=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson [00:23] isn't there a hotkey to cycle between workspaces or go left/right between them? Can't find anything other than "jump to workspace X" or "jump to last/first" [00:24] ...in "Settings -> Keyboard-> View and customize shortcuts -> Navigation === jdmark_ is now known as jdmark [00:45] error while loading shared libraries: li bssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [00:46] why its show like this [00:46] error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [00:47] do you have installed libssl and libssl-dev packages? [00:50] yes i did [00:50] stil found this error [00:51] Is there anyway to enlarge the rename popup input text ? when you want to rename a file/folder, it shows up === Guest7574 is now known as oxox [01:41] no one had issues with "switch workspace" hotkeys? neither - or -- works. I'm afraid its some configuration artif [01:41] ...from previous version of ubuntu. [01:55] try to move your .config to .config_old then try the binding again - cause i'm not sure where in .config/ it is but look around here. Might be another .something/ tho. [01:56] logout / login after modifying the .config/ just to be sure. [02:36] does anyone here know how to fix torify command error? im getting "Unsupported syscall number 39" if i dont use "sudo torify ..." [02:43] Square: I actually found a use for an alternate workspace yesterday, and was almost surprized to find that I still had one configured. [02:45] !tor [02:45] Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en [02:46] realivanjx: hi [02:46] realivanjx: what are you doing with torify? it is a 'torify ssh'? [02:50] gry yes [02:51] realivanjx: what is the output of 'ls -lad ~/.ssh' and 'ls -la ~/.ssh' ? it will show permissions [02:52] gry drwx------ [02:53] realivanjx: thats on ~/.ssh; what about permissions on the files within it? [02:54] gry https://files.catbox.moe/kp9dxg.png [02:54] realivanjx: you may need to 'chmod 700 ~/.ssh/config' and then see whether torify starts to work [02:55] gry how abt the other files? [02:55] realivanjx: probably torify won't need to read them. let's see. [02:56] realivanjx: though, in the screenshot, the file names are not shown. this makes it harder to answer that. [02:57] it works! thx gry [02:57] realivanjx: awesome :-) === elastic_dog is now known as Guest2537 [05:53] what a day...i finally got some ubuntu gnome apps working on windows 10 with its linux subsystem...but it was a real pain and still i don't have sound working for rhythmbox [05:54] its been a real pain all the way to getting a gui app working and booting systemd [05:54] i think dual boot is far easieer [05:55] but anyway this is gtk hexchat running on windows10...just for something to do today [05:55] launched from a bash shell [05:56] i guess it will be easier if i could afford windows 11 but i cannot [05:58] i am not really sure why microsoft wants to build the linux subsystem for windows...because anything you can do on linux you can already do on windows...but anyway it is just to get it working [05:59] lagunaloire321 you may need to test an app for linux or something [05:59] probably so that newcomers who wants to use Linux stays on Windows to use it. [05:59] or you may just want to try out the terminal interface [05:59] lanre well if you are smart enough to build and test apps ..you are smart enough to dual boot so why bother with all that [06:00] They added Android app support on windows 11 too, but some ppl said it was not so good. [06:00] (re: anything you can do on linux you can already do on windows...) /me heavily disagrees with that statement [06:00] you need to get apps from the amazon web store [06:01] cartdrige...well i would not mind to get some of that working on windows 10...because the final fantasy game Dysidia for android would look much better on a windows large screen [06:01] you can bypass it with adb but still annoying asf [06:02] lanre...well i'd like to get Dysidia working on an android emulator for windows so it could use the larger laptop screen instead of that tiny phone stuff you cannot see [06:03] lanre it is such a waste to make games for crappy phone screens...but since they do ....it might be nice to emulate android on windows [06:03] !ot | lagunaloire321 [06:03] lagunaloire321: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [06:04] You can try with Lineage OS into a VM machine like Virtual Box for the android game lagunaloire321 if your PC can run it, but i don't know if the graphics will be very fonctional, i mean for 3D acceleration, but there is a third party Android emulator that would be better, i don't remember the name tho [06:06] arraybolt you have it all wrong...for the last 25 years linux has just tried to reinvent the microsoft wheel...it has never been creative on its own....anything you can do on linux was already done long ago on windows [06:08] cartdridge yes Dysidia and a few others are 3d heavyweights...so you need a decent android emulator [06:08] lagunaloire321: I have a lot to say about that... but this is the wrong room. Please take off-topic chat elsewhere. [06:09] arraybolt3 ok i will move to ubuntu-offtopic since i am trying to run ubuntu software on windows [06:10] arraynolt3 ok i changed to ubuntu-offtopic [07:56] Hi guys, I'm seeking opinions and advice on the best web dev frameworks, the only requirement I have is that security is a maximum priority, and that I want the front-end, user browser-facing code to work 100% without any Javascript, but JS can be on the backend. I'm contemplating Ruby on Rails or Django, I want to learn more about the advantages [07:56] of each, and alternative frameworks or software stacks. Thanks [08:25] Hi guys, can I harmlessly install (without breaking any software) the Hardened Kernel? $ sudo apt? -S linux-hardened [08:42] Can someone help me install Linux Kernel Hardened on my Lubuntu os? [08:44] Guest14: what is your problem with the installation? [08:46] idk how or if i should install it [08:46] will it break some random software on my os [08:46] or is it seemless and unnoticeable [09:08] hey guys [09:08] welcome === root is now known as Guest1596 [10:13] SEeking advice to install Hardened Linux Kernel, will it break any software, etc? [12:05] I've heard it's not recommended to use the non LTS releases, is that true? Will I have issues or more bugs with the non LTS releases than if I used an LTS release? [12:06] it will only be supported for 9 months and usually does not get fixes backported like an LTS does [12:07] non-LTS releases are also often used to introduce new technology planned for the nxt LTS ... that technology might not be 100 mature yet ... [12:08] beyond this they should not be ess stable than LTS releases [12:08] *less [12:08] The one, one thing I wish was in 22.04 LTS was the nautilus 43. You think I could compile nautilus on my own and replace the 42 version with that? [12:08] conncurt: we also often see users choose to be on latest releases for higher kernels or make their newer hardware work, so its up to your case/choice too [12:09] hi, I installed a nvme drive (via a pciexpress adapter) but my (old) motherboard cannot boot from nvme. So I installed ubuntu 22.04 on an usb stick, and also installed it on the nvme drive. How do I change the root partition to be mounted from the nvme drive? [12:10] I edited /etc/fstab and changed the UUID (to be of the nvme drive) and also run update-grub, but it still mounts root from the usb stick instead of nvme [12:11] conncurt: compile your own is not supported in this channel, we usualy advice to stick to package versions meant for your ubuntu release [12:12] I'll put thought into using either fedora (*tips*) or ubuntu. Thanks for the input. [12:12] conncurt: however you can try !backports !pinning or snaps [12:14] Is nautilus/gnome files even on snapcraft? The name files is too generic to search right now. Thanks gnome team. [12:35] Could someone help me diagnose a network connectivity problem? It was working fine and randomly stopped. My other devices connect fine. [12:36] !details | foofoobarbar to the channel [12:36] foofoobarbar to the channel: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [12:38] I have tried hardwired to the modem and wifi. When I try to browse to google.com, it either takes a very long time, or times out completely. All other devices load just fine. I am on Ubuntu 22.04. === wudu_ is now known as wudu [13:17] any idea about my problem ? [13:20] meandrain, there is some code that sets root=UUID=XXXXX on the kernel cmdline [13:24] Hi all [13:36] ogra: thanks for the hint, I will try that [13:55] Hello. What is the process to get a package backported to Ubuntu 22.04? I really would like to see GTK 4.10 get backported when it comes out this march. [14:00] Duck, unlikely that gtk is a good candidate for this (too many packages depending on it, way too high risk) but you can ask on he backports mailing list anyway https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-backports [14:01] What if I want to compile GTK2/3/4 myself? And rather than replace the gtk library, just have the linux applications use the local installed one instead? [14:03] you are late someone already did that. its called ctk [14:03] Duck, i persoally would package it as a snap then .. that allows you easily to replace such things [14:04] How would that work ogra? How would I make applications use a patched gtk2/3/4 as a snap? [14:05] Duck, right, you can build gtk as part of your snap and the app inside the snap will use it then .. [14:07] https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-your-first-snap#1-overview [14:27] Hi all; I've just set up a new Ubuntu 22.10 instance and I'm trying to set up SSH access - I have root access to the machine and I'm using PuttyGen from my Windows box to generate the keys [14:28] I've created the authorised_keys file and copied the public key into and verified that only my user has rw access to it [14:28] But when I try to connect via Putty, the server rejects the key [14:29] I'm not sure how to pin this one down [14:32] Please disregard; had to upgrade Putty === develope1 is now known as domhnall [14:49] does there exist an offline resource I can use to get the mapping between ubuntu version and the version code name (e.g., bionic, xenial, ...) ? [15:03] what are you trying to do exactly? [15:05] hi [15:14] bancroft: offline? Why not just make an offline copy of a web page that lists the names? [15:17] EriC^^: rob0 i'm writing code to define my infrastructure with pulumi and kubernetes, i'm trying to define the ubuntu version at the top level for docker images but certain packages text is problematic. They require the code names: `redis-server=6:7.0.5-1rl1~bionic1` or echo 'deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ bionic-pgdg main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list [15:18] If I could go the extra mile and say 22, it would be easier to test automated upgrades [15:19] before actually upgrading [15:22] if a mapping does not exist i'll just write one and maintain it manually === pong is now known as beaver === maledictium1 is now known as maledictium [16:20] bancroft, /etc/os-release has the mapping included ... i.e.: [16:20] grep -E "VERSION_CODENAME|VERSION_ID" /etc/os-release [16:21] will return both [16:21] (imdeed you'd need to d that inside a running instance) [16:21] *do [16:22] Hello. I'm on an SSH server that is shared amongst 5 other people. How do I check the user who opened a file from my home directory most recently? [16:22] Normally other users would not have access to your $HOME [16:23] I don't think there is a way to do that, unless maybe with apparmor or similar === diskin is now known as Guest6508 === diskin_ is now known as diskin [16:25] rob0 if someone with root access uses sshfs and views/opens a file, is it logged somewhere? === optikal_ is now known as optikal [16:29] I don't use sshfs, so don't know. I'd think with normal logging that would be highly unlikely, but maybe with some stage of verbose logging you could see as files were opened. [16:33] Is there some tool I could use for this verbose logging? [16:39] https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/configure-linux-auditing-auditd ApostleInTriumph auditd comes to mind. Mind you I haven't personally worked with it, but it does approximately what you want to do. Note that if more than one person has superuser access (and not just limited sudo access to certain commands), they can of course reconfigure auditd. [16:41] sonOfRa thank you! [16:44] ApostleInTriumph: actions carried out through sudo are logged by default. however, if that action is *becoming* root, then whatever is done as root is not logged. [16:45] by becoming do you mean `sudo su`? [16:45] ApostleInTriumph: so you'd need to prevent users from becoming root to prevent that from happening. which is not so easy if you also want to have them sudo access. [16:45] "sudo -i" or, yes, if you do it badly, "sudo su" [16:46] as pointed out previously, auditd is a method to log more and make any action auditable. it requires some configuration and has some overhead, though [16:47] you should restrict users to be only able to do what they should be able to do in the first place, though, [16:47] anything performed after becoming root is logged in `.bash_history` i see? [16:48] unless bash is not used and until the user chooses to not log it or to remove the log [16:48] how can a user choose to not log? [16:49] type a space before the command [16:49] bashrc lscolors are not applying. what is the best way to troubleshoot? [16:50] ah i see [16:51] fly_: Are you actually running bash? [16:51] tomreyn thanks for all this info! much appreciated [16:52] fly_: echo $SHELL [16:53] fly_: echo $LS_COLORS | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:53] tomreyn: What is the sequence that shell rc files are sourced in Ubuntu? [16:56] jhutchins: i don't think i can provide the definitive list OTOH [16:58] also it depends of a couple things, i think for example, .profile is "not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login exists" [16:59] and then things may be different if you login vs. just su [17:00] "~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc) for examples" [17:05] I am runing terminal and starting ubuntu [17:11] yes running bash it echos bach [17:13] fixed it by putting source at end of bash script. [17:13] alkisg1, Thank you! it worked (gmail - app-password) [17:13] dreamon: nice! (it worked for me too :)) === beaver is now known as green-lantern [17:16] fly_: Very good! [17:37] I bought a "not bad" laptop - it of course had "that other" OS on it. Have installed Ubuntu 22.04 - for some reason sounds is not working. Any guidance would be appreciated === s8n0 is now known as s8n [17:44] I'm trying to figure out how to prevent my monitor from going to sleep when locking the screen. Any ideas? === nteodosi is now known as nteodosio [18:02] HaroldH: examine which audio chipset you have, and try a newer kernel and maybe newer linux-firmware [18:02] !sound | HaroldH [18:02] HaroldH: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [18:02] tomreyn: as far as I am aware I have the newest kernel and the newest firmware [18:03] I did a MINIMAL install so I do not have a sound applet - how do I get that [18:03] HaroldH: that's both unlikely. you may have the latest linux-firmware and the latest kernel that's by default, available for your ubuntu release, [18:04] you did a minimal install of what exactly? [18:05] lsb_release -ds run in a terminal would help clarify that [18:05] tomreyn: following your advice I did install in the panel the sound control - and I do now have sounds - TY so much. As to minimal when I installed the installer asked me if I wanted to do a minimal and I said yes [18:06] i don't remember recommending to "install in the panel the sound control", but maybe that was another day. [18:06] tomreyn: right you did mot - but you said the applet [18:07] i don't see me saying this, but i'm glad it helped, that's good. ;) [18:07] are you running ubuntu or a different flavor? which ubuntu release? [18:08] Hello [18:08] Hello [18:08] Konnichiwa [18:10] what do you think about ubuntu [18:10] !discuss | LetsPlayNik [18:10] LetsPlayNik: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [18:15] ogra: thank you, that will work nicely [18:18] skybreez: this is correct ubuntu channel to ask general ubuntu-user questions! [18:22] Hi enyc please can you help me? I have to remove and insert my USB Bluetooth dongle several times to get it detected. [18:22] @enyc: [18:23] skybreez: ubuntu version? [18:23] enyc: 22.04 [18:27] hello, my upgrade to 18.04 does not start. [18:30] 2022-02-04 13:12:52,354 INFO Using config files '['./DistUpgrade.cfg.xenial', '/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d/ubuntu-advantage-upgrades.cfg']' [18:30] 2022-02-04 13:12:52,354 INFO uname information: 'Linux red-desktop 4.4.0-210-generic #242-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:57:56 UTC 2021 x86_64' [18:30] 2022-02-04 13:12:53,114 INFO apt version: '1.2.35' [18:30] 2022-02-04 13:12:53,114 INFO python version: '3.5.2 (default, Jan 26 2021, 13:30:48) [18:30] [GCC 5.4.0 20160609]' [18:30] 2022-02-04 13:12:53,123 INFO release-upgrader version '18.04.45' started [18:30] 2022-02-04 13:12:53,261 INFO locale: 'de_DE' 'UTF-8' [18:31] !paste | webchat76 [18:31] webchat76: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [18:31] webchat76: you can now talkagain, but please do not paste here directly, see ubottu's message [18:32] ok [18:33] note also that 16.04 has been without security updates and support for years, unless you have commercial support via ESM [18:34] ESM? [18:34] !esm | webchat76 [18:34] webchat76: Canonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly. === ghost is now known as god === god is now known as ghost [18:36] it seems to be better using a newer version [18:36] for sure [18:37] my problem is that upgrade doesnt work [18:37] do you want to post the logs to a pastebin then? [18:38] also make sure your system is fully updated [18:38] !uptodate [18:38] To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [18:38] i posted the main.log here:) [18:39] you were quieted while posting the log here. [18:40] (so only part of it was posted directly to the channel, the rest was dropped.) [18:44] !eol [18:44] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [18:44] webchat76, ^^^ [18:45] thx tomreyn and ubottu. also ogra:) [18:46] the eolupgrades guide may not apply, though, usually EOL LTS releases remain on the mirrors until ESM is over. [18:46] bye [18:46] so you're not going to upgrade? [18:48] i have 2 other running versions without any problems. only my 16.04 does not upgrade [18:50] well, you can reinstall there. or try to fix the issue. we, however, won't be able to help you fix it until you provide more information, such as, by posting the log to dpaste.com, and the url of that post here. [18:54] i will do so later and thx once more [18:55] you're welcome [19:45] register millsboro mearvk@mearvk.us === beaver is now known as Guest65464 === Vercas61 is now known as Vercas6 [21:18] has anyone else with a laptop have the Open source Nvidia drivers installed for 525.53 (latest) ?? [21:18] i have compiled them successfully [21:19] but do i need to prevent the intel i915 driver from loading in order to use them [21:21] N9NU you will need Secure Boot disabled in order to use compiled modules [21:22] yeah...that or sign them in UEFI yes ? [21:22] Easier to disable than to use MOK to sign modules [21:23] agreed there [21:24] however i have win 11 22h2 installed as wellon 2nd m2 drive. [21:24] i know i can use uefi to swao [21:24] p === Guest65464 is now known as bout-baby === kvn_ is now known as kvn === bout-baby is now known as pong === pong is now known as Guest_yahah