
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
ahasenackfor whoever knows perl here, is this "idiomatic" perl regexp? /^processor[\s\d]*:/17:36
ahasenackor perhaps /^processor\s*\d*\s*:/17:36
ahasenackI need to match ^processor : 017:36
ahasenackand ^processor 0 : stuff17:37
sdezielahasenack: `/^processor\s+:?\s*\d+/` maybe?18:00
ahasenacklooks more complicated18:01
sdezieldepends on what you want to match on. The first regex won't match the digit on the `processor : 0` variant18:03
sdezielhere's what I'm testing with: `echo -e 'processor : 0\nprocessor 0: stuff\nprocessor 0 : stuff' | grep -P '^processor\s+:?\s*\d+'`18:04
ahasenackthat first regexp wasn't already matching the digit after the :18:05
ahasenackI mean, the original one18:05
ahasenackso I'm not changing that behavior18:05
sdezielif you don't want to change the behavior and deal with a `:` between `processor` and the digit, I'd go with: `/^processor[\s\d:]+/`18:12
sdezielit basically requires at least one space or one digit or one `:` somewhere after `processor`18:13
JanCalso depends on what other variants also exist but you don't want them...18:22
ahasenackthey should use getconf18:28
sdeziel`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` is probably better indeed18:30
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=== elastic_dog is now known as Guest5023
ahasenackkanashiro[m]: new git published in lunar-proposed, retry builds at will20:36
ahasenackand it failed again, wth20:45
sergiodjwhat failed?  git?20:46
ahasenackno, something that uses git20:46
ahasenacksee #ubuntu-devel20:47
ahasenackjust started a conversation (with myself, so far) there20:47
* sergiodj looks20:48
=== scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo
=== markthomas1 is now known as markthomas
=== kenyon_ is now known as kenyon

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