
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:09
ricotzoSoMoN, hello07:09
oSoMoNhey ricotz 07:10
oSoMoNricotz, Simon said on Tuesday that he was working on the rustc/cargo update07:11
ricotzoSoMoN, great, thanks07:12
ricotzharfbuzz requires a chafa/i386 build - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/harfbuzz/5.2.0-207:13
lissyxoSoMoN, I tried to have a look at how  to make a llvm release07:49
lissyxand well ...07:49
lissyxogra, https://docs.docker.com/network/iptables/#docker-on-a-router08:01
lissyxso I guess it's all known08:01
lissyxmight be good to have a note on that on the snapcraft lxd setup docs?$08:01
seb128goood morniong desktopers08:16
oSoMoNsalut seb128 08:42
seb128oSoMoN, lut! en forme ?08:42
oSoMoNbien, et toi?08:42
oSoMoNlissyx, how difficult is it to make a LLVM release?08:42
lissyxoSoMoN, just finding the steps took me 30mins, and then I am still unable to know where is the script they document08:43
lissyxoSoMoN, btw I was asked what are our options to access other browser profiles to fix https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=146709408:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1467094 in Firefox "Import from the Chromium Snap profile doesn't work" [S3, New]08:44
oSoMoNlissyx, I cannot think of an alternative to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1467094#c2208:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1467094 in Firefox "Import from the Chromium Snap profile doesn't work" [S3, New]08:45
seb128ça va bien :)08:46
lissyxoSoMoN, yeah but we would be in a bad position for discovering those08:46
lissyxoSoMoN, btw we might want to look deeper into the ctrl+s triggering too many portal windows09:20
lissyxit's the third dupe of it in a few days09:20
lissyxand it has the potential of killing machines because it sounds like a bad fork bomb :/09:20
lissyxok, now core20  and core22 are building fine, it's definitively bad interactions and/or missing iptables rules on lxd setup12:01
lissyxoSoMoN, has something changed recently? I can't run anymore nightly without wayland12:52
lissyxError: cannot open display: :012:53
oSoMoNlissyx, it could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/196511312:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 1965113 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Desktop snaps don't start at all in Xorg sessions if a Wayland session has been used" [Medium, Triaged]12:55
lissyxoSoMoN, thanks DISABLE_WAYLAND=1 did the trick13:04
lissyxoSoMoN, interesting, I can't reproduce the CTRL+S issue13:21
ograIIRC it happens rather random, not every time ... but if it happens it eats your system 13:22
* ogra saw it once and could also reproduce it back then13:23
lissyxogra, I was clearly reproducing easily last time13:28
ograwell, probably it fixed itself then 🙂13:28
lissyxogra, given we got multiple duplicates recently, I doubt13:37
lissyxbut I'm manually forcing disabling wayland, so who knows13:39
lissyxoSoMoN, could we rely on the launcher script for discovering path to existing profiles of other browsers, expose that to firefox (via env?) and from there we could show portal dialog13:44
lissyxogra, no repro before, did a rebuild where I picked the way we disable wayland on stable, and I got repro pretty easily13:48
lissyxspam of XDP: Handling SaveFile13:50
ograaha !13:59
lissyxbut as much as I  remmeber from my previous dive in that code,  we dont issue SaveFile directly14:00
lissyxit's done via gtk14:00
ograit honestly felt more like a portal or gtk bug to me when it happened ... 14:05
lissyxindeed,  but I need to find more hints14:07
lissyxso at least we can file correct upstream issue14:07
KGB-0gtk3 Simon McVittie 355650 * commented merge request !11 * https://deb.li/3zLbG14:13
lissyxogra, with those new versions of snapcraft and/or lxd, we still are not allowed to pass arbitrary env var from CLI to the snapcraft build itself?14:16
ogranot arbitrary ones, there are some SNAPCRAFT_* or CRFT_* ones it carries over indeed ... 14:17
lissyxcould I abuse some for tweaking the build process?14:19
ograhah, that has actually never struck my mind ! (and i'm usually the king of hacks)14:20
oSoMoNlissyx, the launcher script is also running confined, so it won't be allowed to discover other browsers' existing profiles, unless we request personal-files plugs for all known browser profiles paths14:22
lissyxyeah I was thinking about that possibility14:23
lissyxbut I dont think it would be accepted, would it?14:23
lissyxogra, like one of my problem is being able to build snap from current build tree and right now the simplest solution is ... push to my local m-c git repo, hack the snapcraft.yaml to git clone :p14:24
lissyxogra, oSoMoN bad news15:23
lissyxMOZ_LOG=Widget:5 + local patches, I can see firefox issues multiple nsIFilePicker::Open15:23
lissyxunfortunately, it's school pickup time, I'll resume after ;)15:24
oSoMoNso it's indeed a problem in firefox, not the portal15:26
lissyxseems like it could be keypress handling15:42
lissyxoSoMoN, because I also have a spam of https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/5a49163b7012ded5fa1c4da5aa4f8d3f7c85a5e7/widget/gtk/nsWindow.cpp#4911-491616:05
lissyxoSoMoN, would we have a way to probe, from the snap, what browsers are installed?16:10
lissyxI guess no16:10
oSoMoNno, that would defeat strict confinement16:11
lissyxI'd say it's the goal :p16:13
KGB-2gnome-initial-setup Jelmer Vernooij 355685 * commented merge request !13 * https://deb.li/kt6V17:23
KGB-0gnome-video-effects Janitor 355687 * commented merge request !1 * https://deb.li/3WeIg17:34
lissyxoSoMoN, even key_press_event_cb is spamming the log: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/5a49163b7012ded5fa1c4da5aa4f8d3f7c85a5e7/widget/gtk/nsWindow.cpp#822717:46
lissyxthat might still be outside of firefox17:46
=== nteodosi is now known as nteodosio
amurraylissyx: re personal-files for known browser profiles - this doesn't sound unreasonable on the surface so don't assume an automatic reject - I'd be more than happy to discuss this with you / oSoMoN over on forum.snapcraft.io23:38

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