
arraybolt3[m]Successful installation of Lunar using the new packaging. Will upload to my own branch and submit an MR in Gitea and an MP in Launchpad soon.00:01
arraybolt3[m](I don't quite trust my own experience yet and so don't want to indiscriminately upload this large of changes right into the main branch.)00:03
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: MR would be redundant :) Launchpad alone will be fine 00:04
arraybolt3[m]Ah, OK.00:04
kc2bez[m]I couldn't type that fast enough on my phone 00:04
kc2bez[m]Gitea is mirrored from LP00:04
tsimonq2kc2bez[m]: Try talk to Texans XD00:05
kc2bez[m]My wife had the TV going ;) 00:05
kc2bez[m]It might have been interesting 00:05
arraybolt3[m]"MR would hey pizza's redundant here :) Launchpad nice let's alone will eat be fine"00:06
kc2bez[m]Something like that 😂00:07
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: https://code.launchpad.net/~arraybolt3/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu/+merge/43355400:18
tsimonq2Dan Simmons: Want the opportunity to review some of Aaron's work before I jump in? ^^^00:44
kc2bez[m]Sure, I will give it a look.00:45
* kc2bez[m] cracks knuckles and loads the diff00:45
kc2bez[m]That looks nice. Thanks arraybolt3 00:53
arraybolt3[m]Thank you!00:56
tsimonq2One small thing, if I was being picky I'd ask you to fix the changelog inconsistencies between the last Kinetic entry and when I reverted the contents of a changelog 02:20
tsimonq2And a bit of ancient history, dak (the Launchpad of Debian WRT archive tooling) breaks when editing past changelog entries, last I checked 02:21
arraybolt3[m]<tsimonq2> "And a bit of ancient history..." <- Oh crud, so removing trailing whitespace actually breaks stuff?03:22
arraybolt3[m]<tsimonq2> "One small thing, if I was..." <- Like recreate the old changelog entry?03:23
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "Oh crud, so removing trailing..." <- In Debian, yeah. I'd confirm in #debian-devel :P03:53
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "Like recreate the old changelog..." <- Ensure that the entry in Git matches what is in the archive exactly, that's what I'm saying :)03:54
arraybolt3[m]tsimonq2: Something still isn't clicking here - what's the thing in the archive that the Git commit message has to match?03:55
tsimonq2For the last upload to Kinetic 03:55
arraybolt3[m]Or is it the Git commit message at all? I'm missing something...03:55
arraybolt3[m]I *think* I might get it. There used to be a changelog message in the last upload of Kinetic that was clobbered by the next upload to lunar. Am I supposed to put that changelog message back so that lunar is based on kinetic properly? Like basically if someone was on the Kinetic branch and tried to "git merge" the Lunar branch into Kinetic, it should just work?03:57
arraybolt3[m](Not that anyone would do that, but that would be an indicator of "I did it right".)03:57
tsimonq2https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/1:22.10.12 vs https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/1:22.10.1203:58
tsimonq2Those changelog stanzas should match :)03:58
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Yeah, same page I think 03:58
arraybolt3[m]I'm fairly certain you meant to put two different links.03:58
arraybolt3[m]Those are the same link.03:58
tsimonq2My bad, heh03:59
arraybolt3[m]OH I get it. OK, that's easy to fix.03:59
arraybolt3[m]Is force-pushing acceptable here, or should I just fix the problem with another commit even though that's out of order?03:59
arraybolt3[m](As in the commits will be out-of-order from the order the changelog was built in.)04:00
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: It's your MP, I would say it's okay to force push to rewrite the new commits you created :)04:00
tsimonq2When it comes to the actual repo... case-by-case04:00
arraybolt3[m]I think I'll just add another commit on top, since I don't think I even can make an MP that does the equivalent of a force-push into the main repo to modify your original commit.04:01
arraybolt3[m](And I can see why no one would implement that feature - it could go way too wrong if someone wasn't paying attention.)04:01
tsimonq2Well, you can't modify tags or refs from an MP 04:02
tsimonq2I think I misunderstood your question - no to modifying the original commit, yes to modifying a commit that exists within your MP :)04:05
arraybolt3[m]👍️ Alright, I can do that.04:05
tsimonq2My bad, it's been quite a day :P04:05
arraybolt3[m]No problem, I totally get that.04:05
tsimonq2Also, fun fact for you, arraybolt3@lubuntu.me is also handled by IS and should also be working ;)04:06
arraybolt3[m](Also, I noticed you had some not-too-great feelings towards WordPress on the main Lubuntu site. I'm thinking... the main site is a static site or could easily be one, right? I had an idea of writing a static-site-only webserver that would be really lightweight and that might work for something like that.)04:06
tsimonq2I personally prefer my ubuntu.com email address, but figured I'd point it out04:06
arraybolt3[m]tsimonq2: Been using it to send some emails, and also have it set as my main contact email on my GitHub :)04:06
arraybolt3[m]Generally I use whichever one looks best for what I'm doing - ubuntu.com for Ubuntu stuff, gmail.com for personal stuff, lubuntu.me for specifically Lubuntu stuff.04:07
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Respectfully, I think you're on the wrong track :) a static site would be great, there are already generators out there like Hugo and Nikola (fair disclaimer: used at $dayjob), and nginx is as "state of the art" as it gets... and guess who maintains nginx in Ubuntu (or at least did at some point)... Thomas :P04:09
arraybolt3[m]Yeah but I'm thinking nginx/Apache/Cherokee/whatever is way too overkill for a lot of stuff. But then again I've never benchmarked any of it for static sites so I could be wrong about being able to make something more high-performance.04:10
arraybolt3[m]I figure something that just tosses HTML pages and ISO files at the user could be made with a whole lot less overhead if it was entirely geared toward only doing just that. But then again I've never seen anything that does just that, and that might be because it's useless and the more powerful servers do just fine for that too, without too much overhead.04:12
tsimonq2Well, it all depends on your configuration :) I defer to teward04:13
arraybolt3[m]:P right?04:18
arraybolt3[m]Anyway, nevermind.04:22
tsimonq2No worries :)04:22
tewardi still technically maintain ubuntu nginx04:25
teward... with Debian oversight powers now as comaintainer there with a few others04:25
tewardcombine the static site with a CDN and it solves a lot of the headaches04:26
tewardnginx as the endpoint server is pretty top of the line so04:26
tewardesp. for static contebt04:27
tewardANYWAYS sleep is required good night04:27
arraybolt3[m]Alright, I have fixed the changelog message and added a Git commit.05:06
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Updated from repo and working. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <arraybolt3[m]> @Roberalz: According to the bug report, yes. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxqt-runner/+bug/1997584)14:30
-ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1997584 in lxqt-runner (Ubuntu) "Several apps do not run when selected from menus" [Undecided, Confirmed]14:30
kc2bez[m]Yes, it looks like things have migrated through. The next daily should have the new packages I think.14:32
Roberalz[m]Several packages that were missing from lxqt have been updated.14:32
kc2bez[m]the autopkgtests were holding them up.14:33
Roberalz[m]kc2bez[m]: Thanks kc2bez[m]14:34
kc2bez[m]Of course.14:34
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Testing today's Lubuntu Lunar - the missing packages now in place..i.e Vim,Qterminal etc all ok.. also noticed the Xscreensaver issue appears to be solved as well..17:34
Roberalz[m]Good news! Thanks leokolb17:45
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Ran one further test and Xscreensaver failed to open from menu ..18:45
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I think I know the issue with Xscreensaver. We need to update our config file.23:22

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