
cloudcellhello! does xubuntu create a fat32 disk during installation? (I installed windows side by side, and was wondering if this was windows' doing)06:37
rfmcloudcell, looks like the efi partition, either windows or ubuntu would have made one. you do want to have one...07:22
cloudcellok, rfm, so it's the partition that bios uses to find the bootloader, correct?07:23
cloudcelli.e. it has to use FAT, right07:23
rfmcloudcell, well it's not exactly the bootloader, EFI boot is a whole little OS, but yes, it has to have a FAT/eFAT partition to load the various modules from07:25
cloudcellok, I just thought that when I was installing windows, windows setup 'contaminated' my linux drive07:26
cloudcellthanks for the info, rfm07:27
cloudcellcan you also help me with my usb audio device problem, been fighting it for 3 days already?07:27
rfmcloudcell, no.. any USB or sound problems are beyond me.  It's a miracle if they work at all..07:29
cloudcellrfm :), ok, then I'll just post to / ask everyone :)07:30
cloudcellthe "front panel" audio jack does not produce any sound and I suspect that there's some problem with the drivers. I can make it function if I use Audacity. I also installed windows on a separate drive just to check the sound. The sound in windows works fine. Any ideas what might be wrong? My workstation has this motherboard: https://www.supermicro.com/en/products/motherboard/M12SWA-TF07:32
hochbarHello. Does Linux Mint and Xubuntu use same drivers repos or not?17:24
gnrphochbar: *Should* be the same. I don't know if mint adopted a different strategy towards non-free things than xubuntu, but in general, I think they pretty much all use what debian has17:40
hochbarwhy I asked. Ive HP Pavilion 15 notebook. First I installed Mint Cinnamon, and Mint MATE- each time I had problem with WiFi connection, sometime (random time- after 5 min or 50 min) WiFi connection disconnected and I couldn't connect again, I could connect only after restart, but still next disconnection. Yesterday I installed Xubuntu and there17:58
hochbarisn't problem with WiFi, it works. So I think: how it may be?17:58
AndroUserI am18:02
AndroUserI am18:03
=== AndroUser is now known as hochbar-new
gnrphochbar-new: Could laso be a more recent kernel version? Some patch that is inside Xubuntu and not in mint?19:46
gnrpI would think that they don't do different stuff. Maybe ubuntu activates non-free by default and mint doesn't?19:46
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