
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== gurupras- is now known as guruprasad
inucatExcuse me, I was guided to here for login failure. What should I do first, please?14:54
LocutusOfBorgbos02 is having some rest time, judging by the ppc64el workers that are currently cleaning14:58
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: I do wish you'd stop describing it sarcastically :(  it's being worked on15:06
cjwatsoninucat: Are you seeing an OOPS ID or something like that?15:06
LocutusOfBorgsorry cjwatson, wasn't meant to make you sad for sure15:07
inucatcjwatson: oh yes, like this: Error ID: OOPS-2fa83c101034492b04e88c67ab66a9ee15:08
inucatI created Ubuntu One account yesterday, and failed to login yesterday and today too...15:09
LocutusOfBorgand thanks for fixing15:09
cjwatsoninucat: You had a previous Launchpad account that you deactivated last year, which has confused things a bit.  Is it OK to merge your old account into the new one so that you gain access to it again?15:13
cjwatsoninucat: (or alternatively I can merge the new account into the old one, which would keep the account creation date ... but you might have to rename it from 'inucat-deactivatedaccount' back to 'inucat' if I do that)15:14
inucatcjwatson: ah I remember, but didn't realize that I newly created it with the same mail address.15:16
inucatcjwatson: Then, please merge it, I don't mind renaming later.15:16
inucatI am sorry that I am new to this and have missed office hours. I will be careful from now on.15:21
cjwatsoninucat: Not a problem.  Try now?15:56
inucatcjwatson: I can log in successfully to my account now. There seems no problem!16:00
inucatThank you for your support!16:01
cjwatsoninucat: no problem, sorry for the delay there16:06
cjwatsoninucat: do you need any help with renaming?16:27
inucatcjwatson: no, thank you. I changed my account name on my own, everything is going well so far :)16:32

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