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mybalzitchif I have gallery view enabled in files, have a file highlighted, and I try to scroll down with my mouse wheel, files acts like its scrolling down, but it's not.  Is this by design or a wayland bug03:18
mybalzitchoh now it stopped doing it03:19
Your_Doghello, I just have a problem with usb gamepads, it doesn't work, or specifically, whenever I plug it in dinput mode, I don't see it listed in /dev/input03:37
Your_Doghowever, usb-devices does show that the gamepad in question is there and recognized by the kernel03:37
Your_Dogit was working yesterday but I updated something and now it no longer works, been trying to pinpoint which update caused this but it doesnt make sense because the updates I applied yesterday where related to kwin03:39
lagunaloiredoes anyone have the great game review game AstLibraRevision working on the steam client for ubuntu04:24
lagunaloiresupposedly it is a 2d sidescroller jrpg with aspects of final fantasy and castlevania combined04:24
lagunaloirebut i haven't had time to check it on the steam client for ubuntu...has anyone else done that04:25
lagunaloirei hear there is a free demo version for people who don't want to pay for a game unless they think it is worth it04:25
Guest39test it04:26
Guest39UBuntu is generally welll supported04:26
lagunaloireGuest39 i can't...i am in windows 10 right now trying to install a 50 gig game demo called final fantasy xiv A Realm Reborn04:26
lagunaloireGuest39 it is going to take hours to download all that before i can boot into ubuntu to see about that game on my steam client04:27
lagunaloiredoes anyone else have the steam client for ubuntu working where they can check the free demo of AstLibra Revision to see if it works on ubuntu04:32
lagunaloireit has been a busy day today...i tried to put my old parallel port scanner on my xp box but i don't have a driver....and that anti-x partition sane-backend now doesn't seem to support parallel port scanners any longer...so it was a lot of wasted time tody04:35
lagunaloireand then i tried to put the great sounding game final fantasy : All the Bravest    on my android phone...and for some reason that doesn't work anymore either04:36
lagunaloireall these code changes over the years are making my win95/98 hardware almost obsolete04:37
lagunaloireand i have never seen such problems for trying to find an xp driver for an old scanner before04:38
lagunaloirenot only that but sane-find-scanner doesn't work anymore with parallel port scanners04:39
lagunaloireany of them04:39
lagunaloirei can't believe all the bravest no longer works on android phones04:40
lagunaloireand now trying to get a free game demo working takes 50 gigabytes....it is getting crazy04:41
lagunaloireplus another 50 gigabytes for the fantastic but space-consuming game....genshin impact04:42
lagunaloireso that is 100gigs for just 2 games04:42
Lvl4SwordI'm noticing that the PHYS from .. udevadm monitor --udev --property .. for devices that have an .. ID_BUS=bluetooth .. is different than what is shown in .. Settings > Bluetooth .. Am I doing something wrong here?04:43
lagunaloireplus another 50 gigabytes just for the development package with unreal engine 5 for some future game developments...this is crazy and obsoleting my 40 gig hard drive04:45
lagunaloireand now i hear that it is costing more than 1 billion dollars to make just one movie called avatar 2....these graphics issues are really getting expensive04:47
lagunaloirei would have thought that the cheap stuff like avengers:infinity war and avengers:endgame would be enough graphics for the average person....but no James Cameron wants to spend a fortune making a 3d version of avatar2 with stereoscopic 3d tools04:51
lagunaloireand fancy complicated underwater cameras04:52
lagunaloireand to even get the effects properly you really need to forget digital displays and go see it in a theatre...but they have all disappeared in the United States...since everyone has decided to stream stuff instead of going to a cinema04:55
lagunaloireso he may be wasting all that money because nobody is left to go to a cinema theatre to see it in its splendor04:56
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lagunaloirecinema theatres were popular in the 50's and 60's but have become extinct like the dodo birds after that05:00
Unit193lagunaloire: I think you might be lost.  This is the Ubuntu support channel.05:01
lagunaloireUnit193..yes i know...i am here to see if anyone has the game AstLibra Revision working on the ubuntu steam client05:01
Unit193OK, well you're kinda going off on...well not Ubuntu support. :P05:02
lagunaloireUnit193...well its a support question to see if it is working on ubuntu05:02
Unit193lagunaloire: I was referring to talk about theaters and such.  Wine's AppDB doesn't have it, https://steamdb.info/app/1718570/ doesn't refer to linux at all.05:04
lagunaloireUnit193 yes that is why i  asked if anyone has it working on ubuntu...because it might not be easy to do that05:04
Unit193I imagine it isn't, no.05:05
lagunaloireand i don't have a steam client on windows...only on ubuntu...because on windows...the epic client and the ubisoft client and the square-enix client takes up all my space05:13
Lvl4SwordI'm on Ubuntu 22.04, and this specific instance is for a pair of headphones. But I'm not sure if that helps.05:19
currenthandleCan anyone point to a good (the best) channel to get support with IRC / Libra relate question? thx.05:19
Lvl4Swordcurrenthandle, Probably #libera05:20
currenthandleLvl4Sword thx!! i tried that but i had spelled it wrong :)05:20
Lvl4Swordcurrenthandle, You're welcome. It happens!05:21
currenthandleI'm trying to register a second nick to my account, new me lol. I followed this: https://libera.chat/guides/registration05:21
currenthandleI did:05:22
currenthandleslash + newNick05:22
lagunaloirecurrenthandle just type /msg NickServ REGISTER passwd05:22
currenthandleslash + msg NickServ GROUP05:22
lagunaloirecurrenthandle it should already know your nick so you just need to put your passwd05:23
currenthandlelagunaloire ok but how is that assocaiated to my email / account?05:23
currenthandlelagunaloire how does it know my nick? or how does it know the nick i currently am is associated with my email / libra ccount?05:24
lagunaloirecurrenthandle just put your email address to the right of your password , i thought you already knew that05:25
lagunaloireagain /msg NickServ REGISTER yourpasswd email05:25
lagunaloireand use nano to make a note of your paswword with user name for the libera server05:26
lagunaloirein case you forget05:27
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lagunaloireleptone and one last thing...use the /msg NickServ IDENTIFY command when it asks for your password you have registered wiht05:33
lagunaloireyou only need it for a few top channels that require registration ..but most low-level channels don't need it05:34
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lagunaloirecurrenthandle why do you like to keep changing your nick in here...most people pick one nick they are fond of05:42
currenthandlelagunaloire sry for the spam. I'm trying to figure out how to change my nick registered with nickserv (once and for all)05:43
lagunaloirecurrenthandle no it is not spam...just a little confusing...but go ahead...just learn to use the /msg NickServ commands to do your stuff05:43
lagunaloirecurrenthandle...spam is when i get a lot of email advertisements for things i am not looking for05:44
flylordgood evenening05:46
lagunaloirenearly everyone knows exactly what they need...and no one likes spam that advertises all kinds of crap...and pretends the recipient isn't smart enough to know what they want05:47
lagunaloirei think they should beat the heads of marketing and advertising people to a pulp so they won't be bothering anyone else's heads05:49
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lagunaloirenow in Saudi Arabia they have been chopping people's heads off like crazy for all kinds of stuff...lets see what they do to those marketing and advertising scumbags05:50
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lagunaloireif anybody wants or needs something they all know how to ask for it...they don't need advertising scum05:54
lagunaloireadvertising scum and harassing debt collectors are the bane of society...the bottom dwellers...and the world would be better off without them05:58
Lvl4SwordReasking my question:  I'm noticing that the PHYS from .. udevadm monitor --udev --property .. for devices that have an .. ID_BUS=bluetooth .. is different than what is shown in .. Settings > Bluetooth .. Am I doing something wrong here? I'm on Ubuntu 22.04, and this specific instance is for a pair of headphones. But I'm not sure if that helps.06:00
lagunaloireLv14Sword i have no idea at all...i don't use that blutooth garbage and have not for many years...connectors are much easier and faster06:01
Lvl4Swordlagunaloire, Harder to do so for a pair of wireless headphones ;-)06:01
lagunaloireLv14Sword don't buy that kind of blutooth crap to begin with06:02
lagunaloireeven usb3 ports are faster than any of that06:03
lagunaloireLv14Sword...blutooth just tried to ride on the coattails of wifi to try to make a useless market for nothing06:05
lagunaloireLv14Sword and even wifi isn't used that much06:05
Lvl4SwordWell, seeing as I'm using wireless headphones on a laptop. That's probably not the case.06:06
lagunaloireLv14Sword i still connect the xbox360 to a router with an ethernet cable06:06
lagunaloireLv14Sword even wifi is not used very much06:06
lagunaloireLv14Sword and nobody needs to support a freerider on wifi's back like blutooth06:07
Lvl4SwordI'm just trying to figure out my issue.06:07
lagunaloirefreeriders, debt collectors, and advertisers are the bane of society06:08
ravagelagunaloire: if you want to discuss bluetooth feel free to discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic . This is channel if for support questions06:08
ravageLvl4Sword: so you want to report a display bug or what is your actual problem you want to solve?06:09
lagunaloireravage no i don't even want to bother talking about blutooth...it is not even worth mentioning06:09
ravagelagunaloire: then please dont06:09
Lvl4Swordravage, So.. running .. udevadm monitor --udev --property .. and then connecting a pair of headphones, gives a different MAC address under "PHYS"06:10
Lvl4SwordWhich is strange, since the actual MAC shows up under Settings > Bluetooth, and clicking on the device06:10
ravageok. and you cant connect your headphones via the GUI?06:11
Lvl4SwordI can connect just fine. I'm just designing something that uses udevadm and I was hoping I could pull the MAC from there.06:11
Lvl4SwordThough unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case, and I'd like to know why. Is there a privacy setting or something here that needs enabled?06:12
Lvl4Swordudevadm info --attribute-walk --path .. on the device gives the wrong ATTRS{phys} as well06:18
lagunaloireLv14Sword welcome to linux and the never ending need for future versions of all kinds of stuff06:19
ravageLvl4Sword: maybe https://novelbits.io/bluetooth-address-privacy-ble/06:21
lagunaloireLv14Sword it is what keeps the distros in business every year06:22
ravage!ot | Lvl4Sword06:22
ubottuLvl4Sword: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:22
Lvl4Swordravage, ?06:22
ravageLvl4Sword: and its the same here. looks like a virtual mac. i just never cared06:23
ravageLvl4Sword: not you sorry06:25
Lvl4Swordravage, I figure that ot was meant for someone else. Seems like trusting the device doesn't do anything06:25
Lvl4SwordNo problem :-)06:25
ravage"journalctl -u bluetooth -n 200" only mentions the original MAC once06:26
Lvl4Swordravage, Not for me. journalctl -u bluetooth -n 200 has it.. everywhere. Just seems like udevadm doesn't pick up on it06:27
ravageok. i dont think i can help you with further. maybe someone else can06:28
Lvl4SwordI appreciate the assistance regardless. It's definitely weird..06:28
lagunaloireLv14Sword like i said...welcome to linux where there is always something to work on ...it is what keeps the distros in business for more than 25 years of change06:30
lagunaloireand the changes are sometimes drastic...you can't even find a 32 bit browser for xp that can see all the new web sites06:34
ravage!ot | lagunaloire06:35
ubottulagunaloire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:35
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bodicceaI have a keyboard for which I am 99% sure there is a working available driver (module) for it. However this driver does not know (yet) the product ID of my keyboard. How could I force this module to load and manage my keyboard ? Maybe some udev rule ?09:15
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lotuspsychjebodiccea: when a device doesnt get recognized by default, i would advice to file a new !bug09:29
lotuspsychjebodiccea: maybe pastebin the output first of; journalctl -f and plugin your device, the volunteers can take a look for you09:30
bodiccealotuspsychje, I would simply would like to test it first, to verify the existing driver works (the module already has many aliases, for similar keyboards, my variant product ID is simply not yet known). If not easy, I will recompile the module (I have the kernel source tree)09:32
crax23the vendor/device IDs, probably your model as a slightly different device ID number, so it's not recognised.09:37
bodicceacrax23, I know that, this is why I would like to load the module with my productID (1b49). There is a module for this exact keyboard (Corsair K70) but a different finition.09:45
bodiccealotuspsychje, http://ix.io/4gDr/text09:46
lotuspsychjebodiccea: your keyboard seems to get recognized, but you get a mtp-probe[133955]: bus: 5, device: 5 was not an MTP device09:52
lotuspsychjebodiccea: i found a few older bugs on corsair, but with older kernels and fix released, i would go for a new bug09:53
bodiccealotuspsychje, I will test myself first, and send a patch if it works.10:04
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ravageis anyone aware of recent kernel changes for USB audio devices? my audio is distorded since my last reboot of Ubuntu 22.04 and i get this kernel output which looks related: https://dpaste.com/8SDFAXPYL10:51
ravageand it seems specific to my logitech headset. my sennheiser USB headset works just fine10:53
lotuspsychjeravage: did you check dpkg logs what recently installed?10:56
ravageno package should really change the kernel messages or am i mistaken here?10:57
ravage(except the kernel package itself of course)10:57
ravageif im lucky it was the last kernel update. let me boot the previous one10:58
lotuspsychjeravage: kk, im browsing recent bugs meanwhile10:58
lotuspsychjeravage: cant find much recent bugs on sound right away11:05
lotuspsychjemaybe see also if dpkg logs hold pulseaudio/pipewire updates?11:06
ravageChecking the logs now11:06
lotuspsychjeravage: Warning! Unlikely big volume range also beams me to a lot of old bugs, weird11:07
ravagecant find anything really11:10
ravagebut the older kernels have the same problem11:10
ravagelet me try it on another device11:10
ravagesame problem11:13
ravagebut also same up to date kernel11:13
ravagewill boot a livecd11:13
ravagemaybe the device is just broken11:20
ravagei get the same strange sound11:20
ravagewill investigate further :)11:21
lotuspsychjeravage: just weird, it happened just after a reboot right?11:32
ravagethats what i think. but it does not work on any ubuntu i tried. will also check windows later11:33
ravageit may really just be the headset11:34
lotuspsychjeis it a BT ravage ?11:34
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BluesKajHi all13:09
SteelRosehi BluesKaj13:47
BluesKajhey SteelRose13:48
pickanickUbuntu 22.04 : why would dmesg have lines like "xfs filesystem being remounted at /run/systemd/unit-root/var/tmp supports timestamps until 2038 (0x7fffffff)" / "xfs filesystem being remounted at /run/systemd/unit-root/etc supports timestamps until 2038 (0x7fffffff)"13:52
pickanickAh I found https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/21010   Some consider these repeated reports a feature, not a bug.14:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 21010 in systemd/systemd "Systemd frequently remounts filesystem for some reason (???)" [Closed]14:01
Mibixhmm is there a way to copy the contents of a failing disk with ddrescue without creating an image or wiping the whole new drive?14:58
lotuspsychjeMibix: you can rescue data with photorec to another media if you like14:58
Mibixahh photorec doesnt preserve the names so not really useful15:05
hiyaHow do you optimize your laptop for longest Netflix or Youtube play time?15:42
hiyaI see that even with power saver profile in Gnome, it uses 1% / 1 or 2 mins15:43
hiyawhich makes it 100m of playtime only15:43
lotuspsychjehiya: laptop-mode-tools is a popular package users like15:44
hiyalotuspsychje: what does it do?15:44
silverTurning down the brightness and the video bitrate will help a lot.15:45
lotuspsychje!info laptop-mode-tools15:45
ubottulaptop-mode-tools (1.74-1.1, kinetic): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Built by laptop-mode-tools. Size 87 kB / 408 kB15:45
hiyaAre the default settings good enough?15:46
jhutchinshiya: Good enough for whom?  It's up to you.15:46
hiyajhutchins: to improve video playback time15:46
jhutchinshiya: There are various ways to extend the power.  Larger battery packs are sometimes available, and there are ways to provide external power sources.15:47
jhutchinshiya: A lot depends on what laptop you have, they're all different.15:47
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hiyaCurrently on my T16 gen1 AMD 6850U laptop, it is dropping like 1%/60 secs15:48
jhutchinsPortable video players have a longer play time because that's the only thing they do.15:48
hiyaor 75 secs of Youtube / Netflix15:48
jhutchinshiya: So that's an Asus T16?15:48
hiyajhutchins: thinkpad15:49
jhutchinsThere we go.  Thinkpads often have extended batteries available.15:49
jhutchinshiya: I don't see any AMD options, if you have the hybrid Nvidi/Intel graphics you can switch to the Intel for power saving.15:52
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hiyajhutchins: but it is dropping like 1% on 86wh batery per 60-75secs15:53
hiyaI think it is bad optimization15:53
jhutchins52Wh or a 62 Wh battery available.15:53
jhutchinsLooks like those are your only opetios, dual graphics are probably not available on the AMD version.  None of them have good video life.  It's just how they made them back then.16:00
hiyajhutchins: it is a brand new laptop16:06
howudodatquick question on printers.  22.04 gnome desktop.  if I go to settings printers, my printer is there.  if I click on additional printer settings, there is no printer.  I can print from Libreoffice, but not pdf viewer or chrome https://pasteboard.co/kHXzgIoIyPY6.png16:15
ravagehowudodat: if i remember correctly then chrome has an option to open the system's print dialog?16:19
ravagectrl-shift-p on the print dialog of chrome16:20
howudodatravage: yes that's true, but I dont think the problem is in chrome.  evince doesn't see it either.  thunderbird sees the printer, text edit doesn't16:21
howudodatit's like there's two different printing subsystems16:21
howudodatgnome-control-center printers sees printer but system-config-printer doesn't16:22
ravageyou can try to add it to
howudodatwell, I can see part of the problem, printer drivers database is empty16:35
alkisg1It's always these "quick questions" that need hours to solve... :D16:53
jhutchinshowudodat: Did you configure the printer manually, or did it get added automatically?16:58
jhutchinsEr, boeing, and in a different channel.17:00
marcopolo1is apt-get the same as apt-install17:34
bG9sI'm thinking yes but `apt install`17:35
marcopolo1whats the difference17:36
bG9sapt-get is legacy17:37
jhutchinsmarcopolo1: apt and apt-get are different tools that do the same basic job but differently.  They use the same resources and the same local databases.17:37
jhutchinsmarcopolo1: The main difference is that they use different algorythms to determine package dependencies.17:37
jhutchinsapt is also not meant to be used in scripts, while apt is.17:38
bG9sno wait17:38
jhutchinsmarcopolo1: There is also aptitude, which is simalar, but also uses a different algorythm and has a text menu interface (as well as CLI).17:38
marcopolo1so if i want to get any program, should i do apt-get or apt install17:38
bG9sapt install17:38
jhutchinser, apt-get can be used in scripts.17:38
jhutchinsmarcopolo1: Yes.17:39
jhutchinsmarcopolo1: Either one.17:39
jhutchinsmarcopolo1: This is Linux, there are almost always at least three ways to do something.17:39
bG9syep, in linux you can build a house out of nails *or* bricks17:40
bG9sI apologize for side commentary and will refrain as much as possible17:41
jhutchinsbG9s: It's not like we're low on bandwidth.17:41
bG9sI've noticed some might have lower tolerance however17:42
jhutchinsmarcopolo1: I believe the chronology is that apt-get was the earlier tool, followed by aptitude, and more recently apt.17:42
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flylordanyone know how to apply a theme to terminal. getting strange lettring on listings18:16
jhutchinsflylord: Depends on what terminal emulator you're running, what your desktop is running, and what theme you're trying to apply.18:28
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bancroftI've made a deb file from a popular repo, is there a specific file in the deb that would reveal to me what git commit I used to build the deb file?19:02
jpmhI created a small c program, see https://termbin.com/7lry to understand setuid.  I changed the ownership to root:root and permissions to 4755 - on Raspian it creates the file in /tmp/ as expected, owned by the root.  On Ubuntu the l2ping fails and the file in /tmp is owned by me.  What am I missing19:12
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jpmhI probably should add that errno is set to 119:24
crax23It could be apparmor or another system thing like that.19:26
rfmjpmh, is the file system the binary is on mounted "nosuid"?19:26
crax23Raspbian is debian for raspberry, so...maybe looking at the differences with Ubuntu on the setuid/sudo side of things.19:26
crax23right what rfm said, also if the FS is VFAT or non linux or noexec could cause issue ofc.19:27
jpmhrfm: how do I verify that?19:37
rob0"mount", find your fs, see the flags (in parentheses at end of the line)19:38
jpmhroboand rfm suspect that this is the issue.  My home on Ubuntu is encrypted and does seem to be set that way19:39
ochi%join #raspberrypi19:40
marcopolo1what is it so if ubuntu has the choice between getting a apt and a snap it will install a snap19:48
jpmhrob0: rfm  I tried my program from a user that does not have an encrypted home.  It still failed.  Mount shows: https://termbin.com/tu2y- what am I missing now19:48
rob0You missed telling us which fs we should be looking at.19:50
rob0is it /tmp? That looks like it is on /19:54
jpmhrob0: I'm not sure that I know what you mean.  However, MY problem was that when I tested as a different user I had done an su to that user.  When I did it cleanly from a user with no encrypted home it worked19:55
jpmhso, TY to all that assisted me19:55
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dreamongood evening. is it still possible to send emails from a gmail account by linux console? I always get -> ssmtp: Authorization failed20:23
rob0you'd have to set up your null client (ssmtp is a "null client") to authenticate20:24
rob0I don't know if there are any special quirks to authentication at gmail20:25
dreamonas i found out. only 2 factor authentifcation is possible.. they removed unsecure mode.20:25
jhutchinsdreamon: Where did you find this?20:35
rob0I use thunderbird with a Google Workspace account, no 2FA.20:37
rob0but maybe it works because my browser is authenticated from the same address?20:38
rob0or maybe corporate accounts are different20:39
alkisg1dreamon: one method is app passwords, https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/18583321:05
alkisg1Ah you're already talking about this in #bash, never mind then21:06
kenperkinsHey, what's a good place to go to debug a bluetooth device that won't pair/connect, I assume that's not an ubuntu problem21:11
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dreamonalkisg1, Thank you. never used a handy pw before Im sure this drives me crazy.21:17
jonneHi, I have a recent Dell laptop running 20.04 with kernel 5.14.0-1054-oem with some additional oem packages with drivers for newer hardware. Is there a way to find out if the specific changes of this kernel and the additional driver packages have been merged into a more recent mainline kernel? Or does that in general not even happen?21:32
tomreynjonne: you could additionally install ubuntu's default kernel or a mainline test build, or both, and then switch between those during boot, and compare what's (not) working.21:45
jonnetomreyn: good idea, hadn't thought of that.21:48
arraybolt3gypsy: ?22:39
arraybolt3gypsy: If that was your password, probably time to change that password.22:39
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