[04:15] hello [10:44] hello I have a problem with BIOS after I installed 22.04 version - now I can boot from USB and Secure Bios is always on... how to fix it? [10:44] maybe you can help me, please [10:45] I am new kind of new in linux but I also wanted to install Windows 7 from USB [16:03] Ugh, I installed hostapd and don't know if this caused the issue, but now the [16:03] network-manager isn't present in my taskbar [16:03] what can I do to bring back network-manager [16:04] though the internet works still [16:04] and the vpn works too [16:05] rrr: When you go to settings -> session -> automatically started applications [16:05] do you find the network manager there? [16:06] uhh [16:07] yes, I found it [16:08] is it activated? [16:10] It is checked [16:10] and says it runs on login [16:12] rrr: If oyu open a terminal and enter `ps aux | grep nm`, do you see if nm-applet is running? [16:13] nm-applet is running [16:14] rrr: Maybe try killing it and running it again? `killall nm-applet; nm-applet` [16:44] gnrp, nm-applet did relaunch but did not show up in the taskbario [16:45] rrr: Do you actually have the system status tray extension in your taskbar? [16:48] hmm [16:49] right-click on the task bar, task bar settings -> objects [16:49] it seems to be grayed out [16:50] I suppose you already restarted the computer? [16:50] maybe try removing and adding it again [16:51] I would've tried that too, but it's not there to be removed. [16:51] what do you mean, it's not there to be removed? [16:52] it can only be once afaik. You have to remove the first one before adding another one [16:53] yah, buut the reason I am here is that it's not there. [16:54] okay it works now [16:54] well now I have two of something else somehow [16:55] weird. [16:55] yeah. I had trouble with this as well [16:55] I don't know what it was in the end. But somehow it vanished at some point and I didn't further think about it [17:05] oh shoot it disappeared again [17:06] hmm. [17:06] brb === tomg_ is now known as tomg