
-GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/wlcs]** bors[bot] merged [pull request #252](https://github.com/MirServer/wlcs/pull/252): spread: use spread-mir-ci00:04
-GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/wlcs]** bors[bot] edited [pull request #246](https://github.com/MirServer/wlcs/pull/246): ci: refresh Ubuntu00:04
-GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/wlcs]** bors[bot] merged [pull request #246](https://github.com/MirServer/wlcs/pull/246): ci: refresh Ubuntu00:14
SaviqMoan o/08:08
alan_g[m]Good morning o/08:38
alan_g[m]Saviq you probably already know of this, but it just got mentioned on Snapcrafters (telegram), and you're planning to look at something similar so I'm passing it on:16:31
SaviqAnd night o/17:15

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