[09:54] Hi together, [09:54] I am trying to configure networking with cloud-init on a CentOS cloud image. The cloud-init version is 22.1.6e18 [09:54] I enabled networking in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg with: [09:56] networking: [09:56]   renderes: ['network-manager'] [09:56]   activators:['network-manager'] [09:56] When looking through the logs I get this error: [09:56] ValueError: Unknown renderers provided in priority list: ['network-manager'] [09:56] Does anybody know how to solve it? [10:09] testuser12345678: Hello. Native support for the network_manager renderer was added in 22.3 in https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/commit/feda344e6cf9d37b09bc13cf333a717d1654c26c [10:09] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Commit feda344 in canonical/cloud-init "Add native NetworkManager support (#1224)" [10:19] testuser12345678: before that version, the sysconfig renderer was used to render NetworkManager configs on RHEL distros: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/22.1_a/topics/network-config.html#network-configuration-outputs [10:23] aciba: the user is already gone. patience is a virtue [10:28] waldi: thanks. Yeah, I saw it. But I had already looked for the answer, so I wanted to write it here. Just in case the user knows we have an archive of irc logs: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2022/11/24/%23cloud-init.html === jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh [12:05] hi! are there examples of using cloud init in "live systems"? our machines do not have any disks [14:30] kilian: do you mean your using a run-from-ram OS or that OS storage is not local (e.g. NFS or iSCSI mounted)? [15:28] minimal: I mean run-from-ram OS [15:30] while OS is booted with PXE [15:32] kilian: so in other words you want cloud-init to its first-boot stuff EVERY boot as every boot is 1st (state is lost between reboots)? [15:34] so, like any use of cloud-init you need to decide how cloud-init is going to get its configuration and via which DataSource, e.g. NoCloud using a provided ISO/disk? NoCloud via HTTP download of cloud-init YAML files? [15:34] yes. currently we have our own toolchain to generate custom images (e.g. install packages, ssh keys, networking, big initramfs/squashfs) a possibly simpler solution would be to do all this work with cloud init [15:34] and thereby get rid of custom images [15:37] kilian: ^^^ [15:52] minimal: the http download would be feasible in our use case i believe. [16:00] kilian: so have a look at the cloud-init docs for NoCloud, specifically using either by passing "ds=nocloud-net;s=" on cmdline (i.e. via bootloader), or via adding "seedfrom: " to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg file [16:01] one issue/thing to point out, this will not fetch network-config, only user-data, meta-data, and vendor-data [16:01] however as a workaround you can embed network config in meta-data content [16:12] thanks minimal [16:12] is there an example of disksetup for the in-memory filesystem? [16:12] i am not quite sure if that's even possible [16:12] likely i just need to give it a try [16:17] kilian: oh, you can put files inside /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ as well, but then you'd be hardcoding things so they're not be unique between VMs [16:17] that's detailed in doc/examples/seed/README [17:49] thanks, i'll give it a shot in a cold dark winter night :-)