
hallynrbasak: stgraber: (i shouldn't really post this and run, but ...)  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/1:5.0.1-0ubuntu1/+build/24842432    if my lunar vm tracking lunar/proposed, why is it not seeing tha tpackage?04:40
Liver_Kis there a way to see if an apt package was previously installed besides looking for config files leftover from no purge?06:34
ravageLiver_K: /var/log/apt/history.log06:35
Liver_Koh nifty, i didnt think such a thing would actually exist. where is that mentioned?06:36
ravage"the internet" i guess. honestly i have no idea :)06:36
Liver_Koh you just happened to know of it already?06:37
Liver_Kthats fine i guess06:37
ravagebenn using debian for over 2 decades or so. you just learn some things i guess :)06:37
Liver_Koh so your an old schooler i see hah06:38
Liver_Kgn all08:57
Liver_Kope wrong channel08:57
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ahasenacklvoytek: so this mp (https://code.launchpad.net/~lvoytek/ubuntu/+source/swtpm/+git/swtpm/+merge/432149) is a go again, right?14:05
ahasenackthe only problem we still have is the pid files that do not get deleted?14:05
ahasenackbut you fixed that in lunar?14:06
ahasenackand are waiting for other libvirt fixes to put them all together in one big sru?14:06
lvoytekahasenack: Yeah the mp is a go again. The pid file removal fix is in kinetic-proposed and lunar now14:28
ahasenackand is an issue in libvirt, so nothing to do in swtpm, right?14:29
lvoytekYeah, it was fixed in this combined mp Christian did https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+git/libvirt/+merge/43344314:29
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=== robertross is now known as uc50ic4more
=== Guest1451 is now known as g4mbit

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