?10:35
DiagonRight.  lotuspsychje was saying that nvidia wouldn't run under wayland.  then he suggested nomodeset etc., and it worked.  But that doesn't get rid of wayland, right?  So what's the story with nvidia and wayland.10:36
tomreynif so, open a termial and type: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE10:36
Diagonah, I see.  it says x11.  Was that due to the nomodeset ...??10:37
tomreynno, wether or not you use wayland is a choice you make at the time you're logging in. but what is available to login to may depend on what the graphics driver can handle10:37
Diagonah.  I'm starting to grok it!  :)10:38
ubottuDrivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers10:38
tomreynthere's now a third option, but it may be too early for this: nvidia-driver-...-open10:39
tomreynthose drivers are developed by the nvidia company and are going to be open source, which should make them much better integratable into the kernel.10:40
tomreynbut they are pretty new and the nvidia company calls them alpha quality10:40
tomreynso right now, you probably want A or B from ubottu's list.10:41
tomreynthe later proprietary drivers as well as the nvidia-...-open ones should be compatible to wayland... to a degree.10:42
tomreyni assume nouveau is not, but not sure there10:42
tomreynDiagon: does this answer your questions?10:42
Diagontomreyn - that helps.  In the past with these machines I've just used iGPU, so I'm going to have to try a few things.10:44
DiagonBut I do have one more question.10:44
DiagonThe mouse is very laggy on this machine now.  I assume I have to understand the GPU and its software better.  Ideas?10:45
tomreynDiagon: doyou know which graphics driver is currently in use?10:46
tomreynthere is yet another driver, a very compatible but very limited fallback driver called "vesa", which works for most graphics cards. if you're currently using that this would explain why it's slow.10:47
DiagonNot sure.  BOIS is set on optimus, so I don't know which one it would have picked.10:47
tomreyncan you run this can post the URL that is printed:   lspci -knnd ::0300 | nc termbin.com 999910:47
DiagonI must say that switching to a dark theme has massively improved the laggyness.10:49
Diagontomreyn ^^^^^^^11:06
SircleThis does not works despite rubberband-cli. Any tips? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1157603/kdenlive-speed-up-the-audio-and-video-without-losing-pitch11:09
lotuspsychjeDiagon: optimus hybrid cards need to be set via nvidia-prime powersaving vs performance mode11:09
tomreynDiagon: sorry about that, i'm on the phone, bbl11:10
Diagon:thumbs-up: lotuspsychje11:10
DiagonNP tomreyn11:10
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squarecirclehello. Is there a possibility to run the gnome games on a windows machine?13:20
lotuspsychjesquarecircle: you can fire up an ubuntu VM on windows and play from there13:22
lotuspsychjesquarecircle: a lot of games from the ubuntu repos are also provided opensource and for several Oses on the maintainers website13:23
lotuspsychje(or snaps too)13:24
squarecirclelotuspsychje: sadly, not a techie user, and running a VM is to complicated13:29
granrojoHi, if I disable lightdm as service will I get my login option from the tty at boot? Thanks13:29
squarecirclelotuspsychje: would be easier to run Ubuntu itself, if MS Office would run13:30
lotuspsychjesquarecircle: also possible, ubuntu uses libreoffice you can do compatible work with MS office, or try Ms office with wine/playonlinux13:31
BluesKajHi all13:40
granrojoBluesKaj: Hey13:48
BluesKajhey granrojo13:49
=== orion_ is now known as orions
=== orions is now known as Mabok
granrojoIf I disable the lightdm serice will a get a TTY with the login option at boot?14:08
xxgranrojo: yes14:16
ogragranrojo, you should not need to stop lightdm for this though ... crtl-alt-(f2-f7) should get you a CLI login prompt too14:19
lotuspsychjemaybe granrojo wants no GUI login anymore?14:21
granrojoogra: I want to get a tty login everythime I boot instead of the lightm login (or any greeter)14:22
xxyou can uninstall lightdm then, but be careful about it being a dependency for something else14:24
xx(I currently run without lightdm and start xfce using startx instead)14:24
lotuspsychjexx: but startx is not really the way to go anymore these days?14:25
leftyfbgranrojo: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-enable-gui-on-boot-in-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux-desktop14:25
xxlotuspsychje: xfce doesn't support wayland, so startx is the way14:26
lotuspsychjexx: but granrojo didnt mention his ubuntu release and flavour yet14:29
xxthey are using lightdm, so it's not gonna be gnome or kde14:29
xxby process of elimination it is most likely xfce or lxde14:30
leftyfbxx: you know previous releases of ubuntu with gnome used lightdm right?14:30
xxand those previous releases did not use wayland14:30
leftyfbeither way, we're arguing about a use case that was never mentioned by the OP and I've already given them the correct answer14:30
granrojothanks leftyfb I just dont understand very well whats multi user target when I read about it14:32
leftyfbgranrojo: Don't just skim it for commands you can copy and paste. Read it in full. It has explanations.14:33
granrojoleftyfb: yes but the detail I forgot to mention wsa that Im on xfce14:34
leftyfbgranrojo: that shouldn't matter14:34
leftyfbgranrojo: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user14:35
leftyfbgranrojo: that will disable the GUI at boot14:35
leftyfbgranrojo: if you're looking for how to start xfce (a question you haven't asked), run: startxfce414:37
leftyfball of this I found on google for you btw14:37
granrojoleftyfb: Well evryghin is on google right :p14:39
leftyfbgranrojo: only if you look14:40
granrojoleftyfb: and understand14:41
leftyfbgranrojo: why did you install a DE on your machine if you don't want to use it? Why not just install server?14:41
granrojoleftyfb: Because I want a dektop environment14:42
granrojoleftyfb: I want to see if login without a greeter may speed up the boot process and also becuase I like the look of a tty login14:43
leftyfbgranrojo: doing it in this way will not speed up your boot process14:44
granrojoleftyfb: ok thats good to know, thanks14:45
MountainManTechHello everyone15:11
MountainManTechI am trying to export a bunch of unable to locate package messages from apt. I am doing sudo sh bash-script.sh >> log.txt. However only the first 3 lines are exported without listing any of the packages that apt is unable to locate. What am I doing wrong here?15:11
leftyfbMountainManTech: bash bash-script 2>&1 >> log.txt15:13
Jeremy31MountainManTech: apt doesn't work well with that15:14
MountainManTechIs there an alternative?15:20
jhutchinsMountainManTech: How about addressing the cause of the missing packages instead?15:21
MountainManTechThat's what I am trying to figure out. I want the full list of the missing packages in a log.txt file to review and address the issue.15:21
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bpasterhttps://bpa.st/DYIA can anyone help15:26
leftyfbbpaster: with what?15:27
leftyfbbpaster: where are you trying to run "quit" and why? What makes you think that is a valid command?15:27
bpasteri will forever live in the matrix15:28
leftyfbbpaster: trolling is offtopic here. Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic15:28
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lotuspsychjewelcome polarwwf15:42
UmeaboyHi! I know that this is not the channel for Ubports, but I was wondering what IRC server I might find a channel for it. I'm looking to translate it on the Weblate platform, but I can't seem to find where to go to start translating it since Swedish seems to be locked for translations and yet there is no progress made. I checked their website, but couldn't find any information about a channel on IRC.16:49
UmeaboyShould I connect to OFTC?16:49
leftyfbUmeaboy: are you referring to ubuntu on arm?16:54
Umeaboyleftyfb: If that's the old name for Ubports then yes.16:55
leftyfbUmeaboy: if so, try #ubuntu-arm16:55
leftyfbUmeaboy: ubuntu-ports is sort of a broad term to cover several categories. Maybe pick 116:55
cartdrigeLike the rasp PI version which is arm64 in fact, but with maybe few special adaptations/drivers.16:56
UmeaboyI long til there will be a Raspberry Pi with at least 16 GB of memory (physically on the board) out in public. I think I've read somewhere that it is coming, but I don't know if it's true though.17:04
ubottuInformation about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports17:06
UmeaboyFor instance when you build an OS today compared to 10 years ago you need at least 16 GB to manage under 1 day if it's possible even then.17:06
leftyfb!discus | Umeaboy17:06
leftyfb!discuss | Umeaboy17:06
ubottuUmeaboy: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:06
sshinehello! I just installed alacritty, and when I click a link in my terminal to have firefox open it, I instead get a "Firefox is not responding" dialog. when I try to manually 'xdg-open https://...' or 'firefox --new-tab https://...', I get the same error. firefox is installed via snap. what could I explore to make links open?17:39
greenracerAm I missing something. Python3 was installed by default, but not pip?17:55
leftyfbgreenracer: sudo apt install python3-pip17:56
greenracerleftyfb: okay, just making sure I wasn't missing something. Thanks.17:56
UmeaboyHow soon will Ubiquity (The installer for Ubuntu) be updated with my new translations?18:01
leftyfbUmeaboy: contact the devs/maintainers you have been working with18:02
alkisggreenracer: python3 is necessary for ubuntu to run, while pip isn't, for most users; in many cases it's also preferred to use apt install python-xxx rather than pip install python-xxx, to avoid conflicts18:24
greenraceralkisg: thanks.18:24
greenracerWeird that Cuda isn't in apt but cuDNN is.18:25
greenracerI'm in a pickle. I've installed Ubuntu repo's cuda and latest tensorflow from pip, but those rely on me having Nvidia driver 520 installed. For some reason only 515 will work on my machine. Anyone have any idea what I should do?18:52
jhutchinsgreenracer: Upgrade the nvidia driver?  System backup first.19:06
jhutchinsgreenracer: It would be a little odd if the nvidia driver and the cuda package from the main official repositories were out of sync.  That might be a reportable bug if true.19:07
greenracerjhutchins: I just did. No luck. Now I've installed cuda from Nvidia and from apt and installed everything cuda or cuDNN related from apt. Now I'm thinking I need to format and start over.19:07
greenracerjhutchins: When I set up this machine, the 520 version would brick it on reboot.19:08
greenracerSo I had to use 515. But now looks like the latest 520 version works.19:08
greenracerBut that doesn't solve my cuda issues.19:08
jhutchins!info cuda19:09
ubottuPackage cuda does not exist in kinetic19:09
tomreynjhutchins: nvidia-cuda-toolkit may be the package you sought19:19
N9NUcan somone tell me what local (home acct) file controls the way Konsolel, Xterm, QTerminal,, etc. control...with respect to column spacing19:45
Guest4894U mean Terminal?19:45
N9NUcan somone tell me what local (home acct) file controls the way Konsolel, Xterm, QTerminal,, etc. control...with respect to column spacingit's fine19:45
Guest4894Spacing of text, within the terminal?19:45
Guest4894Check terminal settings19:45
N9NUii ttried reset19:45
N9NUwithin .local or .config?19:46
jhutchinsN9NU: Most text consoles don't respect colums.  Each line is independent of the previous one.19:48
jpmhI am a command line type use.  Just installed 22.04 on a new laptop - love it - I would like to be able to "map" the WINDOZE key to do other things.  Is there an easy command line way to do that?20:04
N9NUis your command20:07
N9NUor XbindKeys20:07
oerheksright windows key must be easy, left key is important.20:09
=== N9NU is now known as N9NU-Occupied
delizinHello everyone. I'm trying to setup a new machine using Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS and GNOME 42.5. I'm doing a lot of operations that require root permission so I'm getting repeated "Authentication Required" popups. It is a huge hassle since I need to reenter my password multiple times per minute. How can I disable this popup for this session? I've tried visudo, but that only seems to affect it in terminal.20:34
oerhekssudo gives you a timespan of a few minutes20:35
oerheksif you what your terminal session to be root, start with; sudo -i20:36
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delizinMy terminal is good. I'm trying to get it to let me work from the Gnome interface without constant interruptions.20:37
oerheksno fix for that, sorry20:38
jhutchinsdelizin: One of the reasons this is not easy is because using GUI applications as root is usually a bad idea.  Unintendedn consequences can brick your system.20:39
jhutchinsdelizin: What kind of changes do you need to make?20:40
delizinRight now I'm going through testing a slew of new hard drives. Every test and each refresh requires me to reenter my password.20:40
delizinThis is my first time using ubuntu with a GUI. Typically I just ssh and work from terminal so I was excited, but it is turning into way more of a hassle.20:41
jhutchinsdelizin: It seems very strange to be doing that from a GUI interface.  Wouldn't it be simpler to just use the Console tools that the GUI wrapper calls?20:42
jhutchinsdelizin: What tools are you using?20:42
delizinThe SMART Data & Self-Tests from the "Disks" tool.20:43
oerheksmultiple times per minute?20:44
delizinOne to start the tool, one to start the test, and then another if I want to "refresh" to get the test results or check progress. It doesn't update automatically without refreshing.20:45
delizinDefinitely seems like it will be easier to continue doing everything with the terminal instead which is disappointing to me.20:47
ioriadelizin, are you fully updated ?20:47
delizinI am. This system is headless so I am connecting through xrdp if that makes a difference.20:48
ioriadelizin, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade20:49
delizinYup, all packages up to date and 0 upgraded/installed/removed20:50
jhutchinsdelizin: Filtering that through a GUI can interfere with any performance testing.20:50
ioriadelizin, yep, i guess it makes a difference20:54
greenracerOkay, I have a brand new fresh install of 22.10. Anyone know the canonical way of installing CUDA accelerated tensorflow? I followed the google directions last time and ended up with wrong versions of everything.21:04
MonsieurBonHi all21:21
MonsieurBonI have two nfs mounts in /etc/fstab which do not get mounted on startup, but work perfectly, when I run mount -a. I already tried adding _netdev in fstab or adding a script in /etc/network/if-up.d which runs mount -a. But nothing worked. What else could I try?21:36
tomreynMonsieurBon: your ubuntu version is? are you using non standard configurations or software which could be related?21:39
leftyfbMonsieurBon: https://sleeplessbeastie.eu/2019/09/23/how-to-mount-nfs-share-using-systemd/21:39
tomreynhave you reviewed you system logs, yet? is there a systemd unit for it?21:39
greenracerThe google instructions to install tensorflow say to do this: `conda create --name tf python=3.9` But I have python 3.10 installed.21:39
tomreyngreenracer: if you'd like to file a bug report against https://www.tensorflow.org/install the right place to do so is probably https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues21:42
greenracertomreyn: Is that a bug?21:43
tomreyni don't know21:43
greenracertomreyn: Ah, I see, conda is also an environment manager. That installed python 3.922:00
pltHello. Can someone take a look at this and tell me how I fix it please --> https://pastebin.com/SvMYgNRh22:01
leftyfbplt: did you try doing what it told you to do?22:03
oerheksTo address all issues, run: ...22:03
pltI get and I even use --force and that did not fix it22:03
pltIs there a command to check and fix any depencies issues?22:04
nocny_strozhello, I have a problem with permissions in Ubuntu. Trying to use Watson and edit my last "frame" (https://tailordev.github.io/Watson/user-guide/commands/#edit) and get the answer: "/bin/sh: 1: sensible-editor: Permission denied22:04
nocny_strozError: sensible-editor: Editing failed!22:05
nocny_strozusing command "watson edit"22:05
pltWhat the heck?22:05
pltWe need to get away from using the editors to config programs.22:05
leftyfbplt: that's what Windows is for22:06
pltThat I just my feeling being a programmer for the past 35 years22:06
pltSometimes there is a issue using text editors to config programs.22:07
grynocny_stroz: what does 'sensible-editor ~/test' say?22:07
grynocny_stroz: just as a quick test on a file that doesn't have permissions issues.22:08
nocny_strozI can't use "sudo watson edit" because it's a different user22:08
pltSometimes there is a issue using text editors to config programs.?22:08
nocny_strozgry: it fires an editor22:09
grynocny_stroz: ok, so that works.22:09
tomreynnocny_stroz: sounds like "watson edit" (and therefore sensible-editor) is trying to edit a file you (your system user) does not have permission to edit22:11
grynocny_stroz: do you know what file it is trying to edit for the watson thing?22:11
pltI am not going there. I got bigger issues to resolve please22:11
gryplt, here is a raw link to your paste without ads, https://pastebin.com/raw/SvMYgNRh22:12
gryplt, I would suggest to join #node.js channel and ask them for assistance.22:13
pltSorry, I can help with the ads. I can post on my web site as plain text if you like?22:13
gryThe link I gave is already plain text, plt, it is good to use22:14
nocny_strozthank You, I think I will handle it :) https://tailordev.github.io/Watson/user-guide/configuration/22:14
pltHow did you know the issue is just node.js issue?22:14
gryplt, looks like these dependencies are handled by npm, and npm is a part of node.js .22:15
tomreynalso https://blog.npmjs.org/post/163421115230/shutting-down-npm-irc.html22:15
pltIs all the errors js.node?22:15
plt4 error messages22:16
gryplt, looks like it to me22:17
pltIs the other questions is the issue related to ubuntu not updating all the lib files?22:17
pltThe developers not keeping all the lib files updated?22:18
gryi don't know what the issue is, i haven't used npm before, sorry22:18
pltThis is giving me some hint on it watchpack  1.7.2 - 1.7.522:19
=== victor9098 is now known as kd353
MonsieurBon_leftyfb, thanks for the link about nfs and systemd. I had to adapt it slightly, but it works. I think at least part of the problem is that I use the hostname instead of the IP address.22:26
leftyfbNo, the problem is you don’t have network fully started before trying to mount.22:27
leftyfbaaand, gone22:28
MonsieurBon_leftyfb, It did not work with the target network-online.target. I had to use nss-lookup.target. But well, it works now. Thx22:28
pltI miss the old days of the way the php developers wrote their install programs22:29
=== jje1423 is now known as jje142
gryplt, like these? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Config_script#/media/File:MediaWiki_1.38.2_Config_script_2.png22:30
pltNo, when all the files where under one directory and you just ran the /install/setup.php22:31
gryah ok22:31
pltScriptcase still does it22:32
pltWhen using scriptcase to write php application it does it that way.22:32
pltIt's time for dinner.22:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:35
gryplt, when you're back, I've joined the offtopic channel, perhaps it will be interesting to continue there.22:36
pltYou welcome to join me in the channel #phil22:40
pltCox.net customer. Hello22:46
pltamazoniantoad I am using the same ISP as you.22:47
amazoniantoadI've built a 40% keyboard and I need to remap some keys to key combinations. Is there a simple way to do this with ubuntu.22:47
amazoniantoadplt nice. I love cox.22:47
pltI never done that before amazoniantoad22:47
pltLet me check something22:48
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2209015&seqNum=322:48
oerheksoh, must be an old factoid22:48
pltTry this https://askubuntu.com/questions/24916/how-do-i-remap-certain-keys-or-devices22:48
oerheksplease no google search urls, not really helpfull22:49
pltI will im it to you22:49
oerheksxmodmap it the tool to use, or xkeycaps22:50
oerheks!info xkeycaps22:50
ubottuxkeycaps (2.47-7build1, kinetic): manipulate X11 keymaps (for xmodmap) graphically. In component universe, is optional. Built by xkeycaps. Size 150 kB / 2,431 kB22:50
amazoniantoadthanks guys22:51
pltNow it's time for me to get something to eat.22:51
pltYou must be in the DC area to.22:51
oerheksno need to share this with the channel, thanks.22:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:52

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