[00:12] Bug #1997599 opened: Losing LXD certificate [09:10] Bug #1822213 changed: Feature request: Access virsh an SSH key [09:10] Bug #1823372 changed: GUI should enable and encourage the use of ssh key(s) rather than password [09:22] Bug #1881922 changed: [feature] Allow API to use AND and OR boolean operators [09:31] Bug #1885347 changed: Allow for console access from MAAS [09:34] Bug #1886045 changed: Error message mentions Pods when trying to release a machine [09:37] Bug #1885347 opened: Allow for console access from MAAS [09:37] Bug #1886045 opened: Error message mentions Pods when trying to release a machine [09:43] Bug # changed: 1885347, 1886045, 1886091, 1887379 [09:46] Bug # opened: 1885347, 1886045, 1886091, 1887379 [09:49] Bug # changed: 1885347, 1886045, 1886091, 1887379, 1887667 [09:52] Bug # opened: 1885347, 1886045, 1886091, 1887379, 1887667 [09:55] Bug # changed: 1885347, 1886045, 1886091, 1887379, 1887667, 1887951 === mup_ is now known as mup