[12:23] After recent the Ubuntu Studio title at boot up has been replaced by a strange geometric pattern of some sort. Why is this? [12:24] *recent updates [12:37] I recently installed Ardour 7.1. Could that have caused it? [12:50] This occurs with US 22.04 [12:58] The pattern is three small circles on the left followed by a > to its right. [13:01] * chris_uk[m] uploaded an image: (17KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/enjdRCFcvJFqoeBmUbxAJyvr/Screenshot_20221124_125930_010047.png > [13:19] Google Lens seems to think it might be the KDE Plasma logo. [13:25] Why has the Plasma logo replaced the US logo at boot up? [13:47] After online research, I have sorted it via US splash screen options. Apologies for troubling you. Didn't realise it was so easy to fix!