[19:28] Has anyone experienced temporary lockups with GNOME and/or Evolution? [19:29] I just had everything but my mouse pointer lock up on me after restoring my Evolution window and trying to access the latest e-mail. [19:29] The strange thing is that everything unfroze after a couple of minutes. [19:29] There's nothing in the system logs that jump out at me. [19:30] I've had Evolution lock up briefly on me before, but this time it was the entire desktop. [19:34] Actually, on a second glance there may be something funny with GNOME in the log. A bunch of JS WARNING messages and other failed assertions. [19:37] WTF? syslog errors from thunderbird.desktop service. I don't use Thunderbird. [19:39] Also, there's no thunderbird.desktop service on my system. Closest thing is the thunderbird.desktop menu item under /usr/share/applications.